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New amounts of individual fee payable in respect of Cloumbia

New amounts of individual fee payable in respect of Cloumbia

The new amounts of individual fee will be: 373 Swiss francs for one class of goods or services and 187 Swiss francs for each additional class The change will take effect on January 1, 2015. Therefore, these amounts will be payable where Colombia (a) is designated in an international application which is received, or is […]

The new amounts of individual fee will be: 373 Swiss francs for one class of goods or services and 187 Swiss francs for each additional class The change will take effect on January 1, 2015. Therefore, these amounts will be payable where Colombia (a) is designated in an international application which is received, or is […]
European patent office withdraw its limitation of international applications containing business methods

European patent office withdraw its limitation of international applications containing business methods

European Patent Office (EPO) has notified the International Bureau that from January 1, 2015, will withdraw its limitation in respect of international applications containing business methods filed by citizens and / or residents of the United States. This will apply to all such applications filed on or after that date. It is important to note […]

European Patent Office (EPO) has notified the International Bureau that from January 1, 2015, will withdraw its limitation in respect of international applications containing business methods filed by citizens and / or residents of the United States. This will apply to all such applications filed on or after that date. It is important to note […]
European patent office withdraw its limitation of international applications containing business methods

European patent office withdraw its limitation of international applications containing business methods

European Patent Office (EPO) has notified the International Bureau that from January 1, 2015, will withdraw its limitation in respect of international applications containing business methods filed by citizens and / or residents of the United States. This will apply to all such applications filed on or after that date. It is important to note […]

The post European patent office withdraw its limitation of international applications containing business methods appeared first on European Union.

European Patent Office (EPO) has notified the International Bureau that from January 1, 2015, will withdraw its limitation in respect of international applications containing business methods filed by citizens and / or residents of the United States. This will apply to all such applications filed on or after that date. It is important to note […]

The post European patent office withdraw its limitation of international applications containing business methods appeared first on European Union.

European patent office withdraw its limitation of international applications containing business methods

European patent office withdraw its limitation of international applications containing business methods

European Patent Office (EPO) has notified the International Bureau that from January 1, 2015, will withdraw its limitation in respect of international applications containing business methods filed by citizens and / or residents of the United States. This will apply to all such applications filed on or after that date. It is important to note […]

The post European patent office withdraw its limitation of international applications containing business methods appeared first on European Union.

European Patent Office (EPO) has notified the International Bureau that from January 1, 2015, will withdraw its limitation in respect of international applications containing business methods filed by citizens and / or residents of the United States. This will apply to all such applications filed on or after that date. It is important to note […]

The post European patent office withdraw its limitation of international applications containing business methods appeared first on European Union.

international applications

Колумбија има нова цена на индивидуалните такси за меѓународна регистрација на ТМ

Почнувајќи од 1 јануари 2015 година цената на индивидуалните такси плаќани во однос на Колумбија ќе бидат променети. Сумата ќе биде 373 швајцарски франци за една класа стоки или услуги и 187 швајцарски франци за секој дополнителен класа, кога е наведена Колумбија во меѓународна пријава за регистрација на трговска марка.

MAKINOVA 2014- Berin traditional award for the best young participant of the exhibition

MAKINOVA 2014- Berin traditional award for the best young participant of the exhibition

From 13-18 October was held placed 35th International Exhibition of Innovation – Makinova, which presented the highest number ever and innovation awards to successful inventors, presented ideas and innovations. Company for Intellectual Property Berin Ltd, traditionally awarded to successful young participant of the exhibition MAKINOVA-economically 2014. This year the award belonged Pavlovska Nina, a student […]

MAKINOVA 2014- Berin traditional award for the best young participant of the exhibition

MAKINOVA 2014- Berin traditional award for the best young participant of the exhibition

From 13-18 October was held placed 35th International Exhibition of Innovation – Makinova, which presented the highest number ever and innovation awards to successful inventors, presented ideas and innovations. Company for Intellectual Property Berin Ltd , traditionally awarded to successful young participant of the exhibition MAKINOVA-economically 2014. This year the award belonged Pavlovska Nina, a […]

The post MAKINOVA 2014- Berin traditional award for the best young participant of the exhibition appeared first on IP Македонија.

From 13-18 October was held placed 35th International Exhibition of Innovation – Makinova, which presented the highest number ever and innovation awards to successful inventors, presented ideas and innovations. Company for Intellectual Property Berin Ltd , traditionally awarded to successful young participant of the exhibition MAKINOVA-economically 2014. This year the award belonged Pavlovska Nina, a […]

The post MAKINOVA 2014- Berin traditional award for the best young participant of the exhibition appeared first on IP Македонија.

MAKINOVA 2014- Berin traditional award for the best young participant of the exhibition

MAKINOVA 2014- Berin traditional award for the best young participant of the exhibition

From 13-18 October was held placed 35th International Exhibition of Innovation – Makinova, which presented the highest number ever and innovation awards to successful inventors, presented ideas and innovations. Company for Intellectual Property Berin Ltd , traditionally awarded to successful young participant of the exhibition MAKINOVA-economically 2014. This year the award belonged Pavlovska Nina, a […]

The post MAKINOVA 2014- Berin traditional award for the best young participant of the exhibition appeared first on IP Македонија.

