Archive: 15 May 2014

Potpisan Memorandum o saradnji sa Zavodom za harmonizaciju unutrašnjeg tržišta (OHIM)

Potpisan Memorandum o saradnji sa Zavodom za harmonizaciju unutrašnjeg tržišta (OHIM)

Direktor Zavoda za intelektualnu svojinu Crne Gore, gospodin Novak Adžić, i predsjednik Zavoda za harmonizaciju unutrašnjeg tržišta (žigova i dizajna) Evropske unije (OHIM), gospodin Antonio Campinos, potpisali su Memoradnum o razumijevanju o bilateralnoj saradnji između Zavoda za intelektualnu svojinu Crne Gore i OHIM-a, 20. februara 2014.godine, putem razmjene dokumenata poštom.Saradnja između crnogorskog Zavoda i OHIM-a odvijala se […]

Potpisan Memorandum o saradnji sa Zavodom za harmonizaciju unutrašnjeg tržišta (OHIM)

Potpisan Memorandum o saradnji sa Zavodom za harmonizaciju unutrašnjeg tržišta (OHIM)

Direktor Zavoda za intelektualnu svojinu Crne Gore, gospodin Novak Adžić, i predsjednik Zavoda za harmonizaciju unutrašnjeg tržišta (žigova i dizajna) Evropske unije (OHIM), gospodin Antonio Campinos, potpisali su Memoradnum o razumijevanju o bilateralnoj saradnji između Zavoda za intelektualnu svojinu Crne Gore i OHIM-a, 20. februara 2014.godine, putem razmjene dokumenata poštom.Saradnja između crnogorskog Zavoda i OHIM-a odvijala se […]

Заштита на селекционерски права во Македонија- прашања и одговори

Заштита на селекционерски права во Македонија- прашања и одговори

Со оглед на тоа што нема многу стручна литература во областа на новите сорти растенија како дел од интелектуалната сопственост, во следната статија ќе се обидеме да дадеме кратка информација за тоа што претставува сорта, селекционерско право и како истото може да биде заштитено. Законот за селекционерските права е донесен од собранието на Република Македонија […]

Memorandum of Understanding – OHIM and IPOM (Montenegro)

Memorandum of Understanding – OHIM and IPOM (Montenegro)

OHIM and the Intellectual Property Office of Montenegro (IPOM) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding, covering a range of cooperation activities, within the framework of the Office’s International Cooperation Programme approved last February. Under the agreement, Montenegro will work towards joining TMview, Designview and TMclass, as well as taking part in training activities organised by […]

Ice Line LTD. vs. Ice Shot LTD. – competing marks

Ice Line LTD. vs. Ice Shot LTD. – competing marks

If a second, trademark application is filed whilst a first similar mark is pending, the patent office initiates a competing marks procedure under section 29 of the Trademark Ordinance 1972.  One mark is chosen to proceed to examination, and only once it is allowed or rejected, is the other mark examined. When choosing which mark […]

If a second, trademark application is filed whilst a first similar mark is pending, the patent office initiates a competing marks procedure under section 29 of the Trademark Ordinance 1972.  One mark is chosen to proceed to examination, and only once it is allowed or rejected, is the other mark examined. When choosing which mark […]
Thailand remains on the Priority Watch List in 2014

Thailand remains on the Priority Watch List in 2014

USTR welcomes Thailand’s efforts to improve the intellectual property protection and enforcement. However, there still are some legislative objectifs that Thailand has to achieve: legislation to address landlord liability and unauthorized camcording of motion pictures in theaters; to provide Thai Customs with ex officio authority; to fully implement the provisions of the WIPO Internet Treaties; […]

NOUVEAU DROIT DES MARQUES EN CHINE-entré en vigueur depuis 01.05.2014

NOUVEAU DROIT DES MARQUES EN CHINE-entré en vigueur depuis 01.05.2014

Le nouveau droit des marques en Chine a été publié et entre en vigueur le 1er mai 2014. D’importants changements ont été faits dans le domaine de la lutte contre la piraterie, la poursuite, la mise en application, la détermination et l’utilisation de marques bien connues, l’opposition, et l’annulation. Les changements inclurent: Une protection renforcée […]

Memorandum of Understanding – OHIM and IPOM (Montenegro)

Memorandum of Understanding – OHIM and IPOM (Montenegro)

OHIM and the Intellectual Property Office of Montenegro (IPOM) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding, covering a range of cooperation activities, within the framework of the Office’s International Cooperation Programme approved last February. Under the agreement, Montenegro will work towards joining TMview, Designview and TMclass, as well as taking part in training activities organised by […]

OHIM and the Intellectual Property Office of Montenegro (IPOM) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding, covering a range of cooperation activities, within the framework of the Office’s International Cooperation Programme approved last February. Under the agreement, Montenegro will work towards joining TMview, Designview and TMclass, as well as taking part in training activities organised by […]