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Georgia Legislation

Law of Georgia for the Protection of New Breeds of Animals and Varieties of Plants 2010

Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 1. This Law regulates relations linked with the legal protection and use of new breeds of animals and varieties of plants and applies to all new genera and species of household animals and plants. 2. Use of methods of genetic engineering is prohibited in breeding animal husbandry and plant propagation material. […]

Law of Georgia on Copyright and Neighboring Rights 2010

CHAPTER I – GENERAL PROVISIONS ARTICLE 1: THE OBJECT OF THE LAW (03.06.2005 #1585) This Law shall govern: a. the relations associated with the economic and moral rights of authors that arise upon creation and use of scientific, literary and artistic works (copyright); b. the relations associated with the copyright related rights of performers, producers […]

Law of Georgia on Design 2010

Chapter I General Provisions Article 1. Scope of Regulation 1. According to the Constitution of Georgia this Law recognizes the inviolability of property right of intellectual property object – design; it regulates relations concerned with creation, registration, use, legal protection of a design and enforcement of the deriving rights. 2. Application of this Law extends […]

Law on Border Measures Related to Intellectual Property 2012

CHAPTER I. GENERAL PROVISIONS ARTICLE 1. OBJECTIVES OF THE LAW The Law establishes the rule of applying the special border measures at the time of importation to the economic territory of Georgia, at putting for storage at a warehouse/terminal/other place for storage or exportation from Georgia of the goods produced by infringement of copyright or […]

Law on Patents 2010

CHAPTER I GENERAL PROVISIONS ARTICLE 1. Scope of Regulation (4.05.2010. N3031 shall enter into force after a month from its publication, (24.05.2010 N27)) This law regulates relations in connection with the creation, use and legal protection of inventions and utility models. ARTICLE 2. Use of Terms (4.05.2010. N3031 shall enter into force after a month […]

Law on Permission for Distribution of Agricultural Crop Varieties, Seeds and Planting Materials 1999

The Law regulates the relations arising at permission for distribution of agricultural crop varieties, including hybrid varieties; and the production and introduction of good quality seed and planting material into economic circulation. Chapter I General Provisions Scope of the Law 1. This law is applicable to all sowing and planting materials of crop varieties, national […]

Law on Protection of Selected Achievements 1996

Chapter I General Provisions Basic Concepts 1. Definition of the concepts used in the Law: “the selected achievement” – a variety of plants or a breed of animal representing the result of the purposeful economic activity of a person; “a variety of plant” – a group of plants which is defined, regardless of the protective […]

Law on Topographies of Integrated Circuits 1999

Purpose of the Law 1. This Law regulates property and personal non-property relations arising in connection with the registration, exploitation and legal protection of the intellectual property object – topography of integrated circuit. Definitions Used in the Law 2. For the purposes of this Law, unless expressly stated otherwise: (a) integrated circuit (hereinafter – IC) […]

Trademark Law of Georgia 2010

Article 1. AIM OF THE LAW The Law regulates relations arising in connection with the registration and protection of trademarks, service marks and collective marks and the use of such marks. Article 2. DEFINITION OF TERMS USED IN THE LAW The terms used in the law have the following meaning: (a) National Intellectual Property Center […]

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