In Podgorica, an international conference ‘Protection of Geographical Indications’, on 17-18 july 2014, Organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in cooperation with the Intellectual Property Office of Montenegro

The introductory speech was given by Mr. Novak Adzic, director of the Intellectual Property Office of Montenegro, who first pointed out that Montenegro is a member of WPO since 2006 and that, together with the additional 186 Member States, part of a large family of eminent world organization. Adzic Director pointed out that the Conference […]

The introductory speech was given by Mr. Novak Adzic, director of the Intellectual Property Office of Montenegro, who first pointed out that Montenegro is a member of WPO since 2006 and that, together with the additional 186 Member States, part of a large family of eminent world organization. Adzic Director pointed out that the Conference agreed at a meeting sitting WIPO, Geneva, 27 September 2013.god., When Mr. Francis Gurry, Director General of WIPO, accepted his proposal to organize this in Podgorica significant event. The name and theme of the conference reflects the importance of the need to protect the mark closer to the professional and general public in Montenegro, considering that this area is not sufficiently known to us. Montenegro, he said, ‘abounds with products that are natural: water, salt, stone and the like; farm: cheese, sour cream; domestic products: sweaters, lace and others. , All of which originate from a specific territory in the country, region or locality with the territory, which has a certain quality, have the reputation or other characteristics – which can all be attributed to the geographical origin and as such, these products can be protected designation of origin. Montenegro is a treasure trove of such products, which is precisely the reason to organize an international conference on this topic. ‘Expressing the expectation that the introduction to the benefits of this protection, which will be presented in detail during the conference, to encourage manufacturers to protect their products and geographical indication sending warm dorodošlicu experts WIPO, WTO, away from the whole region and national speakers, Mr. Adzic opened the conference and all the participants wanted to work successful today.

Guests were then addressed by Mr. Matthijs Geuze, Head of the Sector for Lisbon registry, brands and designs, as a representative of WIPO and the leader of the team of experts at the conference, which confirmed the excellent cooperation between Montenegro, especially the Intellectual Property Office of Montenegro and WIPO- and, and expressed satisfaction with the opportunities that the Montenegrin public to the Lisbon Treaty on the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their international Registration. Mr. Geuze praised the organization of the conference, adding that a large number of participants shows that there is interest in this type of protection for indigenous Montenegrin products, expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome and conveyed best wishes from the headquarters of WIPO for the success of the Conference. In a presentation entitled ‘Geographical indications and appellations of origin – Review of the Lisbon Treaty: the latest developments’, Mr. Geuze first explained the role of WIPO in this area and said that WIPO administers a number of international agreements, the most important being the Lisbon Treaty, to there is a forum for discussion on possible ways to improve care through geographical indications and appellations of origin; to the WIPO Standing Committee on there right / laws on trademarks, designs and geographical indications, as well as the Working Group on the development of the Lisbon system at whose meetings to discuss all current issues; that WIPO provides technical assistance to member states. After that, Mr. Geuze explained in detail the differences between geographical indications and appellations of origin: geographical indication is specifically protected designation of a product originating from a particular geographic territory, which has specific properties, has a certain quality – all characteristics that indicate its geographical origin; as an appellation of origin, in addition to the similarity of attributes, requires a certain reputation, which depends on the geographic environment, which includes human / human factors. The presentation covered a detailed breakdown of the system of protection of geographical indications and appellations of origin in different countries (the USA, China, EU member states), along with numerous examples. In the end, Mr. Geuze pointed out that in the course of reviewing the audit and improvement of the Lisbon system, through improving the legal framework and the eventual integration of intergovernmental organizations such as the EU, OAPI. Lisbon Union now has 28 Member States. In the end, Mr. Geuze said that WIPO be adopted recommendations from the ninth session of the Working Group on the development of the Lisbon system to the next, the 10th session (which will be held from 27 to 31. 2014.god October.), As well as preparations for the maintenance of the Diplomatic Conference planned for spring 2015.

A presentation by Mr. Dan Rottenberg, the Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Commission, in Brussels, called the ‘EU system for the protection and enforcement of rights of geographical indications’ which gave the display quality schemes in the EU; explained the benefits of protecting geographical indications and appellations proijekla, as well as to submit the application; how the srpovode control; then explained to the infringement; presented statistical data.

The first day of the conference ended in emergency reception in the wine cellar ‘Plantation’, Šipčanik, hosted by the Institute for the Intellectual Property Office of Montenegro, during which the participants of the Conference met with extraordinary achievements of this renowned company and its outstanding products, primarily Montenegrin wine unique taste recognizable in the region and the world, in an attractive setting exchanged impressions about the conference and our country. The company ”13. Jul – Plantations’ delighted the audience with guests gifts – samples of wine Vranac and cross.

The second day of the Conference of the drink with a presentation by Mr. Wolf R. Meier-Ewert, Department of Intellectual Property of the World Trade Organization (WTO), entitled ‘Geographical indications in the WTO’, which is illumination system of protection of geographical indications, the interpretation of the provisions TRIPS relating to this matter, and gave specific explanations on the mandate for negotiations on Article 23.4 TRIPS, the two views, or two groups of so called baseline. skeptical countries (USA, Canada, etc..) that advocate for voluntary participation in the system of protection and groups of countries (Macedonia, Croatia, etc..) that advocate for mandatory participation in the protection system.

International Conference component, within which their presentations on the theme ‘The relationship between trademarks and geographical indications – the experiences of countries in the region’ had representatives Institute for Intellectual Property in the region, namely: Mr. Miroslav Maric (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Mr. Simco Simjanovska (FYR Macedonia), Mrs Ana Marinkovic Racki (Croatia); Ms. Mirela Boskovic (Serbia), Mrs. Vesela Venišnik (Slovenia) provided special, the regional dimension of this conference and approached a very important difference between these two types of protection, and practical examples and a list of geographical indications showed that protection by the geographical indication has supporters among producers in the region.



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