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Agreement between the EPO and WIPO under the PCT
1. Pursuant to Article 11(2) of the Agreement between the EPO and WIPO under the Patent cooperation treaty [ 1 ], Annex A, item (ii) of the agreement has been amended with effect from 1 January 2015. The text of Annex A as amended is published below. Annex A Languages and Kinds of Application Under Article 3 of the […]
1. Pursuant to Article 11(2) of the Agreement between the EPO and WIPO under the Patent cooperation treaty [ 1 ], Annex A, item (ii) of the agreement has been amended with effect from 1 January 2015. The text of Annex A as amended is published below. Annex A Languages and Kinds of Application Under Article 3 of the […]
Меѓународен ден на анимацијата- 28 Октомври
28 Октомври е прогласен за светски ден на Анимацијата во чест на првата театрална изведба на Емил Рено во OPTIQE во музејот Греван во Париз-1892 година. Меѓународниот ден на анимацијата е создаден од ASIFA (Меѓународна асоцијација за анимациски филмови). Денот започна да се празнува во 2002 година, и во последните неколку години се прошири во над 40 земји […]
Community trade mark applications will now only be examined after they are paid for
From November 24, OHIM will only examine trade mark applications and process any mail related to them after they are paid for. This means the Office can be more efficient, as it will no longer examine applications that ultimately will never be paid for. OHIM is a European Union agency that serves businesses across the […]
From November 24, OHIM will only examine trade mark applications and process any mail related to them after they are paid for. This means the Office can be more efficient, as it will no longer examine applications that ultimately will never be paid for. OHIM is a European Union agency that serves businesses across the […]
Serbian patent office signed a memorandum on understanding and bilateral cooperation with OHIM
A delegation from OHIM, headed by President Campinos, has held a series of meetings with representatives of other IP offices at the WIPO General Assembly in Geneva. On 26 september OHIM signed a memorandum of understanding with IP Office of Serbia. The Memorandum was signed by Antonio Campinos, the President of OHIM and Branka Totic, the […]
A delegation from OHIM, headed by President Campinos, has held a series of meetings with representatives of other IP offices at the WIPO General Assembly in Geneva. On 26 september OHIM signed a memorandum of understanding with IP Office of Serbia. The Memorandum was signed by Antonio Campinos, the President of OHIM and Branka Totic, the […]
Commercialisation of IP – Virtual classroom lessons
This series of four one-hour virtual classroom lessons covers topics from ip4inno training modules which have been specifically designed to equip companies, business advisors, TTOs and others with an understanding of intellectual property issues as they impact SMEs and new businesses. Focussing on the commercialisation of intellectual property, the lessons will provide valuable insights into […]
This series of four one-hour virtual classroom lessons covers topics from ip4inno training modules which have been specifically designed to equip companies, business advisors, TTOs and others with an understanding of intellectual property issues as they impact SMEs and new businesses. Focussing on the commercialisation of intellectual property, the lessons will provide valuable insights into […]
European Inventor Award finalist Stefan Hell won Nobel Prize
Hell (Germany) and Nakamura (US) join Peter Grünberg (Germany) in the ranks of European Inventor Award alumni who have gone on to become Nobel Laureates Two past European Inventor Award finalists have been awarded the 2014 Nobel Prize by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. European Inventor Award 2007 finalist Shuji Nakamura (US) has been […]
Hell (Germany) and Nakamura (US) join Peter Grünberg (Germany) in the ranks of European Inventor Award alumni who have gone on to become Nobel Laureates Two past European Inventor Award finalists have been awarded the 2014 Nobel Prize by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. European Inventor Award 2007 finalist Shuji Nakamura (US) has been […]
The IP Offices of Iceland and Montenegro join TMclass
As of 20 October 2014, the Icelandic Patent Office (ELS) and the Intellectual Property Office of Montenegro (IPOM) have joined TMclass, the goods and services classification tool. These latest additions bring a total of 41 national and regional IP Offices, including OHIM and WIPO, into the tool. TMclass now offers users the opportunity to search and […]
The IP Offices of Iceland and Montenegro join TMclass
As of 20 October 2014, the Icelandic Patent Office (ELS) and the Intellectual Property Office of Montenegro (IPOM) have joined TMclass, the goods and services classification tool. These latest additions bring a total of 41 national and regional IP Offices, including OHIM and WIPO, into the tool. TMclass now offers users the opportunity to search and […]
