(Buenos Aires, January 23, 1973 – Official Gazette, January 31, 1973)
In exercise of the powers conferred by Article 5 of the Statute of the Argentine Revolution, the President of the Argentine Republic hereby enacts and promulgates the following Law:
1. The General Society of Authors of Argentina for Mutual Protection (ARGENTORES) is hereby recognized as a private civil and cultural friendly association representing national and foreign creators of literary, dramatic, dramatico-musical, cinematographic, televisual, radio, choreographic, mime, journalistic and entertainment works and continuity scripts for shows, written or broadcast on radio, in film or on television, or fixed in a material form that can be used to record sounds, images, or image and sound. It also represents the heirs and successors of authors and foreign societies of authors with which it is linked through mutual assistance and representation agreements and is the sole administrator of the aforementioned works and recipient of charges for the use of the aforementioned authors’ oeuvres. The General Society of Authors of Argentina for Mutual Protection (ARGENTORES) shall be responsible for collecting, throughout the territory of Argentina, all royalties arising from the use of the aforementioned works in public performances or performances broadcast on radio, in film or on television or via any other broadcasting medium that has been created or may be created in the future, where such works are fixed in a material form that can be used to record sounds, images, or image and sound, irrespective of the medium and the procedures used. It shall also be responsible for the authorizations provided for in Article 36 of Law No. 11.723, unless use is expressly prohibited by the author, and the protection and defense of the moral rights of the authors of the aforementioned works. Natural or legal persons, whether Argentine or foreign, who or which are responsible for collecting royalties on their own behalf or that of principals shall act through the General Society of Authors of Argentina for Mutual Protection (ARGENTORES).
2. In order to protect authors’ artistic ownership of valid copyright, the Government shall monitor the General Society of Authors of Argentina for Mutual Protection (ARGENTORES) on an ongoing basis through the National Institute of Mutual Action.
3. The present Law shall apply throughout the national territory, without prejudice to the police powers of provincial and municipal governments in their respective jurisdictions; any provision to the contrary is hereby repealed.
4. Within forty-five (45) days of publication of the present Law, the corresponding regulatory decree shall be issued; articles of association and social regulations shall be adjusted in line with the rules therein.
5. This Law shall be disseminated, published, transmitted to the National Directorate of the Official Registry and placed in the archives.
(Signed) Lanusse, Puiggrós
Courtesy translation provided by WIPO, © 2011