09 May 2014 | IP Network News
On 04/29/2014 was elected ” Patent of the Year” . Technical and technological solution for processing sludge from municipal wastewater and getting organic – mineral fertilizer is a patent of the year for 2013. The recognition of the 20th annual event got inventors : Resmi Ziba , Momchula Jordanoski Valentina Pelivanova and Ajro Valit . “ […]
The post Patent of the Year: Mineral fertilizer from municipal wastewater appeared first on IP Македонија.
On 04/29/2014 was elected ” Patent of the Year” . Technical and technological solution for processing sludge from municipal wastewater and getting organic – mineral fertilizer is a patent of the year for 2013. The recognition of the 20th annual event got inventors : Resmi Ziba , Momchula Jordanoski Valentina Pelivanova and Ajro Valit . “ […]
The post Patent of the Year: Mineral fertilizer from municipal wastewater appeared first on IP Македонија.
09 May 2014 | IP Network News
On 04/29/2014 was elected ” Patent of the Year” . Technical and technological solution for processing sludge from municipal wastewater and getting organic – mineral fertilizer is a patent of the year for 2013. The recognition of the 20th annual event got inventors : Resmi Ziba , Momchula Jordanoski Valentina Pelivanova and Ajro Valit . “ […]
The post Patent of the Year: Mineral fertilizer from municipal wastewater appeared first on IP Македонија.
On 04/29/2014 was elected ” Patent of the Year” . Technical and technological solution for processing sludge from municipal wastewater and getting organic – mineral fertilizer is a patent of the year for 2013. The recognition of the 20th annual event got inventors : Resmi Ziba , Momchula Jordanoski Valentina Pelivanova and Ajro Valit . “ […]
The post Patent of the Year: Mineral fertilizer from municipal wastewater appeared first on IP Македонија.
09 May 2014 | IP Network News
On 04/29/2014 was elected ” Patent of the Year” . Technical and technological solution for processing sludge from municipal wastewater and getting organic – mineral fertilizer is a patent of the year for 2013. The recognition of the 20th annual event got inventors : Resmi Ziba , Momchula Jordanoski Valentina Pelivanova and Ajro Valit . “ […]
The post Patent of the Year: Mineral fertilizer from municipal wastewater appeared first on IP Македонија.
On 04/29/2014 was elected ” Patent of the Year” . Technical and technological solution for processing sludge from municipal wastewater and getting organic – mineral fertilizer is a patent of the year for 2013. The recognition of the 20th annual event got inventors : Resmi Ziba , Momchula Jordanoski Valentina Pelivanova and Ajro Valit . “ […]
The post Patent of the Year: Mineral fertilizer from municipal wastewater appeared first on IP Македонија.
09 May 2014 | IP Network News
On 04/29/2014 was elected ” Patent of the Year” . Technical and technological solution for processing sludge from municipal wastewater and getting organic – mineral fertilizer is a patent of the year for 2013. The recognition of the 20th annual event got inventors : Resmi Ziba , Momchula Jordanoski Valentina Pelivanova and Ajro Valit . “ […]
The post Patent of the Year: Mineral fertilizer from municipal wastewater appeared first on IP Македонија.
On 04/29/2014 was elected ” Patent of the Year” . Technical and technological solution for processing sludge from municipal wastewater and getting organic – mineral fertilizer is a patent of the year for 2013. The recognition of the 20th annual event got inventors : Resmi Ziba , Momchula Jordanoski Valentina Pelivanova and Ajro Valit . “ […]
The post Patent of the Year: Mineral fertilizer from municipal wastewater appeared first on IP Македонија.
