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Нова регулатива за интелектуалана сопственост во Косово

Нова регулатива за интелектуалана сопственост во Косово

Од почетокот на септември, на територијата на Косово стапија во сила нови закони за трговските марки, патенти и индустриски дизајни. Новините воведени со овие закони најмногу се однесуваат на усогласувањето на регулативите со актуелната европска пракса. Замената на системот за целосно испитување на трговските марки со системот на објавување е најзначајната измена која е воведена […]

New IP legislation in Kosovo

New IP legislation in Kosovo

At the beginning of September, on the territory of Kosovo came into force new laws on trademarks, patents and industrial designs. Novelties introduced by these laws are mostly related to the harmonization of regulations with the current European practice. Leaving the system of substantial examination and accepting the system of publication and opposition is the […]

At the beginning of September, on the territory of Kosovo came into force new laws on trademarks, patents and industrial designs. Novelties introduced by these laws are mostly related to the harmonization of regulations with the current European practice. Leaving the system of substantial examination and accepting the system of publication and opposition is the […]
Deadline for re-registration of Serbian national trade mark registrations in Montenegro is approaching

Deadline for re-registration of Serbian national trade mark registrations in Montenegro is approaching

With the entry into force of the new trademark law in Montenegro in December 2010, the obligation for re-registration of all trade marks, that at the moment of independence were valid on common territory of Serbia and Montenegro, is introduced. The deadline for re -regiistration the rights of national trademarks that were registered in Serbia […]

Крајниот рок за ревалидација на националните регистрации на трговски марки од Србија во Црна Гора се приближува

Крајниот рок за ревалидација на националните регистрации на трговски марки од Србија во Црна Гора се приближува

Со стапувањто во сила на новиот закон за трговски марки во Црна Гора од декември 2010 год., се воведува обврската за регистрација на сите трговски марки кои во моментот на осамостојувањето важеле за заедничката територија на Србија и Црна гора. Рокот за повторна регистрaција на правата на националните трговски марки, кои биле регистрирани на теритoријата […]

Deadline for re-registration of Serbian national trade mark registrations in Montenegro is approaching

Deadline for re-registration of Serbian national trade mark registrations in Montenegro is approaching

With the entry into force of the new trademark law in Montenegro in December 2010, the obligation for re-registration of all trade marks, that at the moment of independence were valid on common territory of Serbia and Montenegro, is introduced. The deadline for re -regiistration the rights of national trademarks that were registered in Serbia […]

With the entry into force of the new trademark law in Montenegro in December 2010, the obligation for re-registration of all trade marks, that at the moment of independence were valid on common territory of Serbia and Montenegro, is introduced. The deadline for re -regiistration the rights of national trademarks that were registered in Serbia […]
US Congress passes patent reform bill

US Congress passes patent reform bill

The US Senate today passed a version of the patent reform bill that had been previously passed by the US House of Representatives. The bill now goes to the White House where President Obama is expected to sign the bill, thereby enacting it into law. The bill, when enacted, will bring US patent law more […]

Changes in Requirements for Specimens and for Affidavits or Declarations of Continued Use or Excusable Nonuse in Trademark Cases

Changes in Requirements for Specimens and for Affidavits or Declarations of Continued Use or Excusable Nonuse in Trademark Cases

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) is extending until September 23, 2011, the period for public comment on the proposal to revise the Trademark Rules of Practice and the Rules of Practice for Filings Pursuant to the Madrid Protocol to permit the USPTO to require:  any information, exhibits, and affidavits or declarations deemed […]

USPTO Names Iowa Library to Support Intellectual Property Information Needs of Inventors and Entrepreneurs

USPTO Names Iowa Library to Support Intellectual Property Information Needs of Inventors and Entrepreneurs

WASHINGTON – The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) today announced the designation of Iowa’s Davenport Public Library as a Patent and Trademark Resource Center (PTRC). As the 81st library in the nationwide network, Davenport marks Iowa’s return to the PTRC program and serves as the first center geared away from the “paper depository” […]

The Advocate General provides guidance on supplementary protection certificates for combination products

The Advocate General provides guidance on supplementary protection certificates for combination products

The Advocate General (AG) has opined on two references from the UK on the application of the Supplementary protection certificates (SPC) Regulations (Regulation 469/2009) to combination products (Medeva BV v Comptroller-General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks (Case C-322/10) and Georgetown University, University of Rochester,Loyola University of Chicago v Comptroller-General of Patents, Designs and Trade […]

The Advocate General (AG) has opined on two references from the UK on the application of the Supplementary protection certificates (SPC) Regulations (Regulation 469/2009) to combination products (Medeva BV v Comptroller-General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks (Case C-322/10) and Georgetown University, University of Rochester,Loyola University of Chicago v Comptroller-General of Patents, Designs and Trade […]
Myriad CAFC Panel Decision

Myriad CAFC Panel Decision

A panel of the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC) rendered a decision today, in the Myriad case, regarding patent eligibility of “isolated” DNA molecules.  See  Association for Molecular Pathology v. PTO, posted at http://www.cafc.uscourts.gov/images/stories/opinions-orders/10-1406.pdf. The CAFC panel reversed the District court’s decision that had held Myraid’s claims to “isolated” DNA patent ineligible.  In […]

Nominations for European Inventor Award 2012

Nominations for European Inventor Award 2012

The seventh edition of European Inventor Award was just launched by the European Patent Office. Everybody can submit his nomination for 2012 on EPO website. European Inventor Award honours inventors and their achievements for their contribution to economics and society. The Award is presented in five different categories: Industry, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Research, Non-European Countries […]

The seventh edition of European Inventor Award was just launched by the European Patent Office. Everybody can submit his nomination for 2012 on EPO website. European Inventor Award honours inventors and their achievements for their contribution to economics and society. The Award is presented in five different categories: Industry, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Research, Non-European Countries […]
China-EU IPR project enhances IPR protection

China-EU IPR project enhances IPR protection

Beijing— A closing ceremony for the EU-China IPR2 cooperation project took place Friday at the EU Delegation to China in Beijing. The European Union (EU) and the Chinese government launched the project in 2007 with 16.275 million euros in joint funding. It aimed at improving the reliability, efficiency and accessibility of the intellectual property protection […]

USPTO Signs Memorandum of Understanding with China’s Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government

USPTO Signs Memorandum of Understanding with China’s Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) marks the first time USPTO has entered into an agreement with a provincial government.

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) marks the first time USPTO has entered into an agreement with a provincial government.
The USPTO has now announced PPH update

The USPTO has now announced PPH update

The USPTO has now announced the new requirements for claim correspondence and timing issues for PPH status under the MOTTAINAI agreement, inferred from the USPTO’s 7/1/2011 announcent at: http://www.uspto.gov/news/pr/2011/11-43.jsp. I quote below these USPTO requirements from the agreement with CIPO. However, the USPTO requirements appear to be identical for all participating Offices: All claims on […]

Notification for abolition of fees for processing of requests

Notification for abolition of fees for processing of requests

The Regulation for amending the Regulation for implementing the Law for Customs Measures for Protection of Intellectual Property Rights (Official Gazette no. 82 from 20/06/2011), by which the fees in amount of MKD 5,000 for filing application for undertaking customs measures for protection of intellectual property and the fees in amount of MKD 2.000 for […]

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