Archive: September, 2011

Лек против пушење кој е надвор од патентна заштита претставува закана за Pfizer

Лек против пушење кој е надвор од патентна заштита претставува закана за Pfizer

Pfizer се соочува со закана во продажбата на лекот Campix,која доаѓа од страна на бугарска компанија, заради пласманот на лек кој припаѓа на нерегистираниот генерички пазар. Во една клиничка студија финансирана од страна на британски добротворни организации и медицински агенции за финансирање,добиени се ветувачки резултати во третманот со Tabex,лек продаван од страна на Софарма, со […]

Pfizer faces off-patent smoking drug threat

Pfizer faces off-patent smoking drug threat

Pfizer is facing a threat to its top-selling smoking cessation drug Champix from the Bulgarian company that has long marketed the low-cost off-patent medicine from which it was derived. A clinical study financed by British charities and medical funding agencies concludes that Tabex, sold by Sofia-based Sopharma, is promising because it is as effective and […]

Pfizer faces off-patent smoking drug threat

Pfizer faces off-patent smoking drug threat

Pfizer is facing a threat to its top-selling smoking cessation drug Champix from the Bulgarian company that has long marketed the low-cost off-patent medicine from which it was derived. A clinical study financed by British charities and medical funding agencies concludes that Tabex, sold by Sofia-based Sopharma, is promising because it is as effective and […]

Pfizer is facing a threat to its top-selling smoking cessation drug Champix from the Bulgarian company that has long marketed the low-cost off-patent medicine from which it was derived. A clinical study financed by British charities and medical funding agencies concludes that Tabex, sold by Sofia-based Sopharma, is promising because it is as effective and […]
New IP legislation in Kosovo

New IP legislation in Kosovo

At the beginning of September, on the territory of Kosovo came into force new laws on trademarks, patents and industrial designs. Novelties introduced by these laws are mostly related to the harmonization of regulations with the current European practice. Leaving the system of substantial examination and accepting the system of publication and opposition is the […]

Нова регулатива за интелектуалана сопственост во Косово

Нова регулатива за интелектуалана сопственост во Косово

Од почетокот на септември, на територијата на Косово стапија во сила нови закони за трговските марки, патенти и индустриски дизајни. Новините воведени со овие закони најмногу се однесуваат на усогласувањето на регулативите со актуелната европска пракса. Замената на системот за целосно испитување на трговските марки со системот на објавување е најзначајната измена која е воведена […]

New IP legislation in Kosovo

New IP legislation in Kosovo

At the beginning of September, on the territory of Kosovo came into force new laws on trademarks, patents and industrial designs. Novelties introduced by these laws are mostly related to the harmonization of regulations with the current European practice. Leaving the system of substantial examination and accepting the system of publication and opposition is the […]

At the beginning of September, on the territory of Kosovo came into force new laws on trademarks, patents and industrial designs. Novelties introduced by these laws are mostly related to the harmonization of regulations with the current European practice. Leaving the system of substantial examination and accepting the system of publication and opposition is the […]
Deadline for re-registration of Serbian national trade mark registrations in Montenegro is approaching

Deadline for re-registration of Serbian national trade mark registrations in Montenegro is approaching

With the entry into force of the new trademark law in Montenegro in December 2010, the obligation for re-registration of all trade marks, that at the moment of independence were valid on common territory of Serbia and Montenegro, is introduced. The deadline for re -regiistration the rights of national trademarks that were registered in Serbia […]

Крајниот рок за ревалидација на националните регистрации на трговски марки од Србија во Црна Гора се приближува

Крајниот рок за ревалидација на националните регистрации на трговски марки од Србија во Црна Гора се приближува

Со стапувањто во сила на новиот закон за трговски марки во Црна Гора од декември 2010 год., се воведува обврската за регистрација на сите трговски марки кои во моментот на осамостојувањето важеле за заедничката територија на Србија и Црна гора. Рокот за повторна регистрaција на правата на националните трговски марки, кои биле регистрирани на теритoријата […]

Deadline for re-registration of Serbian national trade mark registrations in Montenegro is approaching

Deadline for re-registration of Serbian national trade mark registrations in Montenegro is approaching

With the entry into force of the new trademark law in Montenegro in December 2010, the obligation for re-registration of all trade marks, that at the moment of independence were valid on common territory of Serbia and Montenegro, is introduced. The deadline for re -regiistration the rights of national trademarks that were registered in Serbia […]

With the entry into force of the new trademark law in Montenegro in December 2010, the obligation for re-registration of all trade marks, that at the moment of independence were valid on common territory of Serbia and Montenegro, is introduced. The deadline for re -regiistration the rights of national trademarks that were registered in Serbia […]
Licensing Executives Society (USA and Canada)

Licensing Executives Society (USA and Canada)

Annual Meeting – San Diego, USA 16-19 October 2011 The LES Annual Meeting in San Diego will be this year’s venue for the exchange of best practices and hands-on experience among the thought leaders and legal and commercial professionals representing the leading companies, research institutions, government laboratories and organizations from life sciences, high technology, consumer […]

US Congress passes patent reform bill

US Congress passes patent reform bill

The US Senate today passed a version of the patent reform bill that had been previously passed by the US House of Representatives. The bill now goes to the White House where President Obama is expected to sign the bill, thereby enacting it into law. The bill, when enacted, will bring US patent law more […]

Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property

Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property

XVIth Work Sessions and Administration Council Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, 16-19 October 2011 The Academic Program will be in charge of international speakers of the utmost importance, who will deal with current issues: Legal Marketing Dilution of Facto-Anti-IP Sentiment Crafts and Traditional Knowledge Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs Use […]

International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property

International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property

Forum and ExCo Meeting – Hyderabad, India 13-18 October 2011 Registration for the forthcoming AIPPI Forum / ExCo meeting is open at  Register for the AIPPI Forum / ExCo 2011 before 15 June 2011 and take advantage of the reduced registration fees. Attendance at the Forum is open to both members and non-members. The […]

German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property

German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property

Annual Conference – Berlin, Germany 14-16 September 2011 GRUR will hold its Annual Meeting 2011 at the Hotel Intercontinental Berlin. For over 50 years GRUR’s Annual Meeting has been the most popular and constant German IP event, bringing together over 700 German and European IP experts every year, including scientists, judges, governmental officials, lawyers, patent […]

Changes in Requirements for Specimens and for Affidavits or Declarations of Continued Use or Excusable Nonuse in Trademark Cases

Changes in Requirements for Specimens and for Affidavits or Declarations of Continued Use or Excusable Nonuse in Trademark Cases

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) is extending until September 23, 2011, the period for public comment on the proposal to revise the Trademark Rules of Practice and the Rules of Practice for Filings Pursuant to the Madrid Protocol to permit the USPTO to require:  any information, exhibits, and affidavits or declarations deemed […]

    • September 2011
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