Intellectual Property Rights in International Trade – Public Hearing

public hearingYesterday in Brussels, members of INTA Committee heard from experts, academics and industry how current IPRs impact trade and in turn how trade impacts IPRs. The hearing aimed at providing a view on existing IPR provisions in free trade agreements, their implementation and enforcement, possible improvements for the future, while taking account of the WTO and WIPO frameworks.

A fair and balanced system of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) is key for establishing a conducive environment for creators and at the same time ensuring the even spreading of innovation and progress.

The Intellectual Property Rights in International Trade public hearing had the following speakers:

António CAMPINOS, Executive Director, European Union Intellectual Property Office – “EU’s international cooperation on protection of intellectual propertyrights in thirdcountries, view of the EU IPO”

Carlos M. CORREA, Prof. Dr. Director, Center for Interdisciplinary Studies on Industrial Property and Economics, Law Faculty,University of Buenos Aires; Advisor on Intellectual Property and Trade, South Centre – “Increased protection for intellectual property in EU partners. Benefits and costs”

Marie PATTULLO, Senior Trade Marks and Brand Protection Manager AIM European Brands Association – “Protection of European brands; view of the industry”

Piotr STRYSZOWSKI, Ph.D. Senior Economist, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Directorate for Public Governance. Co-author of the OECD-EUIPO study “Trade in Counterfeit and Pirated Goods. Mapping the Economic Impact” – “The Economic Impact of Trade in Counterfeit and Pirated Goods”.

Source: European Parliament

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