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Eight Offices have agreed to relax the PPH requirements
Eight Offices have agreed to relax the PPH requirements, now limited to OFF (Office of First Filing) positive work product, to OEE (Office of Earlier Examination) positive work product, under the new MOTTAINAI PPH pilot. This is a dramatic change since it will greatly expand the availability of PPH expedited examination in all participating countries. […]
EU Court Advisor Positive On Negative SPC Term Extension
NautaDutilh John Allen, Paul van Dongen and Liesbeth Weynants European Union 10 June 2011 Case Summary Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD) is the owner of a European patent for a medicinal product containing the compound sitagliptine. The application for this patent was filed on 5 July 2002. MSD applied for a supplementary protection certificate (SPC) […]
NautaDutilh John Allen, Paul van Dongen and Liesbeth Weynants European Union 10 June 2011 Case Summary Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD) is the owner of a European patent for a medicinal product containing the compound sitagliptine. The application for this patent was filed on 5 July 2002. MSD applied for a supplementary protection certificate (SPC) […]
EU Court Advisor Positive On Negative SPC Term Extension
NautaDutilh John Allen, Paul van Dongen and Liesbeth Weynants European Union 10 June 2011 Case Summary Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD) is the owner of a European patent for a medicinal product containing the compound sitagliptine. The application for this patent was filed on 5 July 2002. MSD applied for a supplementary protection certificate (SPC) […]
HP Fights Counterfeit Print Cartridges
Through this short but informative film HP demonstrates the folly of purchasing and using counterfeit toner and ink cartridges, usually purchased from suspect/dubious sources. Buyers beware!
Through this short but informative film HP demonstrates the folly of purchasing and using counterfeit toner and ink cartridges, usually purchased from suspect/dubious sources. Buyers beware!
Ambassador D-r Gjorgji Filipov visits Japan Patent office
Macedonian ambassador and first director of the Macedonian PTO , Gjorgji Filipov, during his first visit as appointed ambassador for this territory have visited Japan Patent office At the meeting with Mr.Yoshiyuki Iwai besides Filipov, Mr. Bojan Petrovski, economic promotor of Macedonia in Japan and Mrs. Liljana Filipova, European Pattent Attorney and ambassadors wife were […]
Ambassador D-r Gjorgji Filipov visits Japan Patent office
Macedonian ambassador and first director of the Macedonian PTO , Gjorgji Filipov, during his first visit as appointed ambassador for this territory have visited Japan Patent office At the meeting with Mr.Yoshiyuki Iwai besides Filipov, Mr. Bojan Petrovski, economic promotor of Macedonia in Japan and Mrs. Liljana Filipova, European Pattent Attorney and ambassadors wife were […]
Macedonian ambassador and first director of the Macedonian PTO , Gjorgji Filipov, during his first visit as appointed ambassador for this territory have visited Japan Patent office At the meeting with Mr.Yoshiyuki Iwai besides Filipov, Mr. Bojan Petrovski, economic promotor of Macedonia in Japan and Mrs. Liljana Filipova, European Pattent Attorney and ambassadors wife were […]
Амбасадорот д-р Ѓорѓи Филипов во посета на Јапонскиот патентен завод
Амбасадорот на Република Македонија и прв директор на Македонскиот патентен завод, Ѓорѓи Филипов, во рамките на својата прва работна посета на оваа земја, како назначен амбасадор, надлежен, за оваа територија, го посети Јапонскиот патентен завод. На средбата со комесарот на заводот Јошијуки Иваи(Yoshiyuki Iwai) покрај Филипов присуствуваа и г-дин Бојан Петровски, економски промотор на Македонија […]
USPTO slowdown
The USPTO just notified the public of a budget induced slowdown in its patent operations, severe enough, that it may impact your planning. I copy the relevant sections of the notice, below. Effective immediately and until further notice: Track One of the Three-Track program, which offers expedited patent examination and was scheduled to go into […]
26th of April, International IP Day in Macedonia
With various activities by the coordinative body for protection of IP and publishing department of the State Office of Industrial Property, 26th of April International IP day was celebrated in Macedonia. On this occasion, the coordinative body have organised public destruction of products that violate the intellectual property rights that were seized during the numerous […]
Одбележан меѓународниот ден на Интелектуалната сопственост
Со низа активности од страна на координативното тело за заштита на ИС и одделението за издаваштво на Државниот Завод за индустриска сопственост, во Македонија беше одбележан меѓународниот ден на заштита на интелектуалната сопственост. По тој повод координативното тело за ИС изврши јавно уништување на производи кои ги повредуваат правата од интелектуална сопственост, кои биле запленети […]
26th of April, International IP Day in Macedonia
With various activities by the coordinative body for protection of IP and publishing department of the State Office of Industrial Property, 26th of April International IP day was celebrated in Macedonia. On this occasion, the coordinative body have organised public destruction of products that violate the intellectual property rights that were seized during the numerous […]
With various activities by the coordinative body for protection of IP and publishing department of the State Office of Industrial Property, 26th of April International IP day was celebrated in Macedonia. On this occasion, the coordinative body have organised public destruction of products that violate the intellectual property rights that were seized during the numerous […]
Na svjetski Dan intelektualne svojine, Microsoft apelira da se pojačaju mjere zaštite
Sarajevo, 26.04.2011. – Microsoft Corp. se pridružuje Svjetskoj organizaciji za zaštitu prava intelektualne svojine u obilježavanju svjetskog Dana zaštite prava intelektualne svojine, te poziva IT industriju, vlade i korisnike da još jednom naglase značaj zaštite prava intelektualne svojine. Veća zaštita intelektualne svojine je nezaobilazna kada govorimo o održanju i podsticanju inovativnosti, koja svakako pokreće ekonomski rast, […]
International Trademark Filings Recover in 2010
International trademark activity recovered in 2010 with WIPO receiving 39,687 applications under the 85-member Madrid System for the International Registration of Trademarks (“the Madrid system”), representing a 12.8% rate of growth. The largest growth was registered from the Republic of Korea (+42.2%), China (+42%), Italy (+38.7%), United States of America (+29.6%), European Union (+26.9%) and […]
Пораст на активностите за пријавите за интернационални трговски марки во 2010
Активностите во врска со пријавите на интернационални трговски марки се подобрија во 2010 година. Светската организација за заштита на индустриска сопственост (WIPO) примила 39,687 пријави на интернационални трговски марки преку „Мадритскиот систем„ во 2010, што претставува раст од 12,8% од предходната година. Најголем пораст беше регистриран кај земјите членки: Република Кореја (42,2%), Кина(42%), Италија (38,7%), […]
International Patent System Marks Two Millionth Filing – U.S. Mobile Technology Innovator, Qualcomm, files Landmark Application
The two millionth international patent application under WIPO’s Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) was filed recently by U.S.-based mobile technology company Qualcomm. The PCT makes it easier for companies and inventors to seek patent rights in multiple countries. A single international patent application under the PCT has legal effect in all 142 countries bound by the […]