
Montenegro launched e-Register  for Industrial Desing

Montenegro launched e-Register for Industrial Desing

From 14 Novembar 2014 users may use electronic register of industrial design. The e-Register includes relating of the National Register of Industrial Desing. All changes are updated and users can have access to the status of industrial design.

From 14 Novembar 2014 users may use electronic register of industrial design. The e-Register includes relating of the National Register of Industrial Desing. All changes are updated and users can have access to the status of industrial design.
The IP Offices of Iceland and Montenegro join TMclass

The IP Offices of Iceland and Montenegro join TMclass

As of 20 October 2014, the Icelandic Patent Office (ELS) and the Intellectual Property Office of Montenegro (IPOM) have joined TMclass, the goods and services classification tool. These latest additions bring a total of 41 national and regional IP Offices, including OHIM and WIPO, into the tool. TMclass now offers users the opportunity to search and […]

As of 20 October 2014, the Icelandic Patent Office (ELS) and the Intellectual Property Office of Montenegro (IPOM) have joined TMclass, the goods and services classification tool. These latest additions bring a total of 41 national and regional IP Offices, including OHIM and WIPO, into the tool. TMclass now offers users the opportunity to search and […]


Delegati iz 187 zemalja članica Svjetske organizacije za intelektualnu svojinu –WIPO, u periodu od 22. do 30. septembra 2014. godine, učestvovali su u radu 54. Generalne Skupštine WIPO-a. Skupština je po prvi put održana u novoj dvorani WIPO-a, koju je Generalni Direktor, dr. Francis Gurry, službeno i svečano otvorio 22. septembra 2014. godine. Na zasijedanju skupštine […]



Delegati iz 187 zemalja članica Svjetske organizacije za intelektualnu svojinu –WIPO, u periodu od 22. do 30. septembra 2014. godine, učestvovali su u radu 54. Generalne Skupštine WIPO-a. Skupština je po prvi put održana u novoj dvorani WIPO-a, koju je Generalni Direktor, dr. Francis Gurry, službeno i svečano otvorio 22. septembra 2014. godine. Na zasijedanju skupštine […]

In Podgorica,  an international conference ‘Protection of Geographical Indications’, on 17-18 july 2014,  Organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in cooperation with the Intellectual Property Office of Montenegro

In Podgorica, an international conference ‘Protection of Geographical Indications’, on 17-18 july 2014, Organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in cooperation with the Intellectual Property Office of Montenegro

The introductory speech was given by Mr. Novak Adzic, director of the Intellectual Property Office of Montenegro, who first pointed out that Montenegro is a member of WPO since 2006 and that, together with the additional 186 Member States, part of a large family of eminent world organization. Adzic Director pointed out that the Conference […]

The introductory speech was given by Mr. Novak Adzic, director of the Intellectual Property Office of Montenegro, who first pointed out that Montenegro is a member of WPO since 2006 and that, together with the additional 186 Member States, part of a large family of eminent world organization. Adzic Director pointed out that the Conference […]
U Podgorici, održana je Medjunarodna konferencija ’’Zaštita geografskih oznaka’’,  koju je organizovala Svjetska organizacija za intelektualnu svojinu (WIPO), u saradnji sa Zavodom za intelektualnu svojinu Crne Gore.

U Podgorici, održana je Medjunarodna konferencija ’’Zaštita geografskih oznaka’’, koju je organizovala Svjetska organizacija za intelektualnu svojinu (WIPO), u saradnji sa Zavodom za intelektualnu svojinu Crne Gore.

Prisutnima se zatim obratio gospodin Matthijs Geuze, rukovodilac Sektora za Lisabonski registar, brendove i dizajne, u svojstvu predstavnika WIPO-a i vođe tima eksperata na Konferenciji, koji je potvrdio odličnu saradnju između Crne Gore, naročito Zavoda za intelektualnu svojinu Crne Gore i WIPO-a, i izrazio zadovoljstvo zbog prilike da cnogorsku javnost upozna sa Lisabonskim sporazumom o zaštiti imena […]

U Podgorici, održana je Medjunarodna konferencija ’’Zaštita geografskih oznaka’’,  koju je organizovala Svjetska organizacija za intelektualnu svojinu (WIPO), u saradnji sa Zavodom za intelektualnu svojinu Crne Gore.

U Podgorici, održana je Medjunarodna konferencija ’’Zaštita geografskih oznaka’’, koju je organizovala Svjetska organizacija za intelektualnu svojinu (WIPO), u saradnji sa Zavodom za intelektualnu svojinu Crne Gore.