From 13-18 October was held placed 35th International Exhibition of Innovation – Makinova, which presented the highest number ever and innovation awards to successful inventors, presented ideas and innovations. Company for Intellectual Property Berin Ltd , traditionally awarded to successful young participant of the exhibition MAKINOVA-economically 2014. This year the award belonged Pavlovska Nina, a […]

The post MAKINOVA 2014- Berin traditional award for the best young participant of the exhibition appeared first on IP Македонија.

MAKINOVA 2014- Berin traditional award for the best young participant of the exhibition

MAKINOVA 2014- Berin traditional award for the best young participant of the exhibition

From 13-18 October was held placed 35th International Exhibition of Innovation – Makinova, which presented the highest number ever and innovation awards to successful inventors, presented ideas and innovations. Company for Intellectual Property Berin Ltd , traditionally awarded to successful young participant of the exhibition MAKINOVA-economically 2014. This year the award belonged Pavlovska Nina, a […]

The post MAKINOVA 2014- Berin traditional award for the best young participant of the exhibition appeared first on IP Македонија.

From 13-18 October was held placed 35th International Exhibition of Innovation – Makinova, which presented the highest number ever and innovation awards to successful inventors, presented ideas and innovations. Company for Intellectual Property Berin Ltd , traditionally awarded to successful young participant of the exhibition MAKINOVA-economically 2014. This year the award belonged Pavlovska Nina, a […]

The post MAKINOVA 2014- Berin traditional award for the best young participant of the exhibition appeared first on IP Македонија.

MAKINOVA 2014- Berin traditional award for the best young participant of the exhibition

MAKINOVA 2014- Berin traditional award for the best young participant of the exhibition

From 13-18 October was held placed 35th International Exhibition of Innovation – Makinova, which presented the highest number ever and innovation awards to successful inventors, presented ideas and innovations. Company for Intellectual Property Berin Ltd , traditionally awarded to successful young participant of the exhibition MAKINOVA-economically 2014. This year the award belonged Pavlovska Nina, a […]

The post MAKINOVA 2014- Berin traditional award for the best young participant of the exhibition appeared first on IP Македонија.

From 13-18 October was held placed 35th International Exhibition of Innovation – Makinova, which presented the highest number ever and innovation awards to successful inventors, presented ideas and innovations. Company for Intellectual Property Berin Ltd , traditionally awarded to successful young participant of the exhibition MAKINOVA-economically 2014. This year the award belonged Pavlovska Nina, a […]

The post MAKINOVA 2014- Berin traditional award for the best young participant of the exhibition appeared first on IP Македонија.

MAKINOVA 2014- Berin traditional award for the best young participant of the exhibition

MAKINOVA 2014- Berin traditional award for the best young participant of the exhibition

From 13-18 October was held placed 35th International Exhibition of Innovation – Makinova, which presented the highest number ever and innovation awards to successful inventors, presented ideas and innovations. Company for Intellectual Property Berin Ltd , traditionally awarded to successful young participant of the exhibition MAKINOVA-economically 2014. This year the award belonged Pavlovska Nina, a […]

From 13-18 October was held placed 35th International Exhibition of Innovation – Makinova, which presented the highest number ever and innovation awards to successful inventors, presented ideas and innovations. Company for Intellectual Property Berin Ltd , traditionally awarded to successful young participant of the exhibition MAKINOVA-economically 2014. This year the award belonged Pavlovska Nina, a […]


Hell (DE) И Nakamura (JP) станаа овогодишни лауреати на Нобеловата награда. Овие научници се и поранешни финалисти на наградата за Најуспешен Европски Пронаоѓач а претходно се и одликувани и од страна на Европската Патентна Организација. Hell (DE) e одликуван со Нобелова награда во полето на Хемијата додека Nakamura (JP) во полето на Физиката. Церемонијата за доделување […]

Federal Circuit Uses Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank to Uphold Dismissal of Ultramercial v. Hulu

Federal Circuit Uses Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank to Uphold Dismissal of Ultramercial v. Hulu

The decision in Ultramercial, LLC v. Hulu, LLC, Case No. 10-1544 has been closely monitored since it was remanded by the Supreme Court.  Prior to the Supreme Court’s decision in Alice Corp., the Federal Circuit had twice previously found that the claims at issue were patent eligible.  The Supreme Court first vacated and remanded the […]

The Trademark “立脂妥Atorva"vs “立普妥”

The Trademark “立脂妥Atorva"vs “立普妥”

The trademark at issue was allowed for registration by the TIPO in 2007. In 2011, an Invalidation was filed against the said trademark by the reason of being similar to the cited mark which was more famous before the filing date of the trademark at issue and using on the same business field of pharmaceuticals. […]

Lee Nominated to be Director of the USPTO

Lee Nominated to be Director of the USPTO

The White House has nominated acting deputy director Michelle Lee to be the next director of the USPTO.  Lee’s nomination must still be approved by the Senate.  The last director of the USPTO was David Kappos, who stepped down in February 2013.  Prior to joining the USPTO, Lee served as deputy general counsel and head […]

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