INTIPSA webinar – leading international experts examine where tax

INTIPSA webinar – leading international experts examine where tax and accounting rules impact on IP

Tax, accounting and IP may seem strange bedfellows but together they can be powerful drivers of a world-class Intellectual Property strategy. In our upcoming INTIPSA webinar, leading international experts examine where tax and accounting rules impact on IP. We explore how to use them to drive the best possible financial performance from your brand or technology. – Thinking of offshoring your brand? We look at the factors to take into account in making your decision. – Acquired several companies over the last few years? Our experts help you identify where transfer pricing rules might put your business at risk of a nasty bill from the revenue authorities. – Heard of a ‘patent box’ but not sure what it is or whether your business could benefit? We compare various high-profile regimes to help you assess which country might have the best scheme for you. – How can SMEs benefit from tax and accounting rules? The team helps you understand where there are incentives and benefits for smaller businesses.

Our panellists will be: Anne Fairpo, Barrister, Atlas Chambers. Anne is a senior tax lawyer based in London with extensive experience of international cross-border tax transactions, particularly inbound US/UK deals. She has a particular interest in IP taxation and has presented at several conferences on the taxation of R&D and IP. Steef Huibregtse, Global Partner, Transfer Pricing Associates. Steef is the founding member of TPA, based in Amsterdam, a firm with a wide reputation in the area of transfer pricing strategy, risk management, design, documentation and implementation services. He has over 20 years’ experience in the area of international tax and transfer pricing consulting. The presentations will be followed by a Q&A session where you can raise your issues for discussion by the panellists.

The webinar takes place on Tuesday, January 17 at 16:00 Greenwich Mean Time (17:00 CET, 11:00 EST). Participation is free of charge to INTIPSA members After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar. For more information on INTIPSA, please visit

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