Trademark: Nice Classification, Tenth Edition, Version 2015

As of January 1, 2015, the Nice Classification, Tenth Edition, version 2015 (NCL 10-2015), became effective. Changes to the class headings and a link to noteworthy changes are available at To see a comprehensive list of all the new or changed entries, on or after January 1, 2015, please use the following search strategy in the USPTO’s ID Manual: “20150101” or search by the “Effective Date” field in IDM-NG.

Trademarks Next Generation Acceptable Identification of Goods and Services Manual (IDM-NG) is available in a “beta” format. See The IDM-NG features basic and advanced searching options, including current NCL 10-2015 changes and prior versions and editions of the Nice Classification. Results are displayed in order of “relevance ranking” that correlate to the entered search criteria. Available in tandem with the long-established “legacy” ID Manual, both systems will continue to be maintained and contain synchronized data. The USPTO encourages users to compare and contrast the two systems and provide feedback and suggestions to vog.otpsunull@kcabdeeFMT with the subject “TMNG IDM Feedback.” The IDM-NG is best viewed in Microsoft® Internet Explorer® Version 9 and higher, but is also accessible in Google® Chrome® browser version 32 and higher. Display resolution settings above 900px are recommended for optimal viewing of the search window and results table.

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