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Учество на претставници на Берин на семинар во Истанбул во организација на Tomson Reuters и Yalciner Consulting
Во организација на компанијата Yalciner consulting и подршка на Tompson Reuters во Истанбул се одржа еднодневен семинар на тема Why and how to search, watch and protect your your valuable trademark(s) worldwide со учество на 50 застапници и сопственици на трговски марки од регионот. Во рамките на семинарот беа презентирани најсовремените алатки за пребарување и […]
Participation of BERIN Representatives at a seminar organized by Tomson Reuters and Yalciner Consulting in Turkey
In collaboration with Tompson Reuters, the IP Agency Yalciner Consulting held a one day seminar on the topic Why and how to search, watch and protect your valuable trademark(s) worldwide. More than 50 representatives and owners of trademarks were present at the seminar. Through out the seminar were were presented the latest tools for searching […]
Црна Гора пред усвојување на предлог законот за Трговски Марки
На дневен ред на заседанието на Собранието на Црна Гора, што ќе се одржи на 13.10.2010 се наоѓа предлогот на Законот за Трговски Марки, што се очекува да биде усвоен. Изворната вест е преземена од официјалната страница на Собранието на Црна Гора
Montenegro before the adoption of the Draft on Trademark Law
On the agenda of the session of the Parliament of Montenegro, which will be held on 13.10.2010, will be the proposal of the Trademark Law, which is expected to be adopted. Source: Parliament of Monte Negro
Kosovo Parliament Approves New Trademark and Industrial Design Law
Last week the Kosovo parliament approved two fresh intellectual property statutes: a new Law on Industrial Design, which replaces its 2005 predecessor, plus a new Law on Trade Marks, which replaces the 2006 Law No. 2006/02-L54. The President of the Republic is expected to bring the new legislation into force in the near future. Source […]
Registration of the extended European patent in the Register of Patents at the Serbian Intellectual Property Office
Pursuant to the Patent Cooperation Treaty between the Republic of Serbia and the European Patent Organization (the „EPO“), the application for the extended European patent filed on or after 1 November 2004 provides equal rights as the national patent as of the date when EPO publishes the information on the patent registration. The extension of […]
Pursuant to the Patent Cooperation Treaty between the Republic of Serbia and the European Patent Organization (the „EPO“), the application for the extended European patent filed on or after 1 November 2004 provides equal rights as the national patent as of the date when EPO publishes the information on the patent registration. The extension of […]
The Patent office of Republic of Bulgaria refuses to respect statutory deadlines. With a letter 70-00-9608 from 13.09.2010 they inform us: „Regarding the implementation of the statutory deadlines, I inform you, that there are several types of deadlines in the law – suspensive, preclusive and instructive. The instructive deadlines are characteristic of the administrative process, […]
The Patent office of Republic of Bulgaria refuses to respect statutory deadlines. With a letter 70-00-9608 from 13.09.2010 they inform us: „Regarding the implementation of the statutory deadlines, I inform you, that there are several types of deadlines in the law – suspensive, preclusive and instructive. The instructive deadlines are characteristic of the administrative process, […]
Award for contribution to intellectual property development
In 2006 the National portal for intellectual property instituted a special award for contribution to the intellectual property in Bulgaria. The honorary diploma will be awarded annually to individuals whose active and dedicated work has contributed to the development of intellectual property in Bulgaria and its promotion in the society. This prestigious award aims to […]
In 2006 the National portal for intellectual property instituted a special award for contribution to the intellectual property in Bulgaria. The honorary diploma will be awarded annually to individuals whose active and dedicated work has contributed to the development of intellectual property in Bulgaria and its promotion in the society. This prestigious award aims to […]
We present to your attention the constructive suggestions of the team of IP BULGARIA concerning the established project of BPO for REGULATION FOR CONSIDERATION OF OPPOSITIONS UNDER THE LAW ON PATENTS AND REGISTRATION OF UTILITY MODELS.
