Filing Requirements of IP Objects in the Syrian Arab Republic

Trademark – 10 years - Timeframe 12 months Legalized power of attorney. CD, 10 specimens, and sworn translation of the mark, prepared locally. Goods and classes covered (N. cl. 10th edition). Separate application for each class. Information whether the mark is used or will be used during the coming 3 years. Non-use of the mark may […]

Trademark – 10 years – Timeframe 12 months

  1. Legalized power of attorney.
  2. CD, 10 specimens, and sworn translation of the mark, prepared locally.
  3. Goods and classes covered (N. cl. 10th edition). Separate application for each class.
  4. Information whether the mark is used or will be used during the coming 3 years.
    Non-use of the mark may be a cause for cancellation by interested parties through court action.
  5. Details of home/foreign registration, if any. The Registrar may ask for the submission of a copy of corresponding application/ registration, to be filed within 3 months.
  6. Certified copy of home application if priority is claimed.
  7. T/Ms covering items in Classes 3+5:

Most of these trademarks are required to submit legalized certificates of origin. C.O.O. for trademarks covering goods falling under Class 5 should include chemical compