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Signed a bilateral cooperation agreement between Macedonian Patent Office and the European Patent Office

Signed a bilateral cooperation agreement between Macedonian Patent Office and the European Patent Office

On July 10, 2014 in Munich, signed a bilateral agreement on cooperation between Dr. Safet Emruli, director of the State Office of Industrial Property of Macedonia  and Mr. Francois Rezhis Hanar, director of European and international cooperation in the European Patent Office. Bilateral cooperation agreement is based on the strategic document for cooperation with member […]

The post Signed a bilateral cooperation agreement between Macedonian Patent Office and the European Patent Office appeared first on IP Македонија.

On July 10, 2014 in Munich, signed a bilateral agreement on cooperation between Dr. Safet Emruli, director of the State Office of Industrial Property of Macedonia  and Mr. Francois Rezhis Hanar, director of European and international cooperation in the European Patent Office. Bilateral cooperation agreement is based on the strategic document for cooperation with member […]

The post Signed a bilateral cooperation agreement between Macedonian Patent Office and the European Patent Office appeared first on IP Македонија.

Signed a bilateral cooperation agreement between Macedonian Patent Office and the European Patent Office

Signed a bilateral cooperation agreement between Macedonian Patent Office and the European Patent Office

On July 10, 2014 in Munich, signed a bilateral agreement on cooperation between Dr. Safet Emruli, director of the State Office of Industrial Property of Macedonia  and Mr. Francois Rezhis Hanar, director of European and international cooperation in the European Patent Office. Bilateral cooperation agreement is based on the strategic document for cooperation with member […]

On July 10, 2014 in Munich, signed a bilateral agreement on cooperation between Dr. Safet Emruli, director of the State Office of Industrial Property of Macedonia  and Mr. Francois Rezhis Hanar, director of European and international cooperation in the European Patent Office. Bilateral cooperation agreement is based on the strategic document for cooperation with member […]
Trademarks have no effect in the states of Bahr el Ghazal, Equatoria and Greater Upper Nile

Trademarks have no effect in the states of Bahr el Ghazal, Equatoria and Greater Upper Nile

On 9 July 2011, the former Sudanese territory corresponding to the states of Bahr el Ghazal, Equatoria and Greater Upper Nile was declared to be the sovereign Republic of South Sudan. Following that date, all existing trademark registrations in Sudan immediately stopped having effect in this new country, South Sudan, as of this date. Since […]

Национален конкурс за студенти и докторанти по проект “Техностарт-насърчаване на иновационната активност на младите хора в България”

Национален конкурс за студенти и докторанти по проект “Техностарт-насърчаване на иновационната активност на младите хора в България”

Министерството на икономиката и енергетиката обявява Национален конкурс за кандидатстване по проект “Техностарт-насърчаване на иновационната активност на младите хора в България”, с краен срок на кандидатстване до 15.09.2014 г., включително. Проектът “Техностарт” е в изпълнение на приоритетни области №1 “Предприемачество” и №9 “Умения и иновации” от Националната стратегия за насърчаване на МСП 2014 -2020 г. […]

Министерството на икономиката и енергетиката обявява Национален конкурс за кандидатстване по проект “Техностарт-насърчаване на иновационната активност на младите хора в България”, с краен срок на кандидатстване до 15.09.2014 г., включително. Проектът “Техностарт” е в изпълнение на приоритетни области №1 “Предприемачество” и №9 “Умения и иновации” от Националната стратегия за насърчаване на МСП 2014 -2020 г. […]
US Consultations for Armenian and Georgian Judicial Training Centers

US Consultations for Armenian and Georgian Judicial Training Centers

CLDP announced that in August will take place the next one of the series of Consultations in Armenia, the” US Consultations on Judicial Education, Publications, and Developing Effective Distance Learning Programs in Washington, DC”. According to CLDP, participants will be officials from the Justice Academy of Armenia and officials from the High School of Justice […]

CLDP announced that in August will take place the next one of the series of Consultations in Armenia, the” US Consultations on Judicial Education, Publications, and Developing Effective Distance Learning Programs in Washington, DC”. According to CLDP, participants will be officials from the Justice Academy of Armenia and officials from the High School of Justice […]
US Consultations for Armenian and Georgian Judicial Training Centers

US Consultations for Armenian and Georgian Judicial Training Centers

CLDP announced that in August will take place the next one of the series of Consultations in Armenia, the” US Consultations on Judicial Education, Publications, and Developing Effective Distance Learning Programs in Washington, DC”. According to CLDP, participants will be officials from the Justice Academy of Armenia and officials from the High School of Justice […]

