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Archive: 25 Sep 2013
![Ambassador Dr .Gjorgji Filipov among honored guests of the 40th anniversary of the signing of the European Patent Convention](http://ip4all.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/40epobandf-240x179-240x179.jpg)
Ambassador Dr .Gjorgji Filipov among honored guests of the 40th anniversary of the signing of the European Patent Convention
Dr. .Filipov was the first Director of the Macedonian Patent Office and 6 years have run this institution in which the foundations of the Macedonian system of protection of intellectual property were established. Under his leadership preparations for the accesion of Republic of Macedonia to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 1995 and the Agreement for extension of the European […]
![Амбасадорот Др. Ѓорѓи Филипов во почесните гости на одбележување на 40 годишнината од потпишувањето на Европската Патентна Конвенција](https://ip4all.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/40epobandf-240x179-150x150.jpg)
Амбасадорот Др. Ѓорѓи Филипов во почесните гости на одбележување на 40 годишнината од потпишувањето на Европската Патентна Конвенција
Д-р Филипов беше првиот директор на Македонскиот патентен завод со кого раководеше шест години и ги воспостави темелите на Македонскиот систем за заштита на индустриска сопственост. Под негово раководство се подготвуваше пристапувањето на Република Македонија кон Договорот за соработка во областа на патентите (PCT- Patent Cooperation Treaty), 1995 и Договорот за проширување на европските патенти […]
![Ambassador Dr .Gjorgji Filipov among honored guests of the 40th anniversary of the signing of the European Patent Convention](http://ipmacedonia.com/files/2013/11/40epobandf-240x179.jpg)
Ambassador Dr .Gjorgji Filipov among honored guests of the 40th anniversary of the signing of the European Patent Convention
Dr. .Filipov was the first Director of the Macedonian Patent Office and 6 years have run this institution in which the foundations of the Macedonian system of protection of intellectual property were established. Under his leadership preparations for the accesion of Republic of Macedonia to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 1995 and the Agreement for extension of the European […]
Dr. .Filipov was the first Director of the Macedonian Patent Office and 6 years have run this institution in which the foundations of the Macedonian system of protection of intellectual property were established. Under his leadership preparations for the accesion of Republic of Macedonia to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 1995 and the Agreement for extension of the European […]
![Ambassador Dr .Gjorgji Filipov among honored guests of the 40th anniversary of the signing of the European Patent Convention](http://ipmacedonia.com/files/2013/11/40epobandf-240x179.jpg)
Ambassador Dr .Gjorgji Filipov among honored guests of the 40th anniversary of the signing of the European Patent Convention
Dr. .Filipov was the first Director of the Macedonian Patent Office and 6 years have run this institution in which the foundations of the Macedonian system of protection of intellectual property were established. Under his leadership preparations for the accesion of Republic of Macedonia to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 1995 and the Agreement for extension of the European […]
The post Ambassador Dr .Gjorgji Filipov among honored guests of the 40th anniversary of the signing of the European Patent Convention appeared first on IP Македонија.
Dr. .Filipov was the first Director of the Macedonian Patent Office and 6 years have run this institution in which the foundations of the Macedonian system of protection of intellectual property were established. Under his leadership preparations for the accesion of Republic of Macedonia to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 1995 and the Agreement for extension of the European […]
The post Ambassador Dr .Gjorgji Filipov among honored guests of the 40th anniversary of the signing of the European Patent Convention appeared first on IP Македонија.
![Ambassador Dr .Gjorgji Filipov among honored guests of the 40th anniversary of the signing of the European Patent Convention](http://ipmacedonia.com/files/2013/11/40epobandf-240x179.jpg)
Ambassador Dr .Gjorgji Filipov among honored guests of the 40th anniversary of the signing of the European Patent Convention
Dr. .Filipov was the first Director of the Macedonian Patent Office and 6 years have run this institution in which the foundations of the Macedonian system of protection of intellectual property were established. Under his leadership preparations for the accesion of Republic of Macedonia to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 1995 and the Agreement for extension of the European […]
The post Ambassador Dr .Gjorgji Filipov among honored guests of the 40th anniversary of the signing of the European Patent Convention appeared first on IP Македонија.
