International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples

traditional knowledge

Logo of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues including artwork by Rebang Dewan.

Every year, 9 August is commemorated as the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples. The day is celebrated with special events around the world. Here is part of the message od WIPO Director General, Gury:

In line with its strategic objective to promote the use of intellectual property for the well-being of all, WIPO’s outreach includes seminars, practical workshops, briefs and guides that explain the use of existing intellectual property tools, like copyright, trademarks and geographical indications, including for those Indigenous Peoples who would wish to use such tools for their own benefit. The traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions of Indigenous Peoples form part of their core identities and are essential to their well-being and social cohesion.

The cultural heritage of Indigenous Peoples also embodies significant innovation and creativity and constitutes a valuable source of inspiration and knowledge for society at large as well as for creators and inventors, from fashion designers to the pharmaceutical industry, from musicians to farmers. Traditional knowledge could also play an important role in addressing global challenges, from inspiring ways for peoples to live in harmony with the environment, mitigate the effects of climate change or enhance public health and food security.

Intangible cultural heritage is prone to what is perceived by many as misappropriation and misuse: it is valuable and at the same time largely accessible, while it is only partly protected under the present international intellectual property system. Addressing these issues at the international level would help Indigenous Peoples to better control and draw more benefit from the utilization of their traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions, should they so wish to do so.

WIPO member states initiated negotiations in 2009 with the objective of reaching agreement on an international legal instrument or instruments which will ensure the effective protection of genetic resources, traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions.

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