Archive: November, 2014

China and Europe step up co-operation on patents as EPO-SIPO anniversary approaches

China and Europe step up co-operation on patents as EPO-SIPO anniversary approaches

The heads of the European Patent Office (EPO) and China’s State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) met in Brussels to discuss how to further improve and align their patent systems in order to better support innovation in both regions. At the meeting future joint activities were defined, and shared with stakeholders of the patent system at […]



Giunto quasi al termine della quarta edizione, il Progetto “Marchi e Disegni Comunitari” vuole fare il punto su uno dei principi cardine della materia: la coesistenza tra marchi e disegni nazionali e marchi e disegni comunitari. L’applicazione concreta di tale principio passa anche per il tramite della cooperazione tra l’UAMI (l’Agenzia della Unione Europea che […]

Giunto quasi al termine della quarta edizione, il Progetto “Marchi e Disegni Comunitari” vuole fare il punto su uno dei principi cardine della materia: la coesistenza tra marchi e disegni nazionali e marchi e disegni comunitari. L’applicazione concreta di tale principio passa anche per il tramite della cooperazione tra l’UAMI (l’Agenzia della Unione Europea che […]
Federal Circuit Upholds District Court Finding of Inequitable Conduct

Federal Circuit Upholds District Court Finding of Inequitable Conduct

In a split decision, the Federal Circuit upheld a district court finding in American Calcar, Inc. v. American Honda Motor Co. 13-1061 (9/29/2014) that Calcar’s patents were unenforceable due to inequitable conduct.  The case had previously been remanded by the Federal Circuit to apply the inequitable conduct test established in Therasense.  The test in Therasense […]

The EPO and India enhance co-operation on patents

The EPO and India enhance co-operation on patents

The European Patent Office (EPO) and the Intellectual Property Office of India (IPO India) have agreed to renew their co-operation on patents in an effort to support innovation in both regions. The EPO and the Government of India signed a Memorandum of Understanding on bilateral co-operation establishing a framework for structured work relations between the […]

The European Patent Office (EPO) and the Intellectual Property Office of India (IPO India) have agreed to renew their co-operation on patents in an effort to support innovation in both regions. The EPO and the Government of India signed a Memorandum of Understanding on bilateral co-operation establishing a framework for structured work relations between the […]
New Law on the Protection of Plant Varieties

New Law on the Protection of Plant Varieties

In early 2015 the new Law on the Protection of Plant Varieties, which ratifies the Act 1991 of the UPOV Convention, will enter into force. Source: UPOV

In early 2015 the new Law on the Protection of Plant Varieties, which ratifies the Act 1991 of the UPOV Convention, will enter into force. Source: UPOV
Community trade mark applications will now only be examined after they are paid for

Community trade mark applications will now only be examined after they are paid for

From November 24, OHIM will only examine trade mark applications and process any mail related to them after they are paid for. This means the Office can be more efficient, as it will no longer examine applications that ultimately will never be paid for. OHIM is a European Union agency that serves businesses across the […]

From November 24, OHIM will only examine trade mark applications and process any mail related to them after they are paid for. This means the Office can be more efficient, as it will no longer examine applications that ultimately will never be paid for. OHIM is a European Union agency that serves businesses across the […]
Односите меѓу Европскиот патентен завод и САД

Односите меѓу Европскиот патентен завод и САД

Benoît Battistelli- Претседател на Европскиот патентен завод (EPO) во својот  блог изјави дека е особено задоволен од односите со американските подносители кои активно ги користат услугите на EPO од 1970 година, наваму. Секоја година тие ја предводат листата во однос на европски пријави за патент , достигнувајќи 25% од вкупниот број во 2013 година, што претставува […]

OHIM clarifies its practice regarding the proof of applicable law in Article 8(4) cases

OHIM clarifies its practice regarding the proof of applicable law in Article 8(4) cases

