MAKINOVA 2014- Berin traditional award for the best young participant of the exhibition

1509060_10202801963161852_6377686634793327583_n-600x348From 13-18 October was held placed 35th International Exhibition of Innovation – Makinova, which presented the highest number ever and innovation awards to successful inventors, presented ideas and innovations. Company for Intellectual Property Berin Ltd, traditionally awarded to successful young participant of the exhibition MAKINOVA-economically 2014. This year the award belonged Pavlovska Nina, a student at “Aco Ruskovski” Berovo Project “Extract cloves” – bio medicine under mentorship of Professor. Joan Peshnachka.

At the same time, economically MAKINOVA-2014 grant to Berin Ltd Golden Plaque for promotion and dissemination of innovative creativity.



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