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Modernization of the IP Community: Members of the working groups selected
The Modernization of the IP Community initiative aims to review and modernize the way CIPO IP agents and various combinations of agents are working together to meet the needs of the Canadian businesses and innovators. In August 2013, OPIC, the Institute for Intellectual Property of Canada (IPIC), the International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI) […]
The Modernization of the IP Community initiative aims to review and modernize the way CIPO IP agents and various combinations of agents are working together to meet the needs of the Canadian businesses and innovators. In August 2013, OPIC, the Institute for Intellectual Property of Canada (IPIC), the International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI) […]
Modernisation de la communauté de la PI : Membres des groupes de travail sélectionnés
L’initiative de Modernisation de la Communauté de la Propriété Intellectuelle vise à examiner et à moderniser la façon dont l’OPIC, les agents de la PI et les diverses associations d’agents collaborent pour répondre aux besoins des entreprises et des innovateurs canadiens. En août 2013, l’OPIC, l’Institut de la Propriété Intellectuelle du Canada (IPIC), la Fédération Internationale des Conseils […]
AIPLA Restoration of Priority Webinar
The American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) is offering a webinar on restoration of priority. Rick Neifeld will be speaking in the webinar on restoration in the United States in view of recent changes in US law. If you want to know whether any US patent or application can have a missed priority restored, you should attend […]
Salonul International de Inventii si Tehnologii Inovationale „Аrhimede”
In perioada 1-4 aprilie 2014, la Moscova, in incinta Centrului Expozitional „Sokolniki”, se va desfasura cea de-a XVII-a editie a Salonului International de Inventii si Tehnologii Inovationale „Аrhimede”, organizata cu suportul Organizatiei Mondiale a Proprietatii Intelectuale (OMPI). Programul Salonului va include: Expozitia de Inventii si Tehnologii Inovationale; Conferinta privind protectia juridica a rezultatelor activitatii intelectuale; […]
Copyright: cross-border licences for online music services
New rules on music copyright approved by Parliament on Tuesday aim to make it easier for online providers to get licences to stream music in more than one EU country. The law, already informally agreed with Council, should stimulate the development of EU-wide online music services for consumers and ensure that artists’ rights are better […]
International Salon of Inventions and Innovation Technologies “Аrchimedes”
In the period of 1-4 April 2014, in Moscow, within the premises of the “Sokolniki” Exhibition Centre, will be held the seventeenth edition of the International Salon of Inventions and Innovation Technologies “Аrchimedes”, organized with the support of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The Salon Program will include: The Exhibition of Inventions and Innovation […]
Saudi Arabia – Increase in Official Publication Fees for New Trademarks
The Saudi Trademark Office (STO) has, on 14 January 2014, notified all trademark Agents of an increase on the official publication fees for new trademark applications with immediate effect. Accordingly, the publication fees are now SAR3000 instead of SAR1000. The new schedule will apply to applications filed after the date of the effective date. The […]
Holding an Art Exhibition with Painting Collection May be Deemed as a Kind of Fair Use
A painting is a kind of the artistic work. When someone bought a painting, he/she merely obtains the ownership of the painting instead of the copyright thereof. Therefore, the copyright still belongs to the person who creates the painting. If a person bought some original paintings, printed and bound them as a book, and then […]
A painting is a kind of the artistic work. When someone bought a painting, he/she merely obtains the ownership of the painting instead of the copyright thereof. Therefore, the copyright still belongs to the person who creates the painting. If a person bought some original paintings, printed and bound them as a book, and then […]
Images of documents prior to 1920 now available in the Canadian Patents Database
The Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) has announced the expansion of its Canadian Patents Database (CPD), in order to include images of patent documents prior to 1920. Persons conducting a priority search will benefit from access to these files. CIPO plans to share data prior to 1920 with other IP offices and to offer all […]
The Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) has announced the expansion of its Canadian Patents Database (CPD), in order to include images of patent documents prior to 1920. Persons conducting a priority search will benefit from access to these files. CIPO plans to share data prior to 1920 with other IP offices and to offer all […]
Images de documents antérieurs à 1920 maintenant disponibles dans la Base de données sur les brevets canadiens
L’Office de la Propriété Intellectuelle du Canada (OPIC) a annoncé l’élargissement de sa Base de données sur les brevets canadiens (BDBC), dans l`objectif d’inclure des images de documents de brevets antérieurs à 1920. Les personnes qui effectuent une recherche d’antériorité vont profiter de l’accès à ces fichiers. L’OPIC prévoit partager les données antérieures à 1920 avec les […]
У Риму је, у организацији Министарства иностраних послова Републике Италије, 27. јануара одржана конференција под називом „Интелектуална својина: стратешки фактор за економски развој на глобалном тржишту“. На конференцији су говорили директор Светске организације за интелектуалну својину, Френсис Гари, високи функционери МИП-а Републике Италије, представници разних министарстава ове земље, представници организација које се баве заштитом интелектуалне […]
Соглашения Роспатента с администрациями регионов Российской Федерации
В настоящее время Роспатентом заключен ряд Соглашений с региональными административными структурами, на основе которых предполагается дальнейшее развитие. Роспатентом заключены соглашения с Администрациями (Правительствами) 36 регионов Российской Федерации: г. Москвы, г. Санкт-Петербурга, Амурской, Архангельской, Астраханской, Белгородской, Брянской, Волгоградской, Калининградской, Калужской, Кировской, Костромской, Липецкой, Магаданской, Нижегородской, Новосибирской, Орловской, Самарской, Сахалинской, Свердловской, Тверской, Томской, Тульской, Тюменской и Ульяновской областей, […]
Agreements between Rospatent and the administrative regions of the Russian Federation
Currently Rospatent has number of agreements with the regional administrative structures on the basis of which further development is expected. Rospatent has agreements with the administrations (governments) of 36 regions of the Russian Federation : Moscow, St. Petersburg, Amur, Arkhangelsk , Astrakhan, Belgorod , Bryansk, Volgograd , Kaliningrad, Kaluga, Kirov, Kostroma, Lipetsk, Magadan , Nizhny […]
Currently Rospatent has number of agreements with the regional administrative structures on the basis of which further development is expected. Rospatent has agreements with the administrations (governments) of 36 regions of the Russian Federation : Moscow, St. Petersburg, Amur, Arkhangelsk , Astrakhan, Belgorod , Bryansk, Volgograd , Kaliningrad, Kaluga, Kirov, Kostroma, Lipetsk, Magadan , Nizhny […]
WIPO Changed the Amounts of the Individual Fee of Israel
The Government of Israel has notified to the Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) a declaration modifying the amounts of the individual fee payable with respect to Israel under Article 8(7) of the Madrid Protocol. In accordance with Rule 35(2)(b) of the Common Regulations under the Madrid Agreement and Protocol, the Director […]
The Government of Israel has notified to the Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) a declaration modifying the amounts of the individual fee payable with respect to Israel under Article 8(7) of the Madrid Protocol. In accordance with Rule 35(2)(b) of the Common Regulations under the Madrid Agreement and Protocol, the Director […]
Louis Vuitton and the Chinese site Taobao signed an anti-counterfeiting agreement
On October 11 2013, Louis Vuitton (LVMH) has reached an agreement to combat counterfeiting with Taobao.com website, belonging to the Alibaba Group. Taobao is committed to preventing the spread of counterfeit products with “proactive and preventive” measures from the vendors and the removal of suspicious offers. Launched ten years ago, Taobao.com is a sale site […]
On October 11 2013, Louis Vuitton (LVMH) has reached an agreement to combat counterfeiting with Taobao.com website, belonging to the Alibaba Group. Taobao is committed to preventing the spread of counterfeit products with “proactive and preventive” measures from the vendors and the removal of suspicious offers. Launched ten years ago, Taobao.com is a sale site […]