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Archive: January, 2014
![Anti-counterfeiting trade agreement between France and Brazil](http://ipfrance.ip4all.com/files/2014/01/pic1-240x192.jpg)
Anti-counterfeiting trade agreement between France and Brazil
During the visit of the President of the French Republic in Brazil on 12 and 13 December, an agreement for cooperation in the fight against counterfeiting was signed between the two governments. The 2014-2015 cooperation of the two countries will focus on the exchange of information on projects to hinder counterfeiting and on the need […]
During the visit of the President of the French Republic in Brazil on 12 and 13 December, an agreement for cooperation in the fight against counterfeiting was signed between the two governments. The 2014-2015 cooperation of the two countries will focus on the exchange of information on projects to hinder counterfeiting and on the need […]
![Physical presence of your goods or services is not required to protect your trademark in India](http://ip4all.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/raja-pannir-selvam-50x50.png)
Physical presence of your goods or services is not required to protect your trademark in India
The case of trademark infringement and passing off was filed by EASYGROUP IP LICENSING LIMITED (the plaintiff) in respect of the alleged infringement and passing off by Easyjet Aviation Services Pvt Ltd. (the defendant). The plaintiff is a company offering air travel services primarily in Europe and the United Kingdom. They do not operate or […]
![WIPO Gazette of International Marks: reducing delay of publication](http://ip4all.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/WIPO_logo.jpg)
WIPO Gazette of International Marks: reducing delay of publication
The WIPO Gazette of International Marks, hereinafter referred to as “the Gazette”, the official publication of the Madrid system, is published by the International Bureau once a week on Thursdays. The Gazette contains all relevant data concerning new international registrations, renewals, subsequent designations, changes and other entries affecting international registrations, as well as information of […]
![Important Reminder for Filing a Design Patent Application with Foreign Language Documents](http://ip4all.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Logo_JAW-HWA1.jpg)
Important Reminder for Filing a Design Patent Application with Foreign Language Documents
According to Article 4 III of Regulations Governing Submission of Foreign Language Application Documents, where filing a patent application for design with foreign language documents, such documents shall contain drawing(s) and indicate the title of the design. After the amended Patent Act was effective on January 01, 2013, some attorneys didn’t pay attention to the […]
According to Article 4 III of Regulations Governing Submission of Foreign Language Application Documents, where filing a patent application for design with foreign language documents, such documents shall contain drawing(s) and indicate the title of the design. After the amended Patent Act was effective on January 01, 2013, some attorneys didn’t pay attention to the […]
![Амбасадорот проф. д-р Ѓорѓи Филипов избран за член на Европската академија на науки и уметности](https://ip4all.com/wp-content/themes/ip4all/images/ip4all-default-thumb.png)
Амбасадорот проф. д-р Ѓорѓи Филипов избран за член на Европската академија на науки и уметности
Проф. д-р Ѓорѓи Филипов е избран за редовен член на Академијата , во КласатаV(општествени науки, право и економија. Академијата претставува европски форум на учени, кој, со неговите 1.500 членови, работи на истражувања на европски релевантни теми од интердисциплинарен и транснационален карактер. Овие 1.500 членови се поделени во 7 класи (филозофија, медицина, уметност, природни науки, општествени […]
![International Pharmaceutical Patent Symposium](http://ip4all.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/symposium-50x50.jpg)
International Pharmaceutical Patent Symposium
The Institute of Intellectual Property Research & Development (IIPRD) with the support of Cantor Colburn, LLP, USA and Fukami Patent Office, Japan and Khurana & Khurana, IP Attorneys, India, presents Two-Days International Symposium On Strategies for Managing Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology & Chemical Patent Portfolios For R & D Scientists and IP Professionals With Focus on: Strategies […]
![No distinctiveness of the German slogan „Aus Akten werden Fakten“ (Files become facts)](http://ipgermany.ip4all.com/files/2013/12/J.-Lorenz.jpg)
No distinctiveness of the German slogan „Aus Akten werden Fakten“ (Files become facts)
Based on a complaint by a trademark applicant, the German Patent Court decided at the end of last year that a slogan that is principally capable to be distinctive and hence registrable loses its protectability when, at the point in time of decision on registration, the slogan represents an advertising medium in line with the […]
Based on a complaint by a trademark applicant, the German Patent Court decided at the end of last year that a slogan that is principally capable to be distinctive and hence registrable loses its protectability when, at the point in time of decision on registration, the slogan represents an advertising medium in line with the […]
![No distinctiveness of the German slogan „Aus Akten werden Fakten“ (Files become facts)](http://ipgermany.ip4all.com/files/2013/12/J.-Lorenz.jpg)
No distinctiveness of the German slogan „Aus Akten werden Fakten“ (Files become facts)
Based on a complaint by a trademark applicant, the German Patent Court decided at the end of last year that a slogan that is principally capable to be distinctive and hence registrable loses its protectability when, at the point in time of decision on registration, the slogan represents an advertising medium in line with the […]
