Archive: September, 2014

Indo-European conference on ICT-related patents

Indo-European conference on ICT-related patents

7 November 2014 European Patent Office, Munich Europe and India are important sources of innovation as well as attractive technology markets. However, owners of information and communication technology (ICT) from the two regions are relatively inactive when it comes to protecting their ICT inventions in each other’s markets. In the long term, this lack of […]



IP Bulgaria presents an innovative project that has been launched to increase the general knowledge of the audience about topics such as business management, innovation and value creation processes. Az Upravlyavam (‘I manage’, is an internet site about the meaning of the innovations and their contribution to the business and the society. Its mission […]

IP Bulgaria presents an innovative project that has been launched to increase the general knowledge of the audience about topics such as business management, innovation and value creation processes. Az Upravlyavam (‘I manage’, is an internet site about the meaning of the innovations and their contribution to the business and the society. Its mission […]


IP Bulgaria presents an innovative project that has been launched to increase the general knowledge of the audience about topics such as business management, innovation and value creation processes. Az Upravlyavam (‘I manage’, is an internet site about the meaning of the innovations and their contribution to the business and the society. Its mission […]

The post NEW PROJECT ABOUT INNOVATION MANAGEMENT appeared first on IP Bulgaria.

IP Bulgaria presents an innovative project that has been launched to increase the general knowledge of the audience about topics such as business management, innovation and value creation processes. Az Upravlyavam (‘I manage’, is an internet site about the meaning of the innovations and their contribution to the business and the society. Its mission […]

The post NEW PROJECT ABOUT INNOVATION MANAGEMENT appeared first on IP Bulgaria.



IP Bulgaria presents an innovative project that has been launched to increase the general knowledge of the audience about topics such as business management, innovation and value creation processes. Az Upravlyavam (‘I manage’, is an internet site about the meaning of the innovations and their contribution to the business and the society. Its mission […]

The post NEW PROJECT ABOUT INNOVATION MANAGEMENT appeared first on IP Bulgaria.

IP Bulgaria presents an innovative project that has been launched to increase the general knowledge of the audience about topics such as business management, innovation and value creation processes. Az Upravlyavam (‘I manage’, is an internet site about the meaning of the innovations and their contribution to the business and the society. Its mission […]

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USPTO Launches Redesigned KIDS! Web Pages

USPTO Launches Redesigned KIDS! Web Pages

Pages provide intellectual property education resources for parents, teachers, and students of all ages

Pages provide intellectual property education resources for parents, teachers, and students of all ages
EPO to launch PPH pilot programmes with Canada, Mexico and Singapore

EPO to launch PPH pilot programmes with Canada, Mexico and Singapore

In an effort to boost innovation and trade, the EPO has signed Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) pilot programmes with the patent offices of Canada, Mexico and Singapore to launch accelerated treatment of patent applications, starting in January 2015. The bilateral agreements were signed in Geneva at the side lines of the World Intellectual Property Organization […]

In an effort to boost innovation and trade, the EPO has signed Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) pilot programmes with the patent offices of Canada, Mexico and Singapore to launch accelerated treatment of patent applications, starting in January 2015. The bilateral agreements were signed in Geneva at the side lines of the World Intellectual Property Organization […]
Недела на дизајнот во Скопје, 2014

Недела на дизајнот во Скопје, 2014

Од 23 до 28 Септември 2014г., за четврти пат ќе биде одражан настанот Недела на дизајнот во Скопје (Skopje desing week), под мотото “Четврта смена”. Во текот на настанот по отворањето ќе бидат одржани повеќе активности: дизајнерски бизнис и едукативни презентации; конференција на Балканската дизајнерска мрежа; Експо-зона; некомрецијални изложби; работилници и панел-дискусии. Конференцијата на Балканската […]

Benoît Battistelli: IP прослава во Прага

Benoît Battistelli: IP прослава во Прага

По летниот одмор, јас сум исклучиво задоволен да започнам со читање за прославата од 95-годишнина на Чешкиот завод за патенти, што се одража минатата недела во Прага во присуство на многу личности, вклучувајќи ги  потпретседателот, министерот за трговија и индустрија, раководителите на WIPO (Светската организација за интелектуална сопственост) OHIM (Ведмоство за хармонизација на внатрешниот пазар), […]

