Archive: May, 2014

Patent of the Year: Mineral fertilizer from municipal wastewater

Patent of the Year: Mineral fertilizer from municipal wastewater

On 04/29/2014  was elected  ” Patent of the Year” . Technical and technological solution for processing sludge from municipal wastewater and getting organic – mineral fertilizer is a patent of the year for 2013. The recognition of the 20th annual event got inventors : Resmi Ziba , Momchula Jordanoski Valentina Pelivanova and Ajro Valit . “ […]

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On 04/29/2014  was elected  ” Patent of the Year” . Technical and technological solution for processing sludge from municipal wastewater and getting organic – mineral fertilizer is a patent of the year for 2013. The recognition of the 20th annual event got inventors : Resmi Ziba , Momchula Jordanoski Valentina Pelivanova and Ajro Valit . “ […]

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Patent of the Year: Mineral fertilizer from municipal wastewater

Patent of the Year: Mineral fertilizer from municipal wastewater

On 04/29/2014  was elected  ” Patent of the Year” . Technical and technological solution for processing sludge from municipal wastewater and getting organic – mineral fertilizer is a patent of the year for 2013. The recognition of the 20th annual event got inventors : Resmi Ziba , Momchula Jordanoski Valentina Pelivanova and Ajro Valit . “ […]

The post Patent of the Year: Mineral fertilizer from municipal wastewater appeared first on IP Македонија.

On 04/29/2014  was elected  ” Patent of the Year” . Technical and technological solution for processing sludge from municipal wastewater and getting organic – mineral fertilizer is a patent of the year for 2013. The recognition of the 20th annual event got inventors : Resmi Ziba , Momchula Jordanoski Valentina Pelivanova and Ajro Valit . “ […]

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Patent of the Year: Mineral fertilizer from municipal wastewater

Patent of the Year: Mineral fertilizer from municipal wastewater

On 04/29/2014  was elected  ” Patent of the Year” . Technical and technological solution for processing sludge from municipal wastewater and getting organic – mineral fertilizer is a patent of the year for 2013. The recognition of the 20th annual event got inventors : Resmi Ziba , Momchula Jordanoski Valentina Pelivanova and Ajro Valit . “ […]

The post Patent of the Year: Mineral fertilizer from municipal wastewater appeared first on IP Македонија.

On 04/29/2014  was elected  ” Patent of the Year” . Technical and technological solution for processing sludge from municipal wastewater and getting organic – mineral fertilizer is a patent of the year for 2013. The recognition of the 20th annual event got inventors : Resmi Ziba , Momchula Jordanoski Valentina Pelivanova and Ajro Valit . “ […]

The post Patent of the Year: Mineral fertilizer from municipal wastewater appeared first on IP Македонија.

Patent of the Year: Mineral fertilizer from municipal wastewater

Patent of the Year: Mineral fertilizer from municipal wastewater

On 04/29/2014  was elected  ” Patent of the Year” . Technical and technological solution for processing sludge from municipal wastewater and getting organic – mineral fertilizer is a patent of the year for 2013. The recognition of the 20th annual event got inventors : Resmi Ziba , Momchula Jordanoski Valentina Pelivanova and Ajro Valit . “ […]

The post Patent of the Year: Mineral fertilizer from municipal wastewater appeared first on IP Македонија.

On 04/29/2014  was elected  ” Patent of the Year” . Technical and technological solution for processing sludge from municipal wastewater and getting organic – mineral fertilizer is a patent of the year for 2013. The recognition of the 20th annual event got inventors : Resmi Ziba , Momchula Jordanoski Valentina Pelivanova and Ajro Valit . “ […]

The post Patent of the Year: Mineral fertilizer from municipal wastewater appeared first on IP Македонија.

Patent of the Year: Mineral fertilizer from municipal wastewater

Patent of the Year: Mineral fertilizer from municipal wastewater

On 04/29/2014  was elected  ” Patent of the Year” . Technical and technological solution for processing sludge from municipal wastewater and getting organic – mineral fertilizer is a patent of the year for 2013. The recognition of the 20th annual event got inventors : Resmi Ziba , Momchula Jordanoski Valentina Pelivanova and Ajro Valit . “ […]

On 04/29/2014  was elected  ” Patent of the Year” . Technical and technological solution for processing sludge from municipal wastewater and getting organic – mineral fertilizer is a patent of the year for 2013. The recognition of the 20th annual event got inventors : Resmi Ziba , Momchula Jordanoski Valentina Pelivanova and Ajro Valit . “ […]
Jordan – Conflict between Solen Cikolata and Mars Inc.

Jordan – Conflict between Solen Cikolata and Mars Inc.

