Archive: 30 Apr 2014

Decreto del 6 de diciembre de 2005 por el que se reforman y adicionan diversas disposiciones de la Ley de Propiedad Industrial

SEGRETARIA DE ECONOMIA DECRETO por ei que aar efor man y adicionan di versas disposi ci ones de la Lay delà Propiedad Industrial. Al margen un sello con el Escudo Nacional, qua dice: Estados Unidos Mexicanos.- Presidencia de la Repüblica. VICENTE FOX QUESADA, Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, a sus habitantes sabed: Que el […]

Decreto por el que se reforman y adicionan diversas disposiciones de la Ley de Propiedad Industrial del 19 de abril de 2005

SEGRETARIA DE ECONOMIA DECRETO por cl que sc rcforman y adicionan diversas disposicioncs de la Ley de lu I’ropiedad Industrial. A! margen un sello con el Escudo Nacional, que dice: Estados Unidos Mexicanos.- Presidency de la Repiiblica. VICENTE FOX QUESADA, Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, a sus habitantes sabed Que el Honorable Congrego de […]

Decree amending and supplementing various provisions of the Industrial Property Law of April 19, 2005

TREASURY DEPARTMENT DECREE amending and adding various provisions to the Industrial Property Law In the margin a stamp with the National Seal reading: Mexico – Presidency of the Republic. I, VICENTE FOX QUESADA, President of Mexico, inform its inhabitants: That the Honorable Congress of the Union has forwarded to me the following DECREE “THE GENERAL […]

Decreto por el que se reforma el artículo 77 de la Ley de la Propiedad Industrial (2003)

VICENTE FOX QUESADA , Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, a sus habitantes sabed: Que el Honorable Congreso de la Unión, se ha servido dirigirme el siguiente DECRETO “EL CONGRESO DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS, D E C R E T A: SE REFORMA EL ARTICULO 77 DE LA LEY DE LA PROPIEDAD INDUSTRIAL ARTICULO UNICO: […]

Decreto por el que se reforma la Ley Federal del Derecho de Autor del 30 abril de 2003

VICENTE FOX QUESADA, Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, a sus habitantes sabacl Que el Honorable Congreso de la Union, se ha servido dirigirme el siguiente DECRETO “EL CONGRESO DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS, DECRETA: SE REFORMA LA LEY FEDERAL DEL DERECHO DF. AUTOR ARTICULO UNICO.- Se reforman los artlculos 27, fracciones I y III, […]

CIOPORA Elects New Board: The election in The Hague shows high degree of unity among members

CIOPORA Elects New Board: The election in The Hague shows high degree of unity among members

TheHague:On April1 the CIOPORA Annual General Meeting elected the new CIOPORA Board and its President. As a result, two new Board member were elected, one Board member left the Board and Mr. Andrea Mansuino was re-elected as President of CIOPORA. Second term for the President and two new faces on the Board The election resulted […]

L’Italie a prolongé la durée du droit d’auteur pour les artistes

L’Italie a prolongé la durée du droit d’auteur pour les artistes

Le décret de la loi italienne n ° 22 du 21 février 2014 qui met en œuvre la directive n °2011/ 77 de l’Union Européenne, relatif à la durée de protection des droits d’auteur et de certains droits voisins, est entrée en vigueur le 26 Mars 2014. Le droit d’auteur italien a prolongé, de 50 […]

Italy warned to fully implement EU law on copyright for designs

Italy warned to fully implement EU law on copyright for designs

SIB announced that The European Commission has invited Italy to fully implement Directive 98/71 on the legal protection of designs, meaning that designs must have the protection of design and copyright laws. SIB reminds that The Italian law implementing the Directive was changed several times, by reducing the transitional period from ten to five years, […]

SIB announced that The European Commission has invited Italy to fully implement Directive 98/71 on the legal protection of designs, meaning that designs must have the protection of design and copyright laws. SIB reminds that The Italian law implementing the Directive was changed several times, by reducing the transitional period from ten to five years, […]
Italy warned to fully implement EU law on copyright for designs

Italy warned to fully implement EU law on copyright for designs

SIB announced that The European Commission has invited Italy to fully implement Directive 98/71 on the legal protection of designs, meaning that designs must have the protection of design and copyright laws. SIB reminds that The Italian law implementing the Directive was changed several times, by reducing the transitional period from ten to five years, […]

SIB announced that The European Commission has invited Italy to fully implement Directive 98/71 on the legal protection of designs, meaning that designs must have the protection of design and copyright laws. SIB reminds that The Italian law implementing the Directive was changed several times, by reducing the transitional period from ten to five years, […]
Italy warned to fully implement EU law on copyright for designs

Italy warned to fully implement EU law on copyright for designs

SIB announced that The European Commission has invited Italy to fully implement Directive 98/71 on the legal protection of designs, meaning that designs must have the protection of design and copyright laws. SIB reminds that The Italian law implementing the Directive was changed several times, by reducing the transitional period from ten to five years, […]

SIB announced that The European Commission has invited Italy to fully implement Directive 98/71 on the legal protection of designs, meaning that designs must have the protection of design and copyright laws. SIB reminds that The Italian law implementing the Directive was changed several times, by reducing the transitional period from ten to five years, […]
CIOPORA Elects New Board: The election in The Hague shows high degree of unity among members

CIOPORA Elects New Board: The election in The Hague shows high degree of unity among members

TheHague:On April1 the CIOPORA Annual General Meeting elected the new CIOPORA Board and its President. As a result, two new Board member were elected, one Board member left the Board and Mr. Andrea Mansuino was re-elected as President of CIOPORA. Second term for the President and two new faces on the Board The election resulted […]

TheHague:On April1 the CIOPORA Annual General Meeting elected the new CIOPORA Board and its President. As a result, two new Board member were elected, one Board member left the Board and Mr. Andrea Mansuino was re-elected as President of CIOPORA. Second term for the President and two new faces on the Board The election resulted […]
CIOPORA Elects New Board

CIOPORA Elects New Board

CIOPORA Elects New Board: The election in The Hague shows high degree of unity among members TheHague:On April1 the CIOPORA Annual General Meeting elected the new CIOPORA Board and its President. As a result, two new Board member were elected, one Board member left the Board and Mr. Andrea Mansuino was re-elected as President of […]