
Pakistan remains on the Priority Watch List in 2014

Pakistan remains on the Priority Watch List in 2014

The Special 301 Report for 2014 reveals the challenges (for example book and optical disc counterfeiting and piracy) that Pakistan has to overcome in its way for IP protection improvement. The review regarding Pakistan defines the improvement made for the moment as “not significant”. Therefore, these are some of the recommendations for Pakistan, issued in […]

The Special 301 Report for 2014 reveals the challenges (for example book and optical disc counterfeiting and piracy) that Pakistan has to overcome in its way for IP protection improvement. The review regarding Pakistan defines the improvement made for the moment as “not significant”. Therefore, these are some of the recommendations for Pakistan, issued in […]
IPO-Pakistan Organized a One-day Seminar on April 24, 2014 for World IP Day Celebrations

IPO-Pakistan Organized a One-day Seminar on April 24, 2014 for World IP Day Celebrations

Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan joined the international community in celebrating the World Intellectual Property Day on 26th April, 2014. The theme of the year 2014 for World IP Day was “Movies A Global Passion”. In connection with World Intellectual Property (IP) Day, IPO-Pakistan organized a national Seminar at Islamabad Club, Islamabad on 24th April, […]

Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan joined the international community in celebrating the World Intellectual Property Day on 26th April, 2014. The theme of the year 2014 for World IP Day was “Movies A Global Passion”. In connection with World Intellectual Property (IP) Day, IPO-Pakistan organized a national Seminar at Islamabad Club, Islamabad on 24th April, […]
Why a Trademark Search should conduct in Pakistan Before Filing

Why a Trademark Search should conduct in Pakistan Before Filing

Before filing your trademark in Pakistan it is important that you evaluate possible obstacles that may arise during registration process. The trademark search identifies list of similar trademarks (graphic/phonetic) found in the official Pakistan Trademark Database that may conflict with yours, but also give you an  opinion about registration possibilities. This trademark search report is […]

Before filing your trademark in Pakistan it is important that you evaluate possible obstacles that may arise during registration process. The trademark search identifies list of similar trademarks (graphic/phonetic) found in the official Pakistan Trademark Database that may conflict with yours, but also give you an  opinion about registration possibilities. This trademark search report is […]
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