09 May 2014 | IP Network News
On 04/29/2014 was elected ” Patent of the Year” . Technical and technological solution for processing sludge from municipal wastewater and getting organic – mineral fertilizer is a patent of the year for 2013. The recognition of the 20th annual event got inventors : Resmi Ziba , Momchula Jordanoski Valentina Pelivanova and Ajro Valit . “ […]
On 04/29/2014 was elected ” Patent of the Year” . Technical and technological solution for processing sludge from municipal wastewater and getting organic – mineral fertilizer is a patent of the year for 2013. The recognition of the 20th annual event got inventors : Resmi Ziba , Momchula Jordanoski Valentina Pelivanova and Ajro Valit . “ […]
09 May 2014 | IP Network News, Turkey
Our client, Solen Cikolata Gida Sanayi Ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi, a Turkish company, filed a design application for VIP in Jordan under no. 1687 in respect of food products packaging and containers under class 9, the application was published in the Official Gazette No. 426 on 5 October 2009 subject for a 3 months opposition […]
Our client, Solen Cikolata Gida Sanayi Ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi, a Turkish company, filed a design application for VIP in Jordan under no. 1687 in respect of food products packaging and containers under class 9, the application was published in the Official Gazette No. 426 on 5 October 2009 subject for a 3 months opposition […]
09 May 2014 | IP Network News, Syria
The Trademark Office in UAE has issued a circular letter on 30 March 2014, with an effective date of 1 April 2014, setting forth new rules regarding powers of attorney (PoA) as follows: New trademark applications will only be accepted if accompanied by a legalised PoA (late filing within 3 months is no longer permissible); […]
The Trademark Office in UAE has issued a circular letter on 30 March 2014, with an effective date of 1 April 2014, setting forth new rules regarding powers of attorney (PoA) as follows: New trademark applications will only be accepted if accompanied by a legalised PoA (late filing within 3 months is no longer permissible); […]
08 May 2014 | Macedonia
На 29.04.2014 беше избран овојгодишниот “Патент на годината”. Техничко-технолошкото решение за преработување талог од комунални отпадни води и добивање органско-минерално ѓубриво е Патент на годината за 2013 година. Признанието на 20-годишната манифестација го добија пронаоѓачите: Ресми Зиба, Момчула Јорданоски, Валентина Пеливанова и Ајро Валит. ” Проектот го почнавме пред неколку години и на крајот успеавме да […]
08 May 2014 | IP Network News
SIB informe que Consorzio Barolo Barbaresco Alba Langhe e Roero entreprend des actions déterminées contre la vente en ligne de ” kits de vin Barolo ” au Royaume-Uni, où les kits portant le nom Barolo, mais ne contenant rien de plus que de jus de raisin concentré, des levures, des enzymes, sulfites et d’autres substances […]
SIB informe que Consorzio Barolo Barbaresco Alba Langhe e Roero entreprend des actions déterminées contre la vente en ligne de ” kits de vin Barolo ” au Royaume-Uni, où les kits portant le nom Barolo, mais ne contenant rien de plus que de jus de raisin concentré, des levures, des enzymes, sulfites et d’autres substances […]
08 May 2014 | Indonesia, IP Network News
OHIM hosted a number of IP officials from ASEAN countries on April 2 and 3. Delegates from all ten ASEAN countries – Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Myanmar and Vietnam attended training courses enabling participants to acquire and exchange knowledge and practices in the classification field of trade marks. OHIM is the […]
OHIM hosted a number of IP officials from ASEAN countries on April 2 and 3. Delegates from all ten ASEAN countries – Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Myanmar and Vietnam attended training courses enabling participants to acquire and exchange knowledge and practices in the classification field of trade marks. OHIM is the […]
07 May 2014 | Canada, Switzerland
SIB informe que Consorzio Barolo Barbaresco Alba Langhe e Roero entreprend des actions déterminées contre la vente en ligne de ” kits de vin Barolo ” au Royaume-Uni, où les kits portant le nom Barolo, mais ne contenant rien de plus que de jus de raisin concentré, des levures, des enzymes, sulfites et d’autres substances […]
06 May 2014 | IP Network News
DERECHOS DE PROPIEDAD INTELECTUAL LEGISLACION NACIONAL – URUGUAY Ley N° 14.549 – Dirección de la Propiedad Industrial SE ESTABLECEN NORMAS PARA OTORGAR LOS TITULOS DE PATENTE DE MODELO DE UTILIDAD. El Consejo de Estado ha aprobado el siguiente PROYECTO DE LEY CAPITULO I: Modelos de Utilidad Artfculo 1°. Los modelos de utilidad novedosos que tengan […]
05 May 2014 | Canada, Switzerland
SIB a annoncé que la Commission Européenne a invité l’Italie à mettre complètement en œuvre la directive 98/71 relative à la protection juridique des dessins, ce qui signifie que les dessins pourraient bénéficier en même temps de la protection de la loi sur les dessins et du droit d’auteur. SIB rappelle que la loi italienne […]
02 May 2014 | IP Network News, Mexico
There is an increase of Mexican computing industry in many domains. Salomon Garza Castro is analyzing the growth`s aspects related to intellectual property starting from a disproportion of patent applications and granted patents in Mexico, which he explains with the fact that computer programs are not considered inventions as per the Industrial Property Law. The […]
There is an increase of Mexican computing industry in many domains. Salomon Garza Castro is analyzing the growth`s aspects related to intellectual property starting from a disproportion of patent applications and granted patents in Mexico, which he explains with the fact that computer programs are not considered inventions as per the Industrial Property Law. The […]
02 May 2014 | IP Network News, IzraelResponses(0)
JIPA participated, for the first time since May 2003, in the 20th session of WIPO-SCP (Standing Committee of the Law of Patents) held at Geneva, Switzerland, January, 2014. The subjects of the meeting have been “Quality of patents, including opposition systems,” “Exceptions and limitations to patent rights,” “Patents and health,” “Transfer of technology,” and “Confidentiality […]