Our client, Solen Cikolata Gida Sanayi Ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi, a Turkish company, filed a design application for VIP in Jordan under no. 1687 in respect of food products packaging and containers under class 9, the application was published in the Official Gazette No. 426 on 5 October 2009 subject for a 3 months opposition […]

Our client, Solen Cikolata Gida Sanayi Ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi, a Turkish company, filed a design application for VIP in Jordan under no. 1687 in respect of food products packaging and containers under class 9, the application was published in the Official Gazette No. 426 on 5 October 2009 subject for a 3 months opposition […]
UAE – Updates on Trademarks Procedures

UAE – Updates on Trademarks Procedures

The Trademark Office in UAE has issued a circular letter on 30 March 2014, with an effective date of 1 April 2014, setting forth new rules regarding powers of attorney (PoA) as follows: New trademark applications will only be accepted if accompanied by a legalised PoA (late filing within 3 months is no longer permissible); […]

The Trademark Office in UAE has issued a circular letter on 30 March 2014, with an effective date of 1 April 2014, setting forth new rules regarding powers of attorney (PoA) as follows: New trademark applications will only be accepted if accompanied by a legalised PoA (late filing within 3 months is no longer permissible); […]
Патент на годината: Минерално ѓубре од комунални отпадни води

Патент на годината: Минерално ѓубре од комунални отпадни води

 На 29.04.2014 беше избран овојгодишниот “Патент на годината”. Техничко-технолошкото решение за преработување талог од комунални отпадни води и добивање органско-минерално ѓубриво е Патент на годината за 2013 година. Признанието на 20-годишната манифестација го добија пронаоѓачите: Ресми Зиба, Момчула Јорданоски, Валентина Пеливанова и Ајро Валит. ” Проектот го почнавме пред неколку години и на крајот успеавме да […]

Campagne contre la vente en ligne de ” kits de vin Barolo ” au Royaume-Uni

Campagne contre la vente en ligne de ” kits de vin Barolo ” au Royaume-Uni

SIB informe que Consorzio Barolo Barbaresco Alba Langhe e Roero entreprend des actions déterminées contre la vente en ligne de ” kits de vin Barolo ” au Royaume-Uni, où les kits portant le nom Barolo, mais ne contenant rien de plus que de jus de raisin concentré, des levures, des enzymes, sulfites et d’autres substances […]

SIB informe que Consorzio Barolo Barbaresco Alba Langhe e Roero entreprend des actions déterminées contre la vente en ligne de ” kits de vin Barolo ” au Royaume-Uni, où les kits portant le nom Barolo, mais ne contenant rien de plus que de jus de raisin concentré, des levures, des enzymes, sulfites et d’autres substances […]
Nice & Vienna Classification Training for ASEAN IP officials

Nice & Vienna Classification Training for ASEAN IP officials

OHIM hosted a number of IP officials from ASEAN countries on April 2 and 3. Delegates from all ten ASEAN countries – Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Myanmar and Vietnam attended training courses enabling participants to acquire and exchange knowledge and practices in the classification field of trade marks. OHIM is the […]

OHIM hosted a number of IP officials from ASEAN countries on April 2 and 3. Delegates from all ten ASEAN countries – Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Myanmar and Vietnam attended training courses enabling participants to acquire and exchange knowledge and practices in the classification field of trade marks. OHIM is the […]
Campagne contre la vente en ligne de " kits de vin Barolo " au Royaume-Uni

Campagne contre la vente en ligne de ” kits de vin Barolo ” au Royaume-Uni

SIB informe que Consorzio Barolo Barbaresco Alba Langhe e Roero entreprend des actions déterminées contre la vente en ligne de ” kits de vin Barolo ” au Royaume-Uni, où les kits portant le nom Barolo, mais ne contenant rien de plus que de jus de raisin concentré, des levures, des enzymes, sulfites et d’autres substances […]

Ley Nº 18.467 de 27 de Febrero de 2009. Instituto Nacional de Semillas. Modificación de Diversas Disposiciones de la Ley Nº 16.811

Publicada D.O. 24 mar/009 – N° 27699 Articulo 1°.- Sustituyense los articulos 14, 35, 37, 38, 40, 41, 44, 45, 48, 63, 65, 69, 72 y 75 de la Ley N° 16.811, de 21 de febrero de 1997, los que quedaran redactados de la siguiente manera: “ARTICULO 14.- El Instituto tendra los siguientes cometidos: A) […]

Law No. 18.467 of February 27, 2009. National Seeds Institute. Amendment of several provisions of Law Nº 16.811

The Senate and the Chamber of Representatives of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, having met at the General Assembly, Decreed as follows: Article 1 -Articles 14, 35, 37, 38, 40, 41, 44, 45, 48, 63, 65, 69, 72 and 75 of Law No. 16.811 of February 21, 1997 are hereby replaced to read as follows: […]

Ley N° 9.739 de 17 de diciembre de 1937 sobre Derechos de Autor (modificada por última vez por la Ley N° 18.046 de 24 de octubre de 2006)

ARTICULO 1 Esta ley protege el derecho moral del autor de toda creación literaria, cientifica o artistica y le reconoce derecho de dominio sobre las producciones de su pensamiento, ciencia o arte, con sujeción a lo que establece el derecho comun y los articulos siguientes. Asimismo, y en base a las disposiciones que surgen de […]

Ley Nº 17.805; Derechos de Autor en la Actividad Periodística (2004)

Artfculo 1°.- Sustituyese el artfculo 22 de la Ley N° 9.739, de 17 de diciembre de 1937, por el siguiente: “ARTICULO 22.- Salvo pacto en contrario, la autorización para el uso de artfculos en periódicos, revistas u otros medios de comunicación social, otorgada por el autor sin relación de dependencia con la empresa periodfstica, sólo […]