May 24 – Bulgarian National Day of Slavonic Literature and Culture

24mayBulgaria celebrates May 24 as the day of the Bulgarian Education and Culture and Slavonic Literature. It’s also the official Day of Holy Brothers St. Cyril and St. Methody who wrote the first Slavonic alphabet in 855 A.D. – the Glagolitic (“Glagolitsa” in Bulgarian), and translated into Old Bulgarian the Bible and the religious literature of Orthodox Christianity.

The Glagolitic and the subsequently invented Cyrillic alphabet from the 9th century, are the oldest known Slavic alphabets.

The disciples of Cyril and Methodius introduced the alphabet in Bulgaria, putting the beginning of its journey to the world.

On May 11, 1851 a celebration was organized by Nayden Gerov at the eparchy school “St St Cyril and Methody” in the town of Plovdiv. This was the first time to be marked the Day of the Saint brothers. Since 1857 this day has been celebrated every year in Plovdiv, Tsarigrad, Shumen and Lom and it was no by accident that May 11 was chosen – this is the common Church Holiday of the two Saints.

May 24 – the Day of Slavonic Alphabet, Bulgarian Enlightenment and Culture is a Public holiday in Bulgaria that has been celebrated for 162 years now – which makes it the longest celebrated holiday in Bulgaria’s late history.

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