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Geographical Indications for Agricultural and Food Products

Geographical Indications for Agricultural and Food Products

The Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock and Fishing has issued Resolution No. 546/2011, published in the Official Gazette on September 8, 2011 and approved the distinctive signs which will form part of the labels and/or packaging of agricultural and food products identifying Argentine Geographical Indications and Appellations of Origin registered in accordance with Law No. 25,380 […]

The debate about the application of a private copying levy has been postponed

The debate about the application of a private copying levy has been postponed

After a request of the Executive Power, the Senate postponed the treatment of a bill that tried to establish a levy (also known as blank media tax) charged on purchases of recordable media that allow the copy of intellectual works. After the warning emitted by the Ministry of the Economy on the potential negative impact […]

Trademark Prosecution in China

Trademark Prosecution in China

What is the difference between registering atrademark through the Madrid system and registering a national Chinese trademark? China joined the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks (the Agreement) on July 4, 1989. It entered into force in China on October 4, 1989. China joined the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the […]

The Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) pilot program between Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (TIPO) and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)

The Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) pilot program between Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (TIPO) and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)

The PPH program between TIPO and USPTO launched on September 1, 2011 for a trial period of one year. Applicants of invention patents that are first filed with USPTO and later filed with TIPO claiming priority to corresponding US applications and have requested for Substantive examination but the TIPO has not issued the first examination […]

The Intellectual Property Court will not take into account any new evidence supplemented by the TIPO at the stage of appeal or administrative action if the appeal or administrative action is not arisen for a cancellation or revocation of a registered trademark or patent (a written judgment No.172 made by IP Court in 2010)

The Intellectual Property Court will not take into account any new evidence supplemented by the TIPO at the stage of appeal or administrative action if the appeal or administrative action is not arisen for a cancellation or revocation of a registered trademark or patent (a written judgment No.172 made by IP Court in 2010)

Article 33 of the Intellectual Property Case Adjudication Act prescribes that in an administrative action concerning cancellation or revocation of a registered trademark or patent, the Intellectual Property Court shall take into account any new evidence submitted on the same grounds for the cancellation or revocation prior to the end of the oral argument. The […]

“Trade dress” of the mobile phone is not distinctive enough to be registered as a trademark (a written judgment No.221 made by IP Court in 2010)

“Trade dress” of the mobile phone is not distinctive enough to be registered as a trademark (a written judgment No.221 made by IP Court in 2010)

The Plaintiff filed the trademark at issue “iPhone trade dress Icon Screen (color)” on July 23, 1999, designating on use of products with multifunctional portable digital electronic equipments in I.C. 09, namely the appearance and APPs shown on the screen of iPhone mobile phone. The judge of IP Court is of the opinion that the […]

A case demonstrates how a trademark is not likely to mislead the public with respect to the place of origin of the designated goods (a written judgment No.1324 made by the Supreme Court in 2010)

A case demonstrates how a trademark is not likely to mislead the public with respect to the place of origin of the designated goods (a written judgment No.1324 made by the Supreme Court in 2010)

In this case, the appellant is an internationally famous manufacturer and distributor of footwear and clothing. Since the appellant’s establishment in 1966, they have been using the trademark at issue as identification to every product they manufactured. Besides, early in 1987, the appellant has obtained registrations of the trademark at issue in the U.S., Canada, […]

Exercising Ingenuity: A New Exhibit at the National Inventors Hall of Fame

Exercising Ingenuity: A New Exhibit at the National Inventors Hall of Fame

Highlighting Historic Advances, Current Trends, and Future Technologies for a Healthier Body and Mind

Highlighting Historic Advances, Current Trends, and Future Technologies for a Healthier Body and Mind
Inventor of WWW Visited Austria

Inventor of WWW Visited Austria

Inventor of the WWW (World Wide Web), Sir Tim Berners-Lee, in his visit to Austria, address more than 700 people, from Austria, and throughout Central and Southeastern Europe. Among them there were many Macedonians, and many young people who wanted to see and hear a candidate for the Nobel Prize. As we know, Sir Tim […]

Пронаоѓачот на WWW во посета на Австрија

Пронаоѓачот на WWW во посета на Австрија

Пронаоѓачот на WWW (World Wide Web), Sir Tim Berners-Lee,во својата посета на Австрија им се обрати на повеќе од 700 лица, како од Австрија, така и од цела Централна и Југоисточна Европа. Меѓу нив беа присутни повеќе Македонци, но и многу млади кои сакаа да го видат и чујат кандидатот за Нобелова награда. Како што […]

Inventor of WWW Visited Austria

Inventor of WWW Visited Austria

Inventor of the WWW (World Wide Web), Sir Tim Berners-Lee, in his visit to Austria, address more than 700 people, from Austria, and throughout Central and Southeastern Europe. Among them there were many Macedonians, and many young people who wanted to see and hear a candidate for the Nobel Prize. As we know, Sir Tim […]

Inventor of the WWW (World Wide Web), Sir Tim Berners-Lee, in his visit to Austria, address more than 700 people, from Austria, and throughout Central and Southeastern Europe. Among them there were many Macedonians, and many young people who wanted to see and hear a candidate for the Nobel Prize. As we know, Sir Tim […]
Лек против пушење кој е надвор од патентна заштита претставува закана за Pfizer

Лек против пушење кој е надвор од патентна заштита претставува закана за Pfizer

Pfizer се соочува со закана во продажбата на лекот Campix,која доаѓа од страна на бугарска компанија, заради пласманот на лек кој припаѓа на нерегистираниот генерички пазар. Во една клиничка студија финансирана од страна на британски добротворни организации и медицински агенции за финансирање,добиени се ветувачки резултати во третманот со Tabex,лек продаван од страна на Софарма, со […]

Pfizer faces off-patent smoking drug threat

Pfizer faces off-patent smoking drug threat

Pfizer is facing a threat to its top-selling smoking cessation drug Champix from the Bulgarian company that has long marketed the low-cost off-patent medicine from which it was derived. A clinical study financed by British charities and medical funding agencies concludes that Tabex, sold by Sofia-based Sopharma, is promising because it is as effective and […]

Pfizer faces off-patent smoking drug threat

Pfizer faces off-patent smoking drug threat

Pfizer is facing a threat to its top-selling smoking cessation drug Champix from the Bulgarian company that has long marketed the low-cost off-patent medicine from which it was derived. A clinical study financed by British charities and medical funding agencies concludes that Tabex, sold by Sofia-based Sopharma, is promising because it is as effective and […]

Pfizer is facing a threat to its top-selling smoking cessation drug Champix from the Bulgarian company that has long marketed the low-cost off-patent medicine from which it was derived. A clinical study financed by British charities and medical funding agencies concludes that Tabex, sold by Sofia-based Sopharma, is promising because it is as effective and […]
New IP legislation in Kosovo

New IP legislation in Kosovo

At the beginning of September, on the territory of Kosovo came into force new laws on trademarks, patents and industrial designs. Novelties introduced by these laws are mostly related to the harmonization of regulations with the current European practice. Leaving the system of substantial examination and accepting the system of publication and opposition is the […]

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