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Србија и Светската Организација за Интелектуалана Сопственост(WIPO) потпишаа договор за соработка

Србија и Светската Организација за Интелектуалана Сопственост(WIPO) потпишаа договор за соработка

Генералниот директор на СОИС Френсис Gurry ја заврши дводневна официјална посета на Република Србија на 26 Октомври, 2010 година за време на која тој се сретна со значаен број на високи Владините претставници , вклучувајќи го и премиерот Мирко Цветковиќ. Г-дин Гари и Премиерот потпиша договор за рамковна соработка меѓу СОИС и Србија. Изворната вест […]

Minister Lenihan announces series of regional workshops for new businesses

Minister Lenihan announces series of regional workshops for new businesses

The Government is to target small business-owners, entrepreneurs and inventors with a series of workshops offering advice on how to turn ideas into new enterprises, according to the Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation, Conor Lenihan TD. The free knowledge-sharing seminars, ‘Building a Business on Your Ideas’, will examine how to exploit business opportunities through […]

The Government is to target small business-owners, entrepreneurs and inventors with a series of workshops offering advice on how to turn ideas into new enterprises, according to the Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation, Conor Lenihan TD. The free knowledge-sharing seminars, ‘Building a Business on Your Ideas’, will examine how to exploit business opportunities through […]
Minister Lenihan announces series of regional workshops for new businesses

Minister Lenihan announces series of regional workshops for new businesses

The Government is to target small business-owners, entrepreneurs and inventors with a series of workshops offering advice on how to turn ideas into new enterprises, according to the Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation, Conor Lenihan TD. The free knowledge-sharing seminars, ‘Building a Business on Your Ideas’, will examine how to exploit business opportunities through […]

The Government is to target small business-owners, entrepreneurs and inventors with a series of workshops offering advice on how to turn ideas into new enterprises, according to the Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation, Conor Lenihan TD. The free knowledge-sharing seminars, ‘Building a Business on Your Ideas’, will examine how to exploit business opportunities through […]
New Copyright Tribunal chairman appointed

New Copyright Tribunal chairman appointed

Intellectual Property Minister Baroness Wilcox has welcomed the appointment of Colin Birss QC as Chairman of the Copyright Tribunal. The Lord Chancellor Ken Clarke made the appointment, which takes effect from 5 October 2010. Mr Birss had been Deputy Chairman of the Copyright Tribunal since 2009. Baroness Wilcox said: I am delighted with the appointment […]

Intellectual Property Minister Baroness Wilcox has welcomed the appointment of Colin Birss QC as Chairman of the Copyright Tribunal. The Lord Chancellor Ken Clarke made the appointment, which takes effect from 5 October 2010. Mr Birss had been Deputy Chairman of the Copyright Tribunal since 2009. Baroness Wilcox said: I am delighted with the appointment […]
New Copyright Tribunal chairman appointed

New Copyright Tribunal chairman appointed

Intellectual Property Minister Baroness Wilcox has welcomed the appointment of Colin Birss QC as Chairman of the Copyright Tribunal. The Lord Chancellor Ken Clarke made the appointment, which takes effect from 5 October 2010. Mr Birss had been Deputy Chairman of the Copyright Tribunal since 2009. Baroness Wilcox said: I am delighted with the appointment […]

Intellectual Property Minister Baroness Wilcox has welcomed the appointment of Colin Birss QC as Chairman of the Copyright Tribunal. The Lord Chancellor Ken Clarke made the appointment, which takes effect from 5 October 2010. Mr Birss had been Deputy Chairman of the Copyright Tribunal since 2009. Baroness Wilcox said: I am delighted with the appointment […]
What is CIPO?

What is CIPO?

The Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO), a Special Operating Agency (SOA) associated with Industry Canada, is responsible for the administration and processing of the greater part of intellectual property in Canada. CIPO’s areas of activity include: Patents cover new inventions (process, machine, manufacture, composition of matter), or any new and useful improvement of an existing […]

The Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO), a Special Operating Agency (SOA) associated with Industry Canada, is responsible for the administration and processing of the greater part of intellectual property in Canada. CIPO’s areas of activity include: Patents cover new inventions (process, machine, manufacture, composition of matter), or any new and useful improvement of an existing […]
President Obama honors nation's top scientists and innovators