In addition to the earlier trademarks specified in Article 8(2) CTMR, non-registered trademarks and other signs protected at Member State level used in the course of trade as ‘business identifiers’ of more than mere local significance can be invoked in an opposition provided that such rights confer on their proprietors the right to prohibit the […]

In addition to the earlier trademarks specified in Article 8(2) CTMR, non-registered trademarks and other signs protected at Member State level used in the course of trade as ‘business identifiers’ of more than mere local significance can be invoked in an opposition provided that such rights confer on their proprietors the right to prohibit the […]
Federal Circuit Upheld Court Stay Pending USPTO PTAB Review

Federal Circuit Upheld Court Stay Pending USPTO PTAB Review

The district court issued a stay order in Benefit Funding Systems LLC v. Advance America Cash Advance Centers Inc. 14-1122 (9/26/2014) to allow the PTAB to conclude a Covered Business Method Review before resuming litigation.  The covered business method review was petitioned for all of the claims at issue by one of the appellees.  Benefit’s […]

Batch 9 of the plant varieties illegible for the Plant Variety Protection

Batch 9 of the plant varieties illegible for the Plant Variety Protection

China reported that the introduction of the batch 9 of the plant varieties illegible for the Plant Variety Protection on the territory of People’s Republic was officially implemented in May 2013. MOA is also currently working on the test guidelines for Impatiens wallerana Hook. f., Impatiens hawkeri Bull., Panax ginseng C. A. Mey and Hylotelephium. […]

Conference highlights growing role of patent data for business and policy-makers

Conference highlights growing role of patent data for business and policy-makers

Some 400 IP professionals from across the globe are gathering in Warsaw this week to look at the latest developments in patent data and how it can be leveraged for business decisions. Opening the EPO’s 24th Patent Information Conference, Poland’s Deputy Economy Minister Grażyna Henclewska said: “We strongly and resolutely rely on an innovation-based development […]

Some 400 IP professionals from across the globe are gathering in Warsaw this week to look at the latest developments in patent data and how it can be leveraged for business decisions. Opening the EPO’s 24th Patent Information Conference, Poland’s Deputy Economy Minister Grażyna Henclewska said: “We strongly and resolutely rely on an innovation-based development […]
Community trade mark applications will now only be examined after they are paid for

Community trade mark applications will now only be examined after they are paid for

From November 24, OHIM will only examine trade mark applications and process any mail related to them after they are paid for. This means the Office can be more efficient, as it will no longer examine applications that ultimately will never be paid for. OHIM is a European Union agency that serves businesses across the […]

From November 24, OHIM will only examine trade mark applications and process any mail related to them after they are paid for. This means the Office can be more efficient, as it will no longer examine applications that ultimately will never be paid for. OHIM is a European Union agency that serves businesses across the […]
CIOPORA – историја, задачи, цели…

CIOPORA – историја, задачи, цели…

Филм CIOPORA за нејзината историја, задачи, цели, активности и структура. Филмот претставува кратка, но доволно сеопфатни информации за меѓународната заедница на селекторите на нови сорти растенија – асексуално репродуцирани декоративни и овошни сорти и за заштитата на интелектуалната сопственост на овие пронаоѓачи – селектори на нови сорти растенија, за самите иновации во сферата на одгледување […]

Chile will be a part of the UPOV Convention

Chile will be a part of the UPOV Convention

Chile is currently preparing a bill to accede to the Act 1991 of the UPOV Convention. Source: UPOV

UPOV- ратификација од страна на Белгија

UPOV- ратификација од страна на Белгија

Белгија го ратификуваше акт 1991 от Коннвенцијата UPOV (Меѓународна унија за заштита на нови сорти растенија). Новиот закон за заштита на нови сорти растенија ќе влезе во сила во почетокот на 2015 година. За UPOV Меѓународната унија за заштита на нови сорти на растенија  (UPOV) е основана од страна на Меѓународната конвенција за заштита на […]

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