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The Trade Marks (Amendment) Act No. 5 of 1994

Date of Assent: 28th July, 1994 Date of Commencement: by Notice An Act of Parliament to amend the Trade Marks Act to provide for the registration of service marks and for matters connected therewith Enacted by the Parliament of Kenya as follows:— Short Title and Commencement 1. This Act may be cited as the Trade […]

IPO-Pakistan Organized a One-day Seminar on April 24, 2014 for World IP Day Celebrations

IPO-Pakistan Organized a One-day Seminar on April 24, 2014 for World IP Day Celebrations

Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan joined the international community in celebrating the World Intellectual Property Day on 26th April, 2014. The theme of the year 2014 for World IP Day was “Movies A Global Passion”. In connection with World Intellectual Property (IP) Day, IPO-Pakistan organized a national Seminar at Islamabad Club, Islamabad on 24th April, […]

Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan joined the international community in celebrating the World Intellectual Property Day on 26th April, 2014. The theme of the year 2014 for World IP Day was “Movies A Global Passion”. In connection with World Intellectual Property (IP) Day, IPO-Pakistan organized a national Seminar at Islamabad Club, Islamabad on 24th April, […]
Patents Act 2013 – Transitional Provisions – moving to the new law

Patents Act 2013 – Transitional Provisions – moving to the new law

Information on some of the Patents Act 2013 transitional provisions is now available for you to view. Moving from the old law will affect both new applications and some applications filed or patents granted under the 1953 Act. The transitional provisions clarify which law applies to your applications or granted patents. This article covers the […]

Information on some of the Patents Act 2013 transitional provisions is now available for you to view. Moving from the old law will affect both new applications and some applications filed or patents granted under the 1953 Act. The transitional provisions clarify which law applies to your applications or granted patents. This article covers the […]
Italy extended the term of copyright for performing artists

Italy extended the term of copyright for performing artists

The Italian Legislative decree No 22 of 21 February 2014 that implements the European Union’s directive No. 2011/77 concerning the term of protection for copyrights and certain related rights came into force on 26 March 2014. The Italian copyright law extended the protection of the rights of performers and phonogram producers on music recordings within the […]

The Italian Legislative decree No 22 of 21 February 2014 that implements the European Union’s directive No. 2011/77 concerning the term of protection for copyrights and certain related rights came into force on 26 March 2014. The Italian copyright law extended the protection of the rights of performers and phonogram producers on music recordings within the […]
Italy extended the term of copyright for performing artists

Italy extended the term of copyright for performing artists

The Italian Legislative decree No 22 of 21 February 2014 that implements the European Union’s directive No. 2011/77 concerning the term of protection for copyrights and certain related rights came into force on 26 March 2014. The Italian copyright law extended the protection of the rights of performers and phonogram producers on music recordings within the […]

The Italian Legislative decree No 22 of 21 February 2014 that implements the European Union’s directive No. 2011/77 concerning the term of protection for copyrights and certain related rights came into force on 26 March 2014. The Italian copyright law extended the protection of the rights of performers and phonogram producers on music recordings within the […]
Italy extended the term of copyright for performing artists

Italy extended the term of copyright for performing artists

The Italian Legislative decree No 22 of 21 February 2014 that implements the European Union’s directive No. 2011/77 concerning the term of protection for copyrights and certain related rights came into force on 26 March 2014. The Italian copyright law extended the protection of the rights of performers and phonogram producers on music recordings within the […]

The Italian Legislative decree No 22 of 21 February 2014 that implements the European Union’s directive No. 2011/77 concerning the term of protection for copyrights and certain related rights came into force on 26 March 2014. The Italian copyright law extended the protection of the rights of performers and phonogram producers on music recordings within the […]
Madrid Protocol Concerning the International Registration of Marks

Madrid Protocol Concerning the International Registration of Marks

Change in the Amounts of the Individual Fee:  Norway 1. In accordance with Rule 35(2)(d) of the Common Regulations under the Madrid Agreement and Protocol, the Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has established the following new amounts, in Swiss francs, of the individual fee that is payable when Norway is designated […]

Change in the Amounts of the Individual Fee:  Norway 1. In accordance with Rule 35(2)(d) of the Common Regulations under the Madrid Agreement and Protocol, the Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has established the following new amounts, in Swiss francs, of the individual fee that is payable when Norway is designated […]
Kosovo has completed the legal infrastructure in the field of industrial property

Kosovo has completed the legal infrastructure in the field of industrial property

Prishtina, 12/11/2013 
Organized by the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, Customs National Council for Kosovo and Industrial Property, Tuesday in Pristina was held conferences
topic: “Intellectual Property Rights”.
 Participants at the conference stressed that intellectual property rights are very important for further development of the Kosovo economy, to promote innovation, […]

