RIYADH – Pursuant to the Royal Decree issued by King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz No. A/185 dated 14 Sha’aban 14340 H corresponding to June 23, 2013 , the official weekend days in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia were changed from Thursday and Friday to Friday and Saturday, bringing the Kingdom’s working days in line with other countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council.
The implementation of the new weekend days started on 20 Sha’aban 1434 H, corresponding to June 29, 2013 and applies to all ministries and government bodies, while it will be implemented by schools and universities starting from the next academic year.
This decree was issued following a recommendation in April by the Kingdom’s Shura Council, based on the economic position of the Kingdom and its international and regional obligations. This change will keep the Kingdom more in touch with the world trading centers.
Source: Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual Property (AGIP), AGIP Bulletin June 2013