Archive: 30 Sep 2011

Лек против пушење кој е надвор од патентна заштита претставува закана за Pfizer

Лек против пушење кој е надвор од патентна заштита претставува закана за Pfizer

Pfizer се соочува со закана во продажбата на лекот Campix,која доаѓа од страна на бугарска компанија, заради пласманот на лек кој припаѓа на нерегистираниот генерички пазар. Во една клиничка студија финансирана од страна на британски добротворни организации и медицински агенции за финансирање,добиени се ветувачки резултати во третманот со Tabex,лек продаван од страна на Софарма, со […]

Pfizer faces off-patent smoking drug threat

Pfizer faces off-patent smoking drug threat

Pfizer is facing a threat to its top-selling smoking cessation drug Champix from the Bulgarian company that has long marketed the low-cost off-patent medicine from which it was derived. A clinical study financed by British charities and medical funding agencies concludes that Tabex, sold by Sofia-based Sopharma, is promising because it is as effective and […]

Pfizer faces off-patent smoking drug threat

Pfizer faces off-patent smoking drug threat

Pfizer is facing a threat to its top-selling smoking cessation drug Champix from the Bulgarian company that has long marketed the low-cost off-patent medicine from which it was derived. A clinical study financed by British charities and medical funding agencies concludes that Tabex, sold by Sofia-based Sopharma, is promising because it is as effective and […]

Pfizer is facing a threat to its top-selling smoking cessation drug Champix from the Bulgarian company that has long marketed the low-cost off-patent medicine from which it was derived. A clinical study financed by British charities and medical funding agencies concludes that Tabex, sold by Sofia-based Sopharma, is promising because it is as effective and […]
    • September 2011
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