Kosova ka kompletuar infrastrukturën ligjore në fushën e pronësisë industriale

Kosova ka kompletuar infrastrukturën ligjore në fushën e pronësisë industriale

Prishtinë, 12.11.2013 Organizuar nga Ministria e Tregtisë dhe Industrisë, Ministria e Kulturës Rinisë dhe Sportit, Dogana e Kosovës dhe Këshilli Shtetëror për Pronësi Industriale, të martën në Prishtinë është mbajtur konferenca me temën: “Të Drejtat e Pronësisë Intelektuale”. Pjesëmarrësit në konferencë theksuan se të drejtat intelektuale janë shumë të rëndësishme për zhvillimin e mëtejmë të […]

Министерството за економија во годишната Програма за конкурентност, иновации и претприемништво за 2014

Министерството за економија во годишната Програма за конкурентност, иновации и претприемништво за 2014

Министерството за економија во годишната Програма за конкурентност, иновации и претприемништво за 2014 година (Сл. Весник на РМ бр. 7/2014) има предвидено соодветна мерка за поддршка за зголемување на конкурентноста на македонската индустрија, во чии рамки е и поддршката на патенти. За поддршка на патенти, преку Програмата се доделуваат средства на иноваторите за соодветни активности […]

Kosovo has completed the legal infrastructure in the field of industrial property

Kosovo has completed the legal infrastructure in the field of industrial property

Prishtina, 12/11/2013 
Organized by the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, Customs National Council for Kosovo and Industrial Property, Tuesday in Pristina was held conferences
topic: “Intellectual Property Rights”.
 Participants at the conference stressed that intellectual property rights are very important for further development of the Kosovo economy, to promote innovation, […]

Prishtina, 12/11/2013 
Organized by the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, Customs National Council for Kosovo and Industrial Property, Tuesday in Pristina was held conferences
topic: “Intellectual Property Rights”.
 Participants at the conference stressed that intellectual property rights are very important for further development of the Kosovo economy, to promote innovation, […]
CIOPORA Elects New Board: The election in The Hague shows high degree of unity among members

CIOPORA Elects New Board: The election in The Hague shows high degree of unity among members

TheHague:On April1 the CIOPORA Annual General Meeting elected the new CIOPORA Board and its President. As a result, two new Board member were elected, one Board member left the Board and Mr. Andrea Mansuino was re-elected as President of CIOPORA. Second term for the President and two new faces on the Board The election resulted […]

TheHague:On April1 the CIOPORA Annual General Meeting elected the new CIOPORA Board and its President. As a result, two new Board member were elected, one Board member left the Board and Mr. Andrea Mansuino was re-elected as President of CIOPORA. Second term for the President and two new faces on the Board The election resulted […]
CIOPORA Elects New Board: The election in The Hague shows high degree of unity among members

CIOPORA Elects New Board: The election in The Hague shows high degree of unity among members

TheHague:On April1 the CIOPORA Annual General Meeting elected the new CIOPORA Board and its President. As a result, two new Board member were elected, one Board member left the Board and Mr. Andrea Mansuino was re-elected as President of CIOPORA. Second term for the President and two new faces on the Board The election resulted […]

TheHague:On April1 the CIOPORA Annual General Meeting elected the new CIOPORA Board and its President. As a result, two new Board member were elected, one Board member left the Board and Mr. Andrea Mansuino was re-elected as President of CIOPORA. Second term for the President and two new faces on the Board The election resulted […]
CIOPORA Elects New Board: The election in The Hague shows high degree of unity among members

CIOPORA Elects New Board: The election in The Hague shows high degree of unity among members

TheHague:On April1 the CIOPORA Annual General Meeting elected the new CIOPORA Board and its President. As a result, two new Board member were elected, one Board member left the Board and Mr. Andrea Mansuino was re-elected as President of CIOPORA. Second term for the President and two new faces on the Board The election resulted […]

TheHague:On April1 the CIOPORA Annual General Meeting elected the new CIOPORA Board and its President. As a result, two new Board member were elected, one Board member left the Board and Mr. Andrea Mansuino was re-elected as President of CIOPORA. Second term for the President and two new faces on the Board The election resulted […]
IDN ccTLD Request from Macedonia Successfully Passes String Evaluation

IDN ccTLD Request from Macedonia Successfully Passes String Evaluation

LOS ANGELES – ICANN announced in a press release the successful completion of String Evaluation on proposed IDN ccTLD string for Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia. Details of the successful evaluation are provided here: http://www.icann.org/en/resources/idn/fast-track/string-evaluation-completion#m The IDN (Internationalized Domain Name) ccTLD Fast Track Process was approved by the ICANN Board at its annual […]

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