Government approves the Intellectual Property Strategy

Intellectual property refers to intellectual creations: inventions, academic and artistic creation, symbols, names, images, etc. Authors of these creations can forbid others to use their creations without their prior approval. Intellectual property includes “industrial property” and “copyright”. With the decision no. 10/128 Kosovo Government approved the Strategy on Intellectual property and Action Plan 2010-2014.  Such […]

Intellectual property refers to intellectual creations: inventions, academic and artistic creation, symbols, names, images, etc. Authors of these creations can forbid others to use their creations without their prior approval. Intellectual property includes “industrial property” and “copyright”. With the decision no. 10/128 Kosovo Government approved the Strategy on Intellectual property and Action Plan 2010-2014.  Such a decision was taken in a regular governmental meeting, held on June 11th 2010. The aim of this document is to serve as political document that ensures equality among creators and publics’ interests, by preventing any kind of abuse with the intellectual property rights, which would put obstacles in market economy and fair competition. The objective of this Strategy is to improve the investment climate, and stimulate the development of economy, science, and culture in Kosovo, by defending the intellectual property rights. Efficient implementation of this strategy requires efficient courts, which ensures the defending of intellectual property rights. Kosovo Customs plays an important role in the implementation of this strategy, especially the Unit of Intellectual Property Rights, established within the umbrella of Kosovo Customs on February 1st 2009. However, this unit has only two officials, which is not enough for an effective implementation of this strategy. In the other hand, the market inspectors should continuously control trading places, production facilities, warehouses, working places and all other places where products are put in use. One of the biggest challenges that this Strategy foresees is removing the piracy products from the market, such as CDs, DVDs and different software. This involves increasing the awareness of the Kosovo citizens in fighting this phenomenon. Whereas, the establishment of the office for the Authorial Rights, within the MCYS is another important step that needs to be made.

The Action Plan for implementation of the Strategy on Intellectual Property 2010-2014 includes the following steps:

Further consolidation of the legal framework in compliance with European and international standards
Increase of technical capacities for the administrative authorities of the IPD (intellectual property dept.)
Technical increase of institutional capacities and strengthening the coordination and cooperation
Establishing organizations for collective management of copyrights and other similar rights, and creating one group of agents for intellectual properties.
Increasing the awareness and education regarding intellectual properties.


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