Utility model

Utility model called also small invention is one of the objects of industrial property.

To be protected utility model must be registered in the Patent Office.  Registration criteria are similar to those of the patent but they are less stringent.  The utility model have to be :

  • NewIt should not be part of the state of the art
  • Industrial applicableThe subject of utility model must be repeatedly produced and applied in any sector of industry and agriculture
  • Non-obvious – Unlike patents, it must not be obvious for a person with ordinary knowledge


The term of use ranges from 6 to 15 years depending on the country in which it is registered.


The creator of the utility model is called an inventor.

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Utility model called also small invention is one of the objects of industrial property. To be protected utility model must be registered in the Patent Office.  Registration criteria are similar to those of the patent but they are less stringent.  The utility model have to be : New It should not be part of the state of the art. Industrial applicable The subject of utility model must be repeatedly produced and applied in any sector of industry and agriculture. Non-obvious – Unlike patents, it must not be obvious for a person with ordinary knowledge. The term of use ranges from 6 to 15 years depending on the country in which it is registered. The creator of the utility model is called an inventor. Utility model called also small invention is one of the objects of industrial property. To be protected utility model must be registered in the Patent Office.  Registration criteria are similar to those of the patent but they are less stringent.  The utility model have to be : New It should not be part of the state of the art. Industrial applicable The subject of utility model must be repeatedly produced and applied in any sector of industry and agriculture. Non-obvious – Unlike patents, it must not be obvious for a person with ordinary knowledge. The term of use ranges from 6 to 15 years depending on the country in which it is registered. The creator of the utility model is called an inventor.

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