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Turkmenistan is on the Watch List in 2014
After the adoption in 2012 of a Law on Copyright and Allied Rights and the amendments of its Civil Code to increase IPR protection, Turkmenistan has not ensured adequate administrative, civil or criminal procedures or penalties for the enforcement of these rights. As per the recommendations given by the United States Turkmenistan has to consider […]

Expozitia lucrarilor de creatie ale studentilor UTM sub genericul „Creatia deschide universul”
Pe 8 mai 2014, la Universitatea Tehnica din Moldova (UTM), in Pavilionul Expozitional din campusul „Rascani”, a avut loc Expozitia lucrarilor ingineresti ale studentilor UTM sub genericul „Creatia deschide universul”, dedicata Zilei Europei. Evenimentul a reunit cadre didactice, elevi din clasele liceale absolvente, studenti, precum si reprezentantii agentilor economici, care au avut ocazia de a […]

Exhibition of creative works of TUM students entitled “Creation Opens the Universe”
On May 8, 2014, at the Technical University of Moldova (TUM), in the Exhibition Hall of the campus “Rascani”, was held the Exhibition of engineering works of TUM students entitled “Creation Opens the Universe”, dedicated to Europe Day. The event brought together teachers, pupils of graduate lyceum grades, students, and representatives of economic agents that […]

AGEPI signed a Memorandum of Understanding with AO IREX
On 20 February this year, Lilia Bolocan, Director General of the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) and Evan Tracz, Director of the Public Association, International Research & Exchanges Board “IREX”, Representative in the Republic of Moldova (AO IREX), signed a Memorandum of Understanding. Memorandum signed between the two parties provides diversification and modernization of […]

AGEPI a semnat un Memorandum de Intelegere cu AO IREX
Pe 20 februarie curent, Lilia Bolocan, Directorul general al Agentiei de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectuala (AGEPI) si Evan Tracz, Directorul Asociatiei Obstesti Reprezentanta din Republica Moldova a Consiliului pentru Cercetari si Schimburi Internationale ”IREX”(AO IREX), au semnat un Memorandumul de Intelegere. Memorandumul semnat dintre cele doua parti prevede diversificarea si modernizarea serviciilor bibliotecilor publice, precum […]

Salonul International de Inventii si Tehnologii Inovationale „Аrhimede”
In perioada 1-4 aprilie 2014, la Moscova, in incinta Centrului Expozitional „Sokolniki”, se va desfasura cea de-a XVII-a editie a Salonului International de Inventii si Tehnologii Inovationale „Аrhimede”, organizata cu suportul Organizatiei Mondiale a Proprietatii Intelectuale (OMPI). Programul Salonului va include: Expozitia de Inventii si Tehnologii Inovationale; Conferinta privind protectia juridica a rezultatelor activitatii intelectuale; […]

International Salon of Inventions and Innovation Technologies “Аrchimedes”
In the period of 1-4 April 2014, in Moscow, within the premises of the “Sokolniki” Exhibition Centre, will be held the seventeenth edition of the International Salon of Inventions and Innovation Technologies “Аrchimedes”, organized with the support of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The Salon Program will include: The Exhibition of Inventions and Innovation […]

Reprezentantii AGEPI au participat la prima reuniune a Comitetului Mixt
Prima reuniune a Comitetului Mixt instituit in cadrul Acordului intre Uniunea Europeana si Republica Moldova cu privire la protectia indicatiilor geografice ale produselor agricole si alimentare (in continuare – Acord) s-a desfasurat la 22 ianuarie 2014, in incinta Ministerului Economiei, fiind prezidata de viceministrul Economiei, Octavian Calmic. Din cadrul AGEPI la sedinta au participat vicedirectorul […]

AGEPI Representatives Attended the First Meeting of the Joint Committee
The first meeting of the Joint Committee established under the Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova on the Protection of Geographical Indications of Agricultural Products and Foodstuffs (hereinafter – Agreement ) took place on 22 January 2014, within the premises of the Ministry of Economy, being chaired by Deputy Minister of […]

AGEPI va participa la Expozitia nationala „Fabricat in Moldova-2014”
In perioada 29 ianuarie – 02 februarie 2014, la CIE „Moldexpo”, va avea loc editia a XIII-a a Expozitiei nationale multiramurale „Fabricat in Moldova”, fiind unul dintre cele mai importante evenimente expozitionale din Republica Moldova, ce intruneste agenti economici din diverse domenii de activitate si regiuni ale tarii. Expozitia este organizata de Camera de Comert […]

AGEPI will participate in the National Exhibition “Made in Moldova-2014”
In the period of January 29 to February 2, 2014, at the IEC “Moldexpo”, will be held the thirteenth edition of the Multisectoral National Exhibition “Made in Moldova”, being one of the most important exhibition events in the Republic of Moldova, that brings together economic agents from various activity fields and regions of the country. […]

Simplifying access to patent protection in Moldova
The heads of the European Patent Office (EPO) and the State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI) have signed a validation agreement, which will allow European patent applications and patents to take legal effect in Moldova. The agreement was signed by EPO President Benoît Battistelli and AGEPI Director-General Lilia Bolocan in […]

Decision of the Cancellation Division of OHIM maintains in force the famous Moldovan trademark DIVIN®
An interesting case from practice of the team of IP Consulting from its work with the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM) is its success to defend the validity of the trademark registration DIVIN (one of the few brands that are exclusive state property of the Republic of Moldova). The trademark is used […]

On 26 October 2011, the Republic of Moldova deposited a notification of denunciation of the Eurasian Patent Convention
On 26 October 2011, the Republic of Moldova deposited a notification of denunciation of the Eurasian Patent Convention, which will take effect on 26 April 2012. This denunciation will not affect granted Eurasian patents or PCT applications filed before 26 April 2012 containing the designation of the Republic of Moldova for a Eurasian patent; these […]

O delegatie de la OMPI evalueaza premizele pentru initierea proiectului noii Strategii nationale de PI
In perioada 19-21 octombrie curent o delegatie de la Organizatia Mondiala de Proprietate Intelectuala (OMPI), din care fac parte Biserka Strel, sef Sectie pentru tarile Europei Centrale, Baltice si Mediteraniene, Directia pentru cooperare cu unele state din Europa si Asia, Francesca Toso, Manager de proiect, Sectorul Dezvoltare, dl Ron Marchant, Consilier, efectueaza o vizita de […]