Skopje design week, 2014

Skopje design week, 2014

From 23 to 28 September in Kuršumli , the Old Bazaar will be held the fourth edition of Skopje Design Week, which this year will take place under the motto “fourth shift”. The programme of Skopje design week: After opening on September 23 in the next five days will be followed by an intense rhythm […]

Skopje design week, 2014

Skopje design week, 2014

From 23 to 28 September in Kuršumli , the Old Bazaar will be held the fourth edition of Skopje Design Week, which this year will take place under the motto “fourth shift”. The programme of Skopje design week: After opening on September 23 in the next five days will be followed by an intense rhythm […]

The post Skopje design week, 2014 appeared first on IP Македонија.

From 23 to 28 September in Kuršumli , the Old Bazaar will be held the fourth edition of Skopje Design Week, which this year will take place under the motto “fourth shift”. The programme of Skopje design week: After opening on September 23 in the next five days will be followed by an intense rhythm […]

The post Skopje design week, 2014 appeared first on IP Македонија.

Skopje design week, 2014

Skopje design week, 2014

From 23 to 28 September in Kuršumli , the Old Bazaar will be held the fourth edition of Skopje Design Week, which this year will take place under the motto “fourth shift”. The programme of Skopje design week: After opening on September 23 in the next five days will be followed by an intense rhythm […]

The post Skopje design week, 2014 appeared first on IP Македонија.

From 23 to 28 September in Kuršumli , the Old Bazaar will be held the fourth edition of Skopje Design Week, which this year will take place under the motto “fourth shift”. The programme of Skopje design week: After opening on September 23 in the next five days will be followed by an intense rhythm […]

The post Skopje design week, 2014 appeared first on IP Македонија.

Skopje design week, 2014

Skopje design week, 2014

From 23 to 28 September in Kuršumli , the Old Bazaar will be held the fourth edition of Skopje Design Week, which this year will take place under the motto “fourth shift”. The programme of Skopje design week: After opening on September 23 in the next five days will be followed by an intense rhythm […]

The post Skopje design week, 2014 appeared first on IP Македонија.

From 23 to 28 September in Kuršumli , the Old Bazaar will be held the fourth edition of Skopje Design Week, which this year will take place under the motto “fourth shift”. The programme of Skopje design week: After opening on September 23 in the next five days will be followed by an intense rhythm […]

The post Skopje design week, 2014 appeared first on IP Македонија.

Skopje design week, 2014

Skopje design week, 2014

From 23 to 28 September in Kuršumli , the Old Bazaar will be held the fourth edition of Skopje Design Week, which this year will take place under the motto “fourth shift”. The programme of Skopje design week: After opening on September 23 in the next five days will be followed by an intense rhythm […]

The post Skopje design week, 2014 appeared first on IP Македонија.

From 23 to 28 September in Kuršumli , the Old Bazaar will be held the fourth edition of Skopje Design Week, which this year will take place under the motto “fourth shift”. The programme of Skopje design week: After opening on September 23 in the next five days will be followed by an intense rhythm […]

The post Skopje design week, 2014 appeared first on IP Македонија.

Skopje design week, 2014

Skopje design week, 2014

From 23 to 28 September in Kuršumli , the Old Bazaar will be held the fourth edition of Skopje Design Week, which this year will take place under the motto “fourth shift”. The programme of Skopje design week: After opening on September 23 in the next five days will be followed by an intense rhythm […]

From 23 to 28 September in Kuršumli , the Old Bazaar will be held the fourth edition of Skopje Design Week, which this year will take place under the motto “fourth shift”. The programme of Skopje design week: After opening on September 23 in the next five days will be followed by an intense rhythm […]
Едно интервју за убавина, фотографија и авторски права…..

Едно интервју за убавина, фотографија и авторски права…..

Милан Цветановиќ е естет и фотограф аматер од Војводина, Србија. Го сретнав порано оваа година, за време на танцов турнир во Хасково. Тој беше официјалниот фотограф на настанот и за разлика од други фотографи по слични настани, тој ги предоставува на учесниците СИТЕ фотографии БЕСПЛАТНО, со еден единствен услов-кадрите да бидат споделени директно од неговиот […]

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