Потпишан билатерален договор за соработка со Европскиот завод за патенти

Потпишан билатерален договор за соработка со Европскиот завод за патенти

На 10 јули 2014 година во Минхен, потпишан Билатералниот договор за соработка помеѓу д-р Сафет Емрули, директор на Државниот завод за индустриска сопственост и г-динот Франсоа Режис Ханар, Директор на одделот за европска и меѓународна соработка во Европскиот завод за патенти. Билатералниот договор за соработка е заснован на стратешкиот документ за Соработката со државите членки […]

Глобален иновациски индекс 2014: Швајцарија, Велика Британија и Шведска ја водат листата со охрабрувачки знаци од Супсахарска Африка

Глобален иновациски индекс 2014: Швајцарија, Велика Британија и Шведска ја водат листата со охрабрувачки знаци од Супсахарска Африка

Темата на глобалните иновации 2014 е „ Човечкиот фактор во иновациите“, студија за улогата на човечкиот фактор во иновациите, забележува зголемен интерес кој покажале фирми и влади во идентификувањето на креативни личности и тимови. Оваа година на почетокот на GII (Global Innovation Index), Министерот на индустријата на Австралија Иан Макферлејн  се придружи кон авторите на […]

Should an ovum be protected with a patent?

Should an ovum be protected with a patent?

Advocate General’s Opinion in Case C-364/13 International Stem Cell Corporation v Comptroller General of Patents According to Advocate General Cruz Villalón, an ovum whose development has been stimulated without fertilisation and which is not capable of becoming a human being cannot be considered a human embryo However, if this ovum is genetically manipulated in such […]

Advocate General’s Opinion in Case C-364/13 International Stem Cell Corporation v Comptroller General of Patents According to Advocate General Cruz Villalón, an ovum whose development has been stimulated without fertilisation and which is not capable of becoming a human being cannot be considered a human embryo However, if this ovum is genetically manipulated in such […]
Conference for patent professionals and industry

Conference for patent professionals and industry

1-2 October 2014 European Patent Office, The Hague The EPO’s involvement with the Patent Cooperation Treaty has always been a matter of top priority. As a leading PCT authority the EPO produces approximately 40% of all international search reports and 50% of international preliminary examinations reports. Against this backdrop, the EPO is once again organising a […]

1-2 October 2014 European Patent Office, The Hague The EPO’s involvement with the Patent Cooperation Treaty has always been a matter of top priority. As a leading PCT authority the EPO produces approximately 40% of all international search reports and 50% of international preliminary examinations reports. Against this backdrop, the EPO is once again organising a […]
Impact of intellectual property infringements

Impact of intellectual property infringements

Intellectual property (IP) infringements, including counterfeiting and piracy: damage the economy of a country; threaten the health and safety of consumers; and attract organised crime. Consequently, it is the responsibility of Governments and law enforcement agencies, whose primary role is to protect society, to prevent IP infringements. The international police organisation, Interpol, states ”Trademark counterfeiting […]

Intellectual property (IP) infringements, including counterfeiting and piracy: damage the economy of a country; threaten the health and safety of consumers; and attract organised crime. Consequently, it is the responsibility of Governments and law enforcement agencies, whose primary role is to protect society, to prevent IP infringements. The international police organisation, Interpol, states ”Trademark counterfeiting […]
Impact of intellectual property infringements

Impact of intellectual property infringements

Intellectual property (IP) infringements, including counterfeiting and piracy: damage the economy of a country; threaten the health and safety of consumers; and attract organised crime. Consequently, it is the responsibility of Governments and law enforcement agencies, whose primary role is to protect society, to prevent IP infringements. The international police organisation, Interpol, states ”Trademark counterfeiting […]

US Consultations on Intellectual Property Infringement

US Consultations on Intellectual Property Infringement

In May, CLDP held consultations on intellectual property enforcement matter designed for 7 judges from general jurisdiction and appeals courts in Armenia and an official from the Justice Academy of Armenia.  CLDP informs also about a meeting with USPTO, the Federal Judicial Center, and United States District Courts. There were reviewed points of case law […]

Guides for basic assistance to intellectual property rights

Guides for basic assistance to intellectual property rights

These guides are written to provide basic assistance to intellectual property (IP) rights holders and their advisers on the IP protection and enforcement system in the countries concerned. The current batch of guides now includes India . The guides are intended to provide simple guidelines on how rights holders can protect their IP assets and […]

Community trademarks – looking after your rights

Community trademarks – looking after your rights

A Community trademark confers on the proprietor exclusive rights therein. The proprietor shall be entitled to prevent all third parties not having consent from using it in the course of trade. Art. 9 of the CTM Regulation You are responsible for enforcing your registered trademark. To do this effectively you must ensure your trademark is correctly […]

A Community trademark confers on the proprietor exclusive rights therein. The proprietor shall be entitled to prevent all third parties not having consent from using it in the course of trade. Art. 9 of the CTM Regulation You are responsible for enforcing your registered trademark. To do this effectively you must ensure your trademark is correctly […]
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