President Obama honors nation’s top scientists and innovators

President Obama today named ten eminent researchers as recipients of the National Medal of Science, and three individuals and one team as recipients of the National Medal of Technology and Innovation, the highest honors bestowed by the United States government on scientists, engineers, and inventors. The recipients will receive their awards at a White House […]

O delegatie de la OMPI evalueaza premizele pentru initierea proiectului noii Strategii nationale de PI

O delegatie de la OMPI evalueaza premizele pentru initierea proiectului noii Strategii nationale de PI

In perioada 19-21 octombrie curent o delegatie de la Organizatia Mondiala de Proprietate Intelectuala (OMPI), din care fac parte Biserka Strel, sef Sectie pentru tarile Europei Centrale, Baltice si Mediteraniene, Directia pentru cooperare cu unele state din Europa si Asia, Francesca Toso, Manager de proiect, Sectorul Dezvoltare, dl Ron Marchant, Consilier, efectueaza o vizita de […]

Отворена 30 -тата меѓународна изложба за иновации МАКИНОВА 2010

Отворена 30 -тата меѓународна изложба за иновации МАКИНОВА 2010

На 19 ти октомври 2010 година во склоп насаемската манифестација ТЕХНОМА 2010 на Скопскиот саем е отворена за 30-ти пат, традиционалната изложба на пронајдоци и технички унапредувања МАКИНОВА 2010 како и меѓународната изложба за унапредувања од областа на екологијата и заштитата на животна средина ЕКОНОВА 2010. Во текот на 4 изложбени дена ќе бидат презентирани […]

Acceptance of termination by the French Republic

Acceptance of termination by the French Republic

The Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) presents his compliments to the Minister for Foreign Affairs and has the honor to notify that the Government of the French Republic deposited, on September 20, 2010, an instrument of acceptance of the termination of the London Act of the Hague Agreement Concerning the International […]

Прифаќање на поништувањето на Лондонскиот Акт од страна на Франција

Прифаќање на поништувањето на Лондонскиот Акт од страна на Франција

Генералниот директор на Светската организација за интелектуална сопственост (WIPO) Францис Гари (Francis Gurry) ја има честа да ја извести јавноста дека Владата на Франција, ана 20 Септември, 2010 година, донесе инструмент за прифаќање на престанокот на Лондонскиот акт на Хашкиот договор за меѓународно депонирање на индустриски дизајни од 6 ноември, 1925 и на Дополнителниот акт […]

Copyright Tribunal announcement

Copyright Tribunal announcement

The Government today announced its intention to merge the Copyright Tribunal with the Tribunals Service. For full details of the government’s review of public bodies is available on the BIS website. As part of its wider commitment to increasing the accountability of public bodies, reducing their number and cost, and handing power and ownership back […]

The Government today announced its intention to merge the Copyright Tribunal with the Tribunals Service. For full details of the government’s review of public bodies is available on the BIS website. As part of its wider commitment to increasing the accountability of public bodies, reducing their number and cost, and handing power and ownership back […]
Copyright Tribunal announcement

Copyright Tribunal announcement

The Government today announced its intention to merge the Copyright Tribunal with the Tribunals Service. For full details of the government’s review of public bodies is available on the BIS website. As part of its wider commitment to increasing the accountability of public bodies, reducing their number and cost, and handing power and ownership back […]

The Government today announced its intention to merge the Copyright Tribunal with the Tribunals Service. For full details of the government’s review of public bodies is available on the BIS website. As part of its wider commitment to increasing the accountability of public bodies, reducing their number and cost, and handing power and ownership back […]
Accession by the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs

Accession by the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs

The Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) presents his compliments to the Minister for Foreign Affairs and has the honor to notify the deposit by the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan, on September 8, 2010, of its instrument of accession to the Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement Concerning the International […]

Пристапување на Република Азербејџан кон Женевскиот акт од Хашкиот договор за меѓународно регистрирање на индустриски дизајн

Пристапување на Република Азербејџан кон Женевскиот акт од Хашкиот договор за меѓународно регистрирање на индустриски дизајн

Генералниот директор на Светската организација за интелектуална сопственост (WIPO) Францис Гари (Francis Gurry) ја има честа да ја извести јавноста за пристапувањето на Република Азербејџан кон Женевскиот акт од Хашкиот договор за меѓународно регистрирање на индустриски дизајн. Пристапувањето на Република Азербејџан ќе влезе во сила на 8.Декември, 2010. Изворната вест е преземена од официјалната презентација […]

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