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Advanced Summer School on Intellectual Property and Transfer of Technology – Registration Deadline August 30, 2013
Port Elizabeth, South Africa (November 25 to December 6, 2013) This two-week Summer School on IP and Transfer of Technology, offered jointly by the WIPO Academy , the Department of Science and Technology of South Africa, the National Intellectual Property Management Office, the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission and Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, provides an […]
Trademarks boom in 2012
“BY THE END OF 2012, CUMULATIVE TRADEMARK APPLICATIONS IN CHINA REACHED 11.3 MILLION. THERE WERE 7.6 MILLION TRADEMARK REGISTRATIONS OF WHICH 6.4 MILLION REMAIN VALID.” The China Trademark Office and China Trademark Review and Adjudication Board have published the Annual Development Report on China’s Trademark Strategy 2012 and made both Chinese and English versions downloadable […]
The White House’s Intellectual Property Chief Stepped Down
12 August, 2013 – The White House’s intellectual property chief, Victoria Espinel, has stepped down from her role in the administration. Espinel served as the White House’s first intellectual property enforcement officer, a position that was established in the 2008 Pro-IP Act. She was appointed by President Obama in September 2009 and confirmed by the […]
The White House’s Intellectual Property Chief Stepped Down
12 August, 2013 – The White House’s intellectual property chief, Victoria Espinel, has stepped down from her role in the administration. Espinel served as the White House’s first intellectual property enforcement officer, a position that was established in the 2008 Pro-IP Act. She was appointed by President Obama in September 2009 and confirmed by the […]
Traditionally for the nineteenth time on December 24, 2012 at Hotel „ Stone Brigde“, was organized the event „Patent of the year-2012“ by the National Office of industrial property of the Republic of Macedonia. The ceremony was attented by inventors, economists and other eminet guests who are directly and indirectly involved in the activites of […]
Traditionally for the nineteenth time on December 24, 2012 at Hotel „ Stone Brigde“, was organized the event „Patent of the year-2012“ by the National Office of industrial property of the Republic of Macedonia. The ceremony was attented by inventors, economists and other eminet guests who are directly and indirectly involved in the activites of […]
Traditionally for the nineteenth time on December 24, 2012 at Hotel „ Stone Brigde“, was organized the event „Patent of the year-2012“ by the National Office of industrial property of the Republic of Macedonia. The ceremony was attented by inventors, economists and other eminet guests who are directly and indirectly involved in the activites of […]
Traditionally for the nineteenth time on December 24, 2012 at Hotel „ Stone Brigde“, was organized the event „Patent of the year-2012“ by the National Office of industrial property of the Republic of Macedonia. The ceremony was attented by inventors, economists and other eminet guests who are directly and indirectly involved in the activites of […]
The post PATENT OF THE YEAR – 2012 appeared first on IP Македонија.
Traditionally for the nineteenth time on December 24, 2012 at Hotel „ Stone Brigde“, was organized the event „Patent of the year-2012“ by the National Office of industrial property of the Republic of Macedonia. The ceremony was attented by inventors, economists and other eminet guests who are directly and indirectly involved in the activites of […]
The post PATENT OF THE YEAR – 2012 appeared first on IP Македонија.
Traditionally for the nineteenth time on December 24, 2012 at Hotel „ Stone Brigde“, was organized the event „Patent of the year-2012“ by the National Office of industrial property of the Republic of Macedonia. The ceremony was attented by inventors, economists and other eminet guests who are directly and indirectly involved in the activites of […]
The post PATENT OF THE YEAR – 2012 appeared first on IP Македонија.
Traditionally for the nineteenth time on December 24, 2012 at Hotel „ Stone Brigde“, was organized the event „Patent of the year-2012“ by the National Office of industrial property of the Republic of Macedonia. The ceremony was attented by inventors, economists and other eminet guests who are directly and indirectly involved in the activites of […]
The post PATENT OF THE YEAR – 2012 appeared first on IP Македонија.
Traditionally for the nineteenth time on December 24, 2012 at Hotel „ Stone Brigde“, was organized the event „Patent of the year-2012“ by the National Office of industrial property of the Republic of Macedonia. The ceremony was attented by inventors, economists and other eminet guests who are directly and indirectly involved in the activites of […]
The post PATENT OF THE YEAR – 2012 appeared first on IP Македонија.
Traditionally for the nineteenth time on December 24, 2012 at Hotel „ Stone Brigde“, was organized the event „Patent of the year-2012“ by the National Office of industrial property of the Republic of Macedonia. The ceremony was attented by inventors, economists and other eminet guests who are directly and indirectly involved in the activites of […]
The post PATENT OF THE YEAR – 2012 appeared first on IP Македонија.
Traditionally for the nineteenth time on December 24, 2012 at Hotel „ Stone Brigde“, was organized the event „Patent of the year-2012“ by the National Office of industrial property of the Republic of Macedonia. The ceremony was attented by inventors, economists and other eminet guests who are directly and indirectly involved in the activites of […]
The post PATENT OF THE YEAR – 2012 appeared first on IP Македонија.
Traditionally for the nineteenth time on December 24, 2012 at Hotel „ Stone Brigde“, was organized the event „Patent of the year-2012“ by the National Office of industrial property of the Republic of Macedonia. The ceremony was attented by inventors, economists and other eminet guests who are directly and indirectly involved in the activites of […]
The post PATENT OF THE YEAR – 2012 appeared first on IP Македонија.
September Official Holidays in Israel
The Israel Patent Office will be closed over the Jewish festivals of Rosh Hashanna on 4th and 5th September 2013 and over Suckot from 15th September to Thursday 26th September. The Israel Patent Office will actually be closed until Sunday 29th September. All deadlines landing when the patent office is closed are automatically extended to […]
The Israel Patent Office will be closed over the Jewish festivals of Rosh Hashanna on 4th and 5th September 2013 and over Suckot from 15th September to Thursday 26th September. The Israel Patent Office will actually be closed until Sunday 29th September. All deadlines landing when the patent office is closed are automatically extended to […]
Open access to research publications reaching ‘tipping point’
BRUSSELS – The global shift towards making research findings available free of charge for readers—so-called ‘open access’—was confirmed today in a study funded by the European Commission. This new research suggests that open access is reaching the tipping point, with around 50% of scientific papers published in 2011 now available for free. This is about twice […]
Лиценцна политика на Меѓународен центар за генетски инжинеринг и биотехнологија
1. Вовед Добрата на интелектуална собственост може да бидат комерцијално експолтирани од страна на носителот или со негова дозвола од други лица. За да може интелектуалните продукти да достигнат до поширок круг од луѓе и на повеќе територии се отстапуваат лиценци за користење од страна на други лица. Во следниот реферат ќе разгледаме лиценцната политика […]
Won’t it infringe someone’s copyrights as long as…
Won’t it infringe someone’s copyrights as long as a clear indication of the name or appellation of the author and the source of the work is provided? Someone (hereinafter “A”) is fond of photography and often takes pictures outdoors with people having the same habit and then the photographers post all their photographic works on […]
Won’t it infringe someone’s copyrights as long as a clear indication of the name or appellation of the author and the source of the work is provided? Someone (hereinafter “A”) is fond of photography and often takes pictures outdoors with people having the same habit and then the photographers post all their photographic works on […]
Патент на годината 2012
Традиционално по деветнаесетти пат на 24 декември 2012 година во Хотел “Stone Bridge”, во организација на Државниот завод за индустриска сопственост на Република Македонија, се одржа манифестацијата “Патент на годината -2012”. На свечениот настан беа присутни пронајдувачи, претставници од стопанството, застапници и други еминентни гости кои директно и индиректно се вклучени во активностите на заштитата […]