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Turkmenistan is on the Watch List in 2014
After the adoption in 2012 of a Law on Copyright and Allied Rights and the amendments of its Civil Code to increase IPR protection, Turkmenistan has not ensured adequate administrative, civil or criminal procedures or penalties for the enforcement of these rights. As per the recommendations given by the United States Turkmenistan has to consider […]
СОИС стартира уникатно пребарување на марки преку слики
Светската организација за интелектуална сопственост (СОИС), воведе нова функција за пребарување на трговски марки во базата, која овозможува корисниците да испраќаат слики за пребарување на визуелно слична марка. Функцоналноста на пребарување преку сликата, која е прва ваква меѓу бесплатните бази на податоци за интелектуална сопственост, беше претставена на 10.05. 2014 година, на годишната средба на […]
Barbados is on the Watch List in 2014
The major concern about Barbados, presented in the Special 301 Report for 2014 is “the interception and re transmission of United States cable programming by local cable operators and the refusal of local TV and radio broadcasters and cable/satellite operators to pay for public performances of music”. Consequently, The United States expects Barbados to undertake effective […]
TMview now available in Arabic
As from June 16, the graphical user interface (GUI) of TMview is available in Arabic. This new look and feel will allow users the opportunity to use the Arabic interface when searching for trademarks in any of the other 27 languages available in TMview. The Arabic GUI is a concrete result of the International Cooperation […]
As from June 16, the graphical user interface (GUI) of TMview is available in Arabic. This new look and feel will allow users the opportunity to use the Arabic interface when searching for trademarks in any of the other 27 languages available in TMview. The Arabic GUI is a concrete result of the International Cooperation […]
Peru is on the Watch List in 2014
The United States express worry about the persisting availability of counterfeit and pirated products in Peru, as well software and Internet piracy. Peru is also advised to undertake appropriate steps to improve its judicial system in order to criminalize the sale of counterfeit medicines and ensure protection for biotechnologically-derived pharmaceutical products. The Report also reminds […]
The United States express worry about the persisting availability of counterfeit and pirated products in Peru, as well software and Internet piracy. Peru is also advised to undertake appropriate steps to improve its judicial system in order to criminalize the sale of counterfeit medicines and ensure protection for biotechnologically-derived pharmaceutical products. The Report also reminds […]
Jamaica is on the Watch List in 2014
The 2014 Special 301 Report states: “The United States continues to encourage Jamaica to pass the long-awaited Patent and Designs Act. In the area of copyright, Jamaica is one of several Caribbean countries with deficiencies related to protection and enforcement. For several years, Jamaica has been identified by rights holders as one of the region’s […]
Guatemala is on the Watch List in 2014
In the 2014 Special 301 Report the United States welcomes Guatemala’s actions to improve its laws and regulations to protect geographical indications. In the Report it is said: “Administrative authorities in Guatemala recently issued rulings on applications to register geographical indications (GIs) that appear sound and well-reasoned for compound GI names, but U.S. exporters remain […]
In the 2014 Special 301 Report the United States welcomes Guatemala’s actions to improve its laws and regulations to protect geographical indications. In the Report it is said: “Administrative authorities in Guatemala recently issued rulings on applications to register geographical indications (GIs) that appear sound and well-reasoned for compound GI names, but U.S. exporters remain […]
Sakpatenti introduced IT Incubator
Sakpatenti defines IT incubator as a working space with up-to-date technical equipment and uninterrupted Internet. The major purpose of the IT Incubator project is to support beginner software developers and innovators in creating and developing programs by ensuring the conditions they need to work successfully. The first project of this kind for Georgia has started in […]
Sakpatenti defines IT incubator as a working space with up-to-date technical equipment and uninterrupted Internet. The major purpose of the IT Incubator project is to support beginner software developers and innovators in creating and developing programs by ensuring the conditions they need to work successfully. The first project of this kind for Georgia has started in […]
Ecuador is on the Watch List in 2014
According to the 2014 Special 301 Report: “Ecuador’s Institute for Intellectual Property (IEPI) has undertaken public awareness efforts to attempt to address the rampant IP theft occurring in Ecuador, including at La Bahia, a 2013 Notorious Market”. However there still are disturbing points in the IPR enforcement in Ecuador, including de-criminalization of IPR infringement, high […]
The Dominican Republic is on the Watch List in 2014
The US recognizes the positive results of the efforts of The Dominican Republic. The Dominican Republic actions include more effective regulatory protection against pharmaceutical patent infringement by the authorities, and protection of undisclosed test and other data generated to obtain marketing approval for pharmaceutical products against unfair commercial use and unauthorized disclosure, a trademark database […]
The US recognizes the positive results of the efforts of The Dominican Republic. The Dominican Republic actions include more effective regulatory protection against pharmaceutical patent infringement by the authorities, and protection of undisclosed test and other data generated to obtain marketing approval for pharmaceutical products against unfair commercial use and unauthorized disclosure, a trademark database […]
Costa Rica is on the Watch List in 2014
The supporting points for Costa Rica`s progress in the IPR area are presented in the Special 301 Report. These are: links between certain IPR infringement and organized crime, issues related to pharmaceutical patents, geographical indications registrations, the need of administrative and legislative reforms, non-licensed software use (including the government), too long term for Internet services […]
IPAustralia modernizes its Trade Marks correspondence
IPAustralia informs that after the successful modernization of their patents correspondence in 2013, they will do the same with the Trade Marks correspondence. This will be noticeable by an increase of the trademarks correspondence, delays and expedition of examination advices, changes in the fonts and insertion of a trade mark images where available. IPAustralia also […]
Colombia is on the Watch List in 2014
The 2014 Special 301 Report announces a sensitive development for Colombia in the IPR legislation and enforcement area. Though, the Report is mainly focused on the issues that Colombia still has to deal with: limitations on the patentability of certain pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical and agrochemical data protection, need of implementing geographical indications protections, legislative amendments. Colombia […]
The 2014 Special 301 Report announces a sensitive development for Colombia in the IPR legislation and enforcement area. Though, the Report is mainly focused on the issues that Colombia still has to deal with: limitations on the patentability of certain pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical and agrochemical data protection, need of implementing geographical indications protections, legislative amendments. Colombia […]
Foreign Intellectual Property Experience seminars in Uzbekistan
UzReport announced the organized by The World Intellectual Property Organization and the Agency on Intellectual Property of Uzbekistan seminars in Tashkent, Samarkand and Urgench. The topic has been “Intellectual Property Policy” at universities and research institutions. UzReport pays also attention to the participation of “The Director General of Patent and Trademark Office in Spain, representatives […]
UzReport announced the organized by The World Intellectual Property Organization and the Agency on Intellectual Property of Uzbekistan seminars in Tashkent, Samarkand and Urgench. The topic has been “Intellectual Property Policy” at universities and research institutions. UzReport pays also attention to the participation of “The Director General of Patent and Trademark Office in Spain, representatives […]
Што претставува Special 301
Извештајот Special 301 е резултат на годишен преглед за состојбата на правата на интелектуална сопственост (ПИС), односно заштита и спроведување од страна на трговски партнери на САД во светот, којшто Канцеларијата на Трговските претставители го врши во согласнот со Дел 182 на трговскиот акт од 1974г., како што е изменето од страна на Омнибус-законот за […]