Uvodni govor održao je gospodin Novak Adžić, direktor Zavoda za intelektualnu svojinu Crne Gore, koji je najprije istakao da je Crna Gora članica WPO-a od 2006. godine i da je, zajedno sa sa još 186 država članica, dio velike porodice ove eminentne svjetske organizacije. Direktor Adžić naglasio je da je održavanje Konferencije dogovoreno na sastanku […]

Albania, Bosnia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia Join Horizon 2020 Research Program

Albania, Bosnia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia Join Horizon 2020 Research Program

On July 1, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia (FYROM), Moldova, Montenegro and Serbia signed association agreements in Brussels securing full access to the European Union’s new seven-year research and innovation program called Horizon 2020 (H2020). The European Commission expects that the agreements will result in increased cooperation in research and innovation, business development, new job […]

On July 1, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia (FYROM), Moldova, Montenegro and Serbia signed association agreements in Brussels securing full access to the European Union’s new seven-year research and innovation program called Horizon 2020 (H2020). The European Commission expects that the agreements will result in increased cooperation in research and innovation, business development, new job […]
Potpisan Memorandum o saradnji sa Zavodom za harmonizaciju unutrašnjeg tržišta (OHIM)

Potpisan Memorandum o saradnji sa Zavodom za harmonizaciju unutrašnjeg tržišta (OHIM)

Direktor Zavoda za intelektualnu svojinu Crne Gore, gospodin Novak Adžić, i predsjednik Zavoda za harmonizaciju unutrašnjeg tržišta (žigova i dizajna) Evropske unije (OHIM), gospodin Antonio Campinos, potpisali su Memoradnum o razumijevanju o bilateralnoj saradnji između Zavoda za intelektualnu svojinu Crne Gore i OHIM-a, 20. februara 2014.godine, putem razmjene dokumenata poštom.Saradnja između crnogorskog Zavoda i OHIM-a odvijala se […]

Potpisan Memorandum o saradnji sa Zavodom za harmonizaciju unutrašnjeg tržišta (OHIM)

Potpisan Memorandum o saradnji sa Zavodom za harmonizaciju unutrašnjeg tržišta (OHIM)

Direktor Zavoda za intelektualnu svojinu Crne Gore, gospodin Novak Adžić, i predsjednik Zavoda za harmonizaciju unutrašnjeg tržišta (žigova i dizajna) Evropske unije (OHIM), gospodin Antonio Campinos, potpisali su Memoradnum o razumijevanju o bilateralnoj saradnji između Zavoda za intelektualnu svojinu Crne Gore i OHIM-a, 20. februara 2014.godine, putem razmjene dokumenata poštom.Saradnja između crnogorskog Zavoda i OHIM-a odvijala se […]

Memorandum of Understanding – OHIM and IPOM (Montenegro)

Memorandum of Understanding – OHIM and IPOM (Montenegro)

OHIM and the Intellectual Property Office of Montenegro (IPOM) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding, covering a range of cooperation activities, within the framework of the Office’s International Cooperation Programme approved last February. Under the agreement, Montenegro will work towards joining TMview, Designview and TMclass, as well as taking part in training activities organised by […]

OHIM and the Intellectual Property Office of Montenegro (IPOM) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding, covering a range of cooperation activities, within the framework of the Office’s International Cooperation Programme approved last February. Under the agreement, Montenegro will work towards joining TMview, Designview and TMclass, as well as taking part in training activities organised by […]
Montenegro To Amend Trademark Law

Montenegro To Amend Trademark Law

Montenegro has recently drafted amendments to its trademark law in order to harmonize it with the European Union trademark legislation. It is expected that the amendments will be adopted soon. The amended law more precisely regulates the trademark registration process and trademark infringement court proceedings. The provisions concerning well-known trademarks and trademarks with reputation have […]

Montenegro has recently drafted amendments to its trademark law in order to harmonize it with the European Union trademark legislation. It is expected that the amendments will be adopted soon. The amended law more precisely regulates the trademark registration process and trademark infringement court proceedings. The provisions concerning well-known trademarks and trademarks with reputation have […]
Срећан Ускрс и Христос Воскресе!

Срећан Ускрс и Христос Воскресе!

Национални портал о интелектуалну својину IP  Црну Гору  ,жели Срећан Ускрс свом православним верницима!

Srećnu novu godinu i vesele božične praznike!

Srećnu novu godinu i vesele božične praznike!

Srećnu novu godinu i vesele božićne praznike vam želi nacionalni portal za intelektualnu svojinu!

6th meeting of the Select Committee of the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation

6th meeting of the Select Committee of the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation

The Select Committee of the Administrative Council held its sixth meeting in Munich on 10 and 11 December 2013. The committee finished its first reading of the Draft Rules relating to Unitary Patent Protection, noted comments on the rules supplied by delegations and users and began a second reading. These draft Rules relate mainly to the procedures […]

The Select Committee of the Administrative Council held its sixth meeting in Munich on 10 and 11 December 2013. The committee finished its first reading of the Draft Rules relating to Unitary Patent Protection, noted comments on the rules supplied by delegations and users and began a second reading. These draft Rules relate mainly to the procedures […]
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