Focus Group Discussion and Advance Study on the Effect of Madrid Protocol Implementation

Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights (DGIPR) initiated a focus group discussion and advance study on “the Effect of Madrid Protocol Implementation” held in Hotel Citra Cikopo – Bogor on 9 – 10 September 2011. This event aimed to obtain suggestions and feedback from the participants to have a comprehensive study that can be used […]

LOGO-HARMET-CO.-157x240Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights (DGIPR) initiated a focus group discussion and advance study on “the Effect of Madrid Protocol Implementation” held in Hotel Citra Cikopo – Bogor on 9 – 10 September 2011.

This event aimed to obtain suggestions and feedback from the participants to have a comprehensive study that can be used as a reference for Indonesian government in accomplishing the ratification of Madrid Protocol.

President of the Republic of Indonesia issued Presidential Instruction Number 11 of 2011 on 6 June 2011 in order to implement Blue Print Commitment of ASEAN Economic Community of 2011 which has been agreed by all ASEAN members.

The President has given an instruction to the associated ministries including the Ministry of Law and Human Rights to take necessary steps to support the execution of Blue Print Commitment of ASEAN Economic Community in which one of them is to refer to the program of achieving a high competitive economic realm having the focus on 1) Competition Policy; 2) Intellectual Property Rights; 3) Infrastructure Development; 4) Taxation; 5) E-commerce.

Among all ASEAN countries, up to now only Vietnam and Singapore has ratified Madrid Protocol. However, other ASEAN members have agreed to ratify the protocol, including Indonesia.

By ratifying the said protocol, one of the expectations from Indonesian government that Indonesian trademark will be able to enter international market more easily, by having an easier and faster procedure and process.

Anyway, Indonesian plan to ratify Madrid Protocol still has some pros and cons among Indonesian people especially from intellectual property practitioners, thus it is necessary to have further study and discussion in the implementation of the said protocol.

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