In order to enhance the efficiency and shorten the period of the substantive examination for patent applications, the TIPO has done the best to proceed with the “Patent Application Backlog Reduction Program” approved by the Executive Yuan since 2010. The number of the finished substantive examination for patent applications is rising year by year. In 2013, the number of clearing up the substantive examination of patent applications exceeds 60 thousands, up to 67,364, which is more than the target amount, 61,840 patent applications per year, expected in the “Patent Application Backlog Reduction Program”. In comparison with the number, 52,426 patent applications, of clearing the backlog of the cases in 2012, it increased 14,920 patent applications in 2013.
There were 43,395 patent applications which requested for substantive examination in 2013. It is far less than the number of 67,346 of the finished substantive examination for patent applications in 2013. So, the accumulated number of patent applications is getting less and less now.
In 2013, the average period of finishing the substantive examination for a patent application has been decreased to 41.33 months per case which is less than 43 months per case of the target period. In comparison with the one in 2012, the period was 7 months shortened in average.
It is expected that the number of finishing the substantive examination can be kept up to 60 thousands of Patent applications in 2014. Then, the average period for the substantive examination of a patent application could be further shortened to 35 months per case in 2014.
Source: TIPO Newsletter issued on February 05, 201