As of 20 October 2014, the Icelandic Patent Office (ELS) and the Intellectual Property Office of Montenegro (IPOM) have joined TMclass, the goods and services classification tool. These latest additions bring a total of 41 national and regional IP Offices, including OHIM and WIPO, into the tool. TMclass now offers users the opportunity to search and […]
Македонскиот завод за индустриска сопственост склучи договор за соработка со заводот за хармонизација на внатрешниот пазар OHIM
ДЗИС на Република Македонија учествуваше на 54 -то заседание на Генералното Собрание на светската организација за интелектуална сопственост -WIPO, кое се одража во Женева, Швајцарија. Заседанието се одража од 22 до 30 септември и на него учествуваа заводи од 187 држави од цел свет. За време на заседанието и поточно на 22септември 2014 г., Македонскиот […]
Delegati iz 187 zemalja članica Svjetske organizacije za intelektualnu svojinu –WIPO, u periodu od 22. do 30. septembra 2014. godine, učestvovali su u radu 54. Generalne Skupštine WIPO-a. Skupština je po prvi put održana u novoj dvorani WIPO-a, koju je Generalni Direktor, dr. Francis Gurry, službeno i svečano otvorio 22. septembra 2014. godine. Na zasijedanju skupštine […]
Macedonian patent office singed a Cooperation Agreement with OHIM
State Office of Industrial Property of Macedonia – 54to attended session of the General Assembly of the World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO, held at the organization’s headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. During the meeting of the Assembly, specifically the September 22, 2014, the State Office of Industrial Property of the Republic of Macedonia signed a Cooperation […]
Delegati iz 187 zemalja članica Svjetske organizacije za intelektualnu svojinu –WIPO, u periodu od 22. do 30. septembra 2014. godine, učestvovali su u radu 54. Generalne Skupštine WIPO-a. Skupština je po prvi put održana u novoj dvorani WIPO-a, koju je Generalni Direktor, dr. Francis Gurry, službeno i svečano otvorio 22. septembra 2014. godine. Na zasijedanju skupštine […]
Novenas Jornadas del Tribunal de Marca Comunitaria
El próximo 20 y 21 de noviembre se celebra la novena edición de las Jornadas sobre la Marca Comunitaria, organizadas por el Ilustre Colegio Provincial de Abogados de Alicante y con la colaboración de la OAMI, el Colegio de Procuradores de Alicante y el Consejo General del Poder Judicial. Entre los ponentes destacan, además de […]
El próximo 20 y 21 de noviembre se celebra la novena edición de las Jornadas sobre la Marca Comunitaria, organizadas por el Ilustre Colegio Provincial de Abogados de Alicante y con la colaboración de la OAMI, el Colegio de Procuradores de Alicante y el Consejo General del Poder Judicial. Entre los ponentes destacan, además de […]
Macedonian patent office singed a Cooperation Agreement with OHIM
State Office of Industrial Property of Macedonia – 54to attended session of the General Assembly of the World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO, held at the organization’s headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. During the meeting of the Assembly, specifically the September 22, 2014, the State Office of Industrial Property of the Republic of Macedonia signed a Cooperation […]
The post Macedonian patent office singed a Cooperation Agreement with OHIM appeared first on IP Македонија.
State Office of Industrial Property of Macedonia – 54to attended session of the General Assembly of the World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO, held at the organization’s headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. During the meeting of the Assembly, specifically the September 22, 2014, the State Office of Industrial Property of the Republic of Macedonia signed a Cooperation […]
The post Macedonian patent office singed a Cooperation Agreement with OHIM appeared first on IP Македонија.
Macedonian patent office singed a Cooperation Agreement with OHIM
State Office of Industrial Property of Macedonia – 54to attended session of the General Assembly of the World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO, held at the organization’s headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. During the meeting of the Assembly, specifically the September 22, 2014, the State Office of Industrial Property of the Republic of Macedonia signed a Cooperation […]
State Office of Industrial Property of Macedonia – 54to attended session of the General Assembly of the World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO, held at the organization’s headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. During the meeting of the Assembly, specifically the September 22, 2014, the State Office of Industrial Property of the Republic of Macedonia signed a Cooperation […]