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Participation of BERIN Representatives at a seminar organized by Tomson Reuters and Yalciner Consulting in Turkey
In collaboration with Tompson Reuters, the IP Agency Yalciner Consulting held a one day seminar on the topic Why and how to search, watch and protect your valuable trademark(s) worldwide. More than 50 representatives and owners of trademarks were present at the seminar. Through out the seminar were were presented the latest tools for searching […]
Црна Гора пред усвојување на предлог законот за Трговски Марки
На дневен ред на заседанието на Собранието на Црна Гора, што ќе се одржи на 13.10.2010 се наоѓа предлогот на Законот за Трговски Марки, што се очекува да биде усвоен. Изворната вест е преземена од официјалната страница на Собранието на Црна Гора
Montenegro before the adoption of the Draft on Trademark Law
On the agenda of the session of the Parliament of Montenegro, which will be held on 13.10.2010, will be the proposal of the Trademark Law, which is expected to be adopted. Source: Parliament of Monte Negro
Kosovo Parliament Approves New Trademark and Industrial Design Law
Last week the Kosovo parliament approved two fresh intellectual property statutes: a new Law on Industrial Design, which replaces its 2005 predecessor, plus a new Law on Trade Marks, which replaces the 2006 Law No. 2006/02-L54. The President of the Republic is expected to bring the new legislation into force in the near future. Source […]