We present to your attention the constructive suggestions of the team of IP BULGARIA concerning the established project of BPO for REGULATION FOR CONSIDERATION OF OPPOSITIONS UNDER THE LAW ON PATENTS AND REGISTRATION OF UTILITY MODELS.
Qeveria miraton Strategjinë për Pronësi Intelektuale
Me vendimin nr. 10/128, Qeveria e Kosovës ka miratuar Strategjinë për Pronësi Intelektuale dhe Planin e Veprimit 2010 – 2014. Një vendim i tillë u morr në mbledhjen e rregullt të Qeverisë më 11 qershor 2010. Kjo strategji synon që të shërbejë si dokument politikë që siguron baraspeshën në mes të interesave të krijuesve dhe […]
Government approves the Intellectual Property Strategy
Intellectual property refers to intellectual creations: inventions, academic and artistic creation, symbols, names, images, etc. Authors of these creations can forbid others to use their creations without their prior approval. Intellectual property includes “industrial property” and “copyright”. With the decision no. 10/128 Kosovo Government approved the Strategy on Intellectual property and Action Plan 2010-2014. Such […]
Government approves the Intellectual Property Strategy
Intellectual property refers to intellectual creations: inventions, academic and artistic creation, symbols, names, images, etc. Authors of these creations can forbid others to use their creations without their prior approval. Intellectual property includes “industrial property” and “copyright”. With the decision no. 10/128 Kosovo Government approved the Strategy on Intellectual property and Action Plan 2010-2014. Such […]
Intellectual property refers to intellectual creations: inventions, academic and artistic creation, symbols, names, images, etc. Authors of these creations can forbid others to use their creations without their prior approval. Intellectual property includes “industrial property” and “copyright”. With the decision no. 10/128 Kosovo Government approved the Strategy on Intellectual property and Action Plan 2010-2014. Such […]
High Level Forum on the Strategic Use of Intellectual Property for Prosperity and Development organized by WIPO on July 23 and 24, 2009
Ministers from least-developed countries (LDCs), senior government officials and heads of regional intellectual property (IP) organizations reaffirmed their commitment to integrating intellectual property (IP) and innovation strategies into their national development planning during a High Level Forum on the Strategic Use of Intellectual Property for Prosperity and Development organized by WIPO on July 23 and […]
Ministers from least-developed countries (LDCs), senior government officials and heads of regional intellectual property (IP) organizations reaffirmed their commitment to integrating intellectual property (IP) and innovation strategies into their national development planning during a High Level Forum on the Strategic Use of Intellectual Property for Prosperity and Development organized by WIPO on July 23 and […]
ICC welcomes steps on climate change from G8 and Major Economies Forum
Paris, 21 July 2009 – G8 leaders took steps at their summit in L’Aquila to develop an effective response to climate change that meets economic, social and energy needs, most especially in developing countries, but more cooperation between governments and business is needed, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) said today. ICC also […]
Paris, 21 July 2009 – G8 leaders took steps at their summit in L’Aquila to develop an effective response to climate change that meets economic, social and energy needs, most especially in developing countries, but more cooperation between governments and business is needed, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) said today. ICC also […]
AIPPI Baltic Conference 2009
AIPPI Baltic Conference 2009 that will be held at the Nordic Hotel Forum in Tallinn, Estonia on 2 – 5 September 2009 Conference Venue and Special Events Important Dates AIPPI Baltic Conference 2-5 September, 2009 Early Registration Fee until 31 July, 2009 Late Registration Fee from August 1, 2009 […]
AIPPI Baltic Conference 2009 that will be held at the Nordic Hotel Forum in Tallinn, Estonia on 2 – 5 September 2009 Conference Venue and Special Events Important Dates AIPPI Baltic Conference 2-5 September, 2009 Early Registration Fee until 31 July, 2009 Late Registration Fee from August 1, 2009 […]