Dr. .Filipov was the first Director of the Macedonian Patent Office and 6 years have run this institution in which the foundations of the Macedonian system of protection of intellectual property were established. Under his leadership preparations for the accesion of Republic of Macedonia to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 1995 and the Agreement for extension of the European […]
The post Ambassador Dr .Gjorgji Filipov among honored guests of the 40th anniversary of the signing of the European Patent Convention appeared first on IP Македонија.
![Ambassador Dr .Gjorgji Filipov among honored guests of the 40th anniversary of the signing of the European Patent Convention](http://ipmacedonia.com/files/2013/11/40epobandf-240x179.jpg)
Ambassador Dr .Gjorgji Filipov among honored guests of the 40th anniversary of the signing of the European Patent Convention
Dr. .Filipov was the first Director of the Macedonian Patent Office and 6 years have run this institution in which the foundations of the Macedonian system of protection of intellectual property were established. Under his leadership preparations for the accesion of Republic of Macedonia to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 1995 and the Agreement for extension of the European […]
The post Ambassador Dr .Gjorgji Filipov among honored guests of the 40th anniversary of the signing of the European Patent Convention appeared first on IP Македонија.
Dr. .Filipov was the first Director of the Macedonian Patent Office and 6 years have run this institution in which the foundations of the Macedonian system of protection of intellectual property were established. Under his leadership preparations for the accesion of Republic of Macedonia to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 1995 and the Agreement for extension of the European […]
The post Ambassador Dr .Gjorgji Filipov among honored guests of the 40th anniversary of the signing of the European Patent Convention appeared first on IP Македонија.
![Ambassador Dr .Gjorgji Filipov among honored guests of the 40th anniversary of the signing of the European Patent Convention](https://ip4all.com/wp-content/themes/ip4all/images/ip4all-default-thumb.png)
Ambassador Dr .Gjorgji Filipov among honored guests of the 40th anniversary of the signing of the European Patent Convention
Dr. .Filipov was the first Director of the Macedonian Patent Office and 6 years have run this institution in which the foundations of the Macedonian system of protection of intellectual property were established. Under his leadership preparations for the accesion of Republic of Macedonia to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 1995 and the Agreement for extension of the European […]
The post Ambassador Dr .Gjorgji Filipov among honored guests of the 40th anniversary of the signing of the European Patent Convention appeared first on IP Македонија.
Dr. .Filipov was the first Director of the Macedonian Patent Office and 6 years have run this institution in which the foundations of the Macedonian system of protection of intellectual property were established. Under his leadership preparations for the accesion of Republic of Macedonia to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 1995 and the Agreement for extension of the European […]
The post Ambassador Dr .Gjorgji Filipov among honored guests of the 40th anniversary of the signing of the European Patent Convention appeared first on IP Македонија.
![Seminar on the Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs](http://ip4all.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/WIPO_logo.jpg)
Seminar on the Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) organizes a Seminar on the Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs at its headquarters in Geneva, on October 31, 2013. The aim of the event is to increase awareness and practical knowledge of the Hague system among existing and potential users, whether in industry or in private practice. The needs of […]
![Trademark Registration in Libya](https://ip4all.com/wp-content/themes/ip4all/images/ip4all-default-thumb.png)
Trademark Registration in Libya
The registration of Trade Marks in Libya is governed by the Law No.40 of 1956. In fact it is almost identical with the Egyptian Law, except for very minor additions. The registration process remained in abeyance for almost 22 years, during which time, the applications for registration were only received but without a registration being […]
The registration of Trade Marks in Libya is governed by the Law No.40 of 1956. In fact it is almost identical with the Egyptian Law, except for very minor additions. The registration process remained in abeyance for almost 22 years, during which time, the applications for registration were only received but without a registration being […]