Based on a complaint by a trademark applicant, the German Patent Court decided at the end of last year that a slogan that is principally capable to be distinctive and hence registrable loses its protectability when, at the point in time of decision on registration, the slogan represents an advertising medium in line with the […]
![No distinctiveness of the German slogan „Aus Akten werden Fakten“ (Files become facts)](http://ipgermany.ip4all.com/files/2013/12/J.-Lorenz.jpg)
No distinctiveness of the German slogan „Aus Akten werden Fakten“ (Files become facts)
Based on a complaint by a trademark applicant, the German Patent Court decided at the end of last year that a slogan that is principally capable to be distinctive and hence registrable loses its protectability when, at the point in time of decision on registration, the slogan represents an advertising medium in line with the […]
Based on a complaint by a trademark applicant, the German Patent Court decided at the end of last year that a slogan that is principally capable to be distinctive and hence registrable loses its protectability when, at the point in time of decision on registration, the slogan represents an advertising medium in line with the […]
![Warning About Requests for Payment of Fees](http://ip4all.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/WIPO_logo.jpg)
Warning About Requests for Payment of Fees
WIPO informs that further to the many warnings that have been published in the PCT Newsletter about invitations to PCT applicants and agents to pay fees that do not come from the International Bureau of WIPO and are unrelated to the processing of international applications under the PCT, a new invitation has been identified originating from “IPTR […]
![First meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Court of Intellectual property rights](http://ip4all.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/IP_Court_Moscow-240x159-240x159.jpg)
First meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Court of Intellectual property rights
The first meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Court of Intellectual property rights took place on December 27, 2013. The main theme of the discussions were issues concerning bad faith conduct, including competition for acquiring and using the means of individualization of legal persons, goods, services and businesses. Besides members of the Scientific Advisory […]
The first meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Court of Intellectual property rights took place on December 27, 2013. The main theme of the discussions were issues concerning bad faith conduct, including competition for acquiring and using the means of individualization of legal persons, goods, services and businesses. Besides members of the Scientific Advisory […]
![Первое заседание Научно-консультативного совета Суда по Интеллектуальным правам](http://ip4all.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/IP_Court_Moscow-240x159-240x159.jpg)
Первое заседание Научно-консультативного совета Суда по Интеллектуальным правам
27 декабря 2013 года состоялось ервое заседание Научно-консультативного совета Суда по Интеллектуальным правам. Главной темой дискуссии были вопросы, касающиеся недобросовестного поведения, в том числе конкуренции, по приобретению и использованию средств индивидуализации юридических лиц, товаров, работ, услуг и предприятий. Помимо членов Научно-консультативного совета в заседании приняли участие представители Роспатента, Генеральной прокуратуры, Федеральной антимонопольной службы и преподаватели […]
![Abusive use of a national emblem](http://ipgermany.ip4all.com/files/2013/11/Logo1.jpg)
Abusive use of a national emblem
The Design department of the German Patent and Trademark Office rejected a design application which illustrated the front and rear side of a 100 € bank note. The GPTO based its decision on the fact that, in accordance with the assessment in trademark law regarding national emblems, national emblems also include legal tenders, which is […]
The Design department of the German Patent and Trademark Office rejected a design application which illustrated the front and rear side of a 100 € bank note. The GPTO based its decision on the fact that, in accordance with the assessment in trademark law regarding national emblems, national emblems also include legal tenders, which is […]
![Abusive use of a national emblem](http://ipgermany.ip4all.com/files/2013/11/Logo1.jpg)
Abusive use of a national emblem
The Design department of the German Patent and Trademark Office rejected a design application which illustrated the front and rear side of a 100 € bank note. The GPTO based its decision on the fact that, in accordance with the assessment in trademark law regarding national emblems, national emblems also include legal tenders, which is […]
The Design department of the German Patent and Trademark Office rejected a design application which illustrated the front and rear side of a 100 € bank note. The GPTO based its decision on the fact that, in accordance with the assessment in trademark law regarding national emblems, national emblems also include legal tenders, which is […]
![Abusive use of a national emblem](http://ipgermany.ip4all.com/files/2013/11/Logo1.jpg)
Abusive use of a national emblem
The Design department of the German Patent and Trademark Office rejected a design application which illustrated the front and rear side of a 100 € bank note. The GPTO based its decision on the fact that, in accordance with the assessment in trademark law regarding national emblems, national emblems also include legal tenders, which is […]
The Design department of the German Patent and Trademark Office rejected a design application which illustrated the front and rear side of a 100 € bank note. The GPTO based its decision on the fact that, in accordance with the assessment in trademark law regarding national emblems, national emblems also include legal tenders, which is […]