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Deputy Patent and Trademark Commissioner Rules that she has no authority to extend three month opposition period

Deputy Patent and Trademark Commissioner Rules that she has no authority to extend three month opposition period

In Israel trademark practice, allowed trademarks publish for opposition purposes. If no opposition is filed within three months, the trademark issues. It may, however, then be subject to cancellation proceedings. Israel TM Application Number 245038 to SK Global Chemical Ltd. is for the word Suprene. It covers Synthetic rubber; styrenebutadiene rubber; butyl rubber; polyisoprene rubber; […]

In Israel trademark practice, allowed trademarks publish for opposition purposes. If no opposition is filed within three months, the trademark issues. It may, however, then be subject to cancellation proceedings. Israel TM Application Number 245038 to SK Global Chemical Ltd. is for the word Suprene. It covers Synthetic rubber; styrenebutadiene rubber; butyl rubber; polyisoprene rubber; […]
Штрафы за недобросовестную конкуренцию на рынке табачных изделий

Штрафы за недобросовестную конкуренцию на рынке табачных изделий

Получили 16 октября 2013 года от Федеральной антимонопольной службы ООО «СаШиКо» и его директор. Штраф ООО «СаШиКо» составил 250 тысяч рублей (за нарушение одной нормы закона), директору – 12 тыс. рублей и 20 тыс. рублей (за нарушения двух норм закона).Ранее, в июне 2013 года, Комиссия ФАС России признала действия ООО «СаШиКо» на рынке табачных изделий […]

И покрај кризата: Пораст на апликациите за заштита и регистрација на права од индустриска сопственост во 2012

И покрај кризата: Пораст на апликациите за заштита и регистрација на права од индустриска сопственост во 2012

Во 2012 година, меѓународните пријави за патент поднесени во рамките на Договорот за соработка во областа на Патентите(ДСП) забележа раст од 6,6% во однос 2011. Уделот на Јапонија и Соединетите Американски Држави (САД) изнесува 48,8% од 194.400 ДСП апликации поднесени во 2012 година. Додека, Кинеската телекомуникациска компанија ZTE, со своите 3906 пријавени апликации, беше најголемиот […]

Does it infringe one’s trademark right to recycle and sell one’s wasted batteries…

Does it infringe one’s trademark right to recycle and sell one’s wasted batteries…

Does it infringe one’s trademark right to recycle and sell one’s wasted batteries without changing the trademark logo and package but showing “recycled battery” on the products only? According to the Article 35.I & II, “ The proprietor of a registered trademark has the exclusive right in the trademark in relation to the designated goods or […]

Does it infringe one’s trademark right to recycle and sell one’s wasted batteries without changing the trademark logo and package but showing “recycled battery” on the products only? According to the Article 35.I & II, “ The proprietor of a registered trademark has the exclusive right in the trademark in relation to the designated goods or […]
Summer School on Intellectual Property in Chile

Summer School on Intellectual Property in Chile

Santiago de Chile, January 20 to 31, 2014 The WIPO Academy and the National Institute of Industrial Property of Chile offer a two-week Summer School, which provides an opportunity for senior students and young professionals to acquire deeper knowledge of intellectual property (IP), to gain an appreciation of IP as a tool for economic, social, […]

Simplifying access to patent protection in Moldova

Simplifying access to patent protection in Moldova

The heads of the European Patent Office (EPO) and the State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI) have signed a validation agreement, which will allow European patent applications and patents to take legal effect in Moldova. The agreement was signed by EPO President Benoît Battistelli and AGEPI Director-General Lilia Bolocan in […]

Австрија е првата земја членка на ЕУ, што ја ратификува Меѓународната конвенција за унифицирани патенет суд

Австрија е првата земја членка на ЕУ, што ја ратификува Меѓународната конвенција за унифицирани патенет суд

Првата земја членка на ЕУ, што ја ратификува Меѓународната конвенција за унифицирани патенет суд е Република Австрија. Во врска со ратификацијата МЕНР, д-р Михаел Шпинделегер изјави: “Европскиот патентен суд ќе претставува пресвртница за развојот на нови знаења и интензивирање на истражувањата на  просторот на Европа. Во 2011 година, САД додели 224.000 патенти, Кина 172.000, а Европа само 62.000. […]

OHIM IP competitions: OHIM AD/01/13 and OHIM AST/02/13

OHIM IP competitions: OHIM AD/01/13 and OHIM AST/02/13

On 31 October, 2013, OHIM in close collaboration with the European Personnel Selection Office published two competitions – one for selecting assistants and one for selecting administrators. The workforce planning of OHIM approved by the Administrative Board and Budget Committee aims to recruit 66 officials in the field of Intellectual Property over the period 2014-2017. A […]

The applicability of the new Patent Act about the filings of an Invention patent application and a Utility Model patent application for the same creation

The applicability of the new Patent Act about the filings of an Invention patent application and a Utility Model patent application for the same creation

For the amended Articles 32, 41, 97, 116 and 159 of the Patent Act effective on June 13, 2013, the TIPO held a seminar on June 19, 2013 to discuss the applicability of the amended Articles of the Patent Act. We herewith list the main points of the conclusions mentioned in the seminar as follows: […]

For the amended Articles 32, 41, 97, 116 and 159 of the Patent Act effective on June 13, 2013, the TIPO held a seminar on June 19, 2013 to discuss the applicability of the amended Articles of the Patent Act. We herewith list the main points of the conclusions mentioned in the seminar as follows: […]
ФАС России уличила компанию «СаШиКо» в недобросовестной конкуренции на рынке табачных изделий

ФАС России уличила компанию «СаШиКо» в недобросовестной конкуренции на рынке табачных изделий

Комиссия Федеральной антимонопольной службы (ФАС России) пришла к выводу, что действия и тактика ООО «СаШиКо», связанные с введением в гражданский оборот сигарет «OPAL», «РОДОПИ» («RODOPI»), «BT» («БТ»), «ИНТЕР», «ТU-134», «СТЮАРДЕССА» («STEWARDESS»), являются недобросовестными, и значит, противоречат требованиям ФЗ «О защите конкуренции». По итогам рассмотрения дела о недобросовестной конкуренции в отношении ООО «СаШиКо» Комиссия ФАС России […]

Slovenia joins Designview

Slovenia joins Designview

The Slovenian Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) has today been integrated into Designview. Slovenia is the tenth EU IP office to join Designview, adding nearly 4,000 Slovenian designs to the database of nearly one million designs from IP offices across the European Trade Mark and Design Network. Slovenia joins Portugal, Benelux, Estonia, Spain, Greece OBI, Bulgaria, […]

Regional Scientific and Practical Conference for professionals

Regional Scientific and Practical Conference for professionals

On 6-7 November, 2013, in the city of Kirov will take place the Regional Scientific and Practical Conference for professionals of the Volga Federal District of the Russian Federation - „Topical issues concerning the legal protection and the use of the results of intellectual property activity”. The organizers of the conference are the departmental Rospatent Federal State […]

On 6-7 November, 2013, in the city of Kirov will take place the Regional Scientific and Practical Conference for professionals of the Volga Federal District of the Russian Federation - „Topical issues concerning the legal protection and the use of the results of intellectual property activity”. The organizers of the conference are the departmental Rospatent Federal State […]
Joint PCT-PPH pilot program launched by IP5 Offices

Joint PCT-PPH pilot program launched by IP5 Offices

The group of IP5 Offices, which is made up of the world’s five largest intellectual property offices – the European Patent Office (EPO), the Japan Patent Office (JPO), the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), the State Intellectual Property Office of the People’s Republic of China (SIPO) and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) […]

Indian Patent Office to Begin Operating as an International Searching and Preliminary Examining Authority

Indian Patent Office to Begin Operating as an International Searching and Preliminary Examining Authority

It is recalled that the Indian Patent Office was appointed as International Searching Authority (ISA) and International Preliminary Examining Authority (IPEA) under the PCT at the 36th session of the Assembly of the PCT Union which was held in September 2007 (see PCT Newsletter No. 10/2007, page 2). The Office has notified WIPO that it will commence […]

OHIM signs MoU with Icelandic Patent Office

OHIM signs MoU with Icelandic Patent Office

OHIM has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Icelandic Patent Office. The agreement was formalised in Alicante between Mrs. Borghildur Erlingsdóttir of the Icelandic Patent Office and OHIM President, António Campinos, both of whom are attending the Plenary Session of the European Observatory on the Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights. This MoU aims to […]

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