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Конкурс за публикација во врска со светскиот ден на Интелектуалната сопственост
Драги читатели, Учествувајте во нашиот Конкурс за публикација во врска со Светскиот ден на интелктуалната сопственост 26 април 2014 Филмовите- една светска страс е мотото, под коешто СОИС го одбележува овојгодишниот ден на Интелектуалната сопственост. Испратете ни Ваша разработка – статија, есеј, слика, плакат или друг вид материјал, кој што ја разгледува врската меѓу киноиндустријата […]
« Protection des images en Suisse » le 29 avril 2014 à Berne
L`Institut Fédéral de la Propriété Intellectuelle Suisse annonce l`exposé « Protection des images en Suisse » de Sebastian Rengshausen et Dirk Feldmann. C`est important de noter qu`en Suisse, les photographies ne sont protégées par le droit d’auteur que « si elles ont un caractère individuel ». Les deux arrêts rendus récemment par le Tribunal fédéral et le Tribunal de […]
L`Institut Fédéral de la Propriété Intellectuelle Suisse annonce l`exposé « Protection des images en Suisse » de Sebastian Rengshausen et Dirk Feldmann. C`est important de noter qu`en Suisse, les photographies ne sont protégées par le droit d’auteur que « si elles ont un caractère individuel ». Les deux arrêts rendus récemment par le Tribunal fédéral et le Tribunal de […]
Конкурс за публикация във връзка със Световния ден на Интелектуалната собственост
Скъпи читатели, участвайте в нашия Конкурс за публикация във връзка със Световния ден на Интелектуалната собственост 26 април 2014 Филмите – Една световна страст е мотото, под което СОИС отбелязва тазгодишния ден на Интелектуалната собственост. Изпратете ни ваша разработка – статия, есе, снимка, плакат или друг вид материал, разглеждащ киноиндустрията и връзката ѝ с важни […]
Скъпи читатели, участвайте в нашия Конкурс за публикация във връзка със Световния ден на Интелектуалната собственост 26 април 2014 Филмите – Една световна страст е мотото, под което СОИС отбелязва тазгодишния ден на Интелектуалната собственост. Изпратете ни ваша разработка – статия, есе, снимка, плакат или друг вид материал, разглеждащ киноиндустрията и връзката ѝ с важни […]
CIOPORA AGM 2014 in The Hague: Ornamental and Fruit Breeders Define the Association’s Future IP Position
Hamburg, March 11/2014 Many of the ornamental and fruit breeders, united in CIOPORA since 1961, have been writing the history of the breeding industry for more than a century. On April 1 and 2, 2014, CIOPORA members will also receive an opportunity to define its future by providing their input to the texts of the […]
The post CIOPORA AGM 2014 in The Hague: Ornamental and Fruit Breeders Define the Association’s Future IP Position appeared first on IP Bulgaria.
Hamburg, March 11/2014 Many of the ornamental and fruit breeders, united in CIOPORA since 1961, have been writing the history of the breeding industry for more than a century. On April 1 and 2, 2014, CIOPORA members will also receive an opportunity to define its future by providing their input to the texts of the […]
The post CIOPORA AGM 2014 in The Hague: Ornamental and Fruit Breeders Define the Association’s Future IP Position appeared first on IP Bulgaria.
CIOPORA AGM 2014 in The Hague: Ornamental and Fruit Breeders Define the Association’s Future IP Position
Hamburg, March 11/2014 Many of the ornamental and fruit breeders, united in CIOPORA since 1961, have been writing the history of the breeding industry for more than a century. On April 1 and 2, 2014, CIOPORA members will also receive an opportunity to define its future by providing their input to the texts of the […]
Hamburg, March 11/2014 Many of the ornamental and fruit breeders, united in CIOPORA since 1961, have been writing the history of the breeding industry for more than a century. On April 1 and 2, 2014, CIOPORA members will also receive an opportunity to define its future by providing their input to the texts of the […]
CIOPORA AGM 2014 in The Hague: Ornamental and Fruit Breeders Define the Association’s Future IP Position
Hamburg, March 11/2014 Many of the ornamental and fruit breeders, united in CIOPORA since 1961, have been writing the history of the breeding industry for more than a century. On April 1 and 2, 2014, CIOPORA members will also receive an opportunity to define its future by providing their input to the texts of the […]
The post CIOPORA AGM 2014 in The Hague: Ornamental and Fruit Breeders Define the Association’s Future IP Position appeared first on IP Bulgaria.
Hamburg, March 11/2014 Many of the ornamental and fruit breeders, united in CIOPORA since 1961, have been writing the history of the breeding industry for more than a century. On April 1 and 2, 2014, CIOPORA members will also receive an opportunity to define its future by providing their input to the texts of the […]
The post CIOPORA AGM 2014 in The Hague: Ornamental and Fruit Breeders Define the Association’s Future IP Position appeared first on IP Bulgaria.
Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 29 Tahun 2000 Tentang Perlindungan Varietas Tanaman
Menimbang : a. bahwa Negara Republik Indonesia adalah negara agraris, maka pertanian yang maju, efisien, dan tangguh mempunyai peranan yang penting dalam rangka pencapaian tujuan pembangunan nasional; b. bahwa untuk membangun pertanian yang maju, efisien, dan tangguh perlu didukung dan ditunjang antara lain dengan tersedianya varietas unggul; c. bahwa sumberdaya plasma nutfah yang merupakan bahan […]
Kamen Vesselinov is no longer President of the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria
The Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria released Professor Kamen Vesselinov from the occupied by him position President of the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria. Kamen Vesselinov, who recently turned 68, occupied the position without the required professional experience. During his leadership, the Office was brought to a severe crisis, lack of […]
The Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria released Professor Kamen Vesselinov from the occupied by him position President of the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria. Kamen Vesselinov, who recently turned 68, occupied the position without the required professional experience. During his leadership, the Office was brought to a severe crisis, lack of […]
New peak at the European Patent Office: more than 265 000 patent filings received in 2013 (+2.8%)
The EPO received more than 265 000 patent filings in 2013. This is a 2.8% increase over 2012 (257 700 filings), and a new all-time high. Last year, after a high-quality search and examination process, the EPO granted and published 66 700 patents, which was 1.7% more than in 2012 (65 600). “The figures underline […]
Special 301 Report reveals the extent of the negative financial impact on the US economy by overseas copyright piracy and market access barriers. The submission made by the International intellectual property alliance to the United States Trade Representative is focused on reforms recommendations that could improve the fight against piracy of US intellectual property at […]
Posting Other’s Work on One’s Own Website Should Get A Consent or License From The Rights Holder
In order to promote his own restaurant, John searched out Mary’s blog in which Mary posted her articles and photos concerning her good experience in John’s restaurant. Do John’s acts infringe Mary’s copyrights? Mary’s articles and photos as mentioned above belong to “literary work” and “photographic work” which are protected by copyrights. John posted Mary’s articles […]
In order to promote his own restaurant, John searched out Mary’s blog in which Mary posted her articles and photos concerning her good experience in John’s restaurant. Do John’s acts infringe Mary’s copyrights? Mary’s articles and photos as mentioned above belong to “literary work” and “photographic work” which are protected by copyrights. John posted Mary’s articles […]
Amendments to the Trade-marks Regulations and the Patent Rules coming into force on April 1, 2014
The Canadian Intellectual Property Office reminds that the recent amendments to the Trade-Marks Regulations and to sections 16 and 17 of the Patent Rules will be coming into force on April 1, 2014. CIPO underlines the following regulatory changes as most interesting: “Recognition of up to 12 months of practical experience for persons who are entitled to practice before […]
The Canadian Intellectual Property Office reminds that the recent amendments to the Trade-Marks Regulations and to sections 16 and 17 of the Patent Rules will be coming into force on April 1, 2014. CIPO underlines the following regulatory changes as most interesting: “Recognition of up to 12 months of practical experience for persons who are entitled to practice before […]
New member of IP4all® network
Dear readers, The team of IP4all has the pleasure to present you the newest member of our network IP Portal Bosnia and Herzegovina- http://ipbih.ip4all.com. Here you can find useful information about national and international legislation in field of intellectual property, relating to Bosnia and Herzegovina, also you can find the latest news. We hope to be […]
Dear readers, The team of IP4all has the pleasure to present you the newest member of our network IP Portal Bosnia and Herzegovina- http://ipbih.ip4all.com. Here you can find useful information about national and international legislation in field of intellectual property, relating to Bosnia and Herzegovina, also you can find the latest news. We hope to be […]
New member of IP4all® network
Dear readers, The team of IP4all has the pleasure to present you the newest member of our network IP Portal Bosnia and Herzegovina- http://ipbih.ip4all.com. Here you can find useful information about national and international legislation in field of intellectual property, relating to Bosnia and Herzegovina, also you can find the latest news. We hope to be […]
Dear readers, The team of IP4all has the pleasure to present you the newest member of our network IP Portal Bosnia and Herzegovina- http://ipbih.ip4all.com. Here you can find useful information about national and international legislation in field of intellectual property, relating to Bosnia and Herzegovina, also you can find the latest news. We hope to be […]
Modifications au Règlement sur les marques de commerce et aux Règles sur les brevets
L’Office de la propriété intellectuelle du Canada rappelle que les modifications apportées récemment au Règlement sur les marques de commerce et aux articles 16 et 17 des Règles sur les brevets entreront en vigueur le 1er avril 2014. OPIC souligne aussi les changements réglementaires suivants comme les plus intéressants : « Reconnaissance d’au plus 12 mois d’expérience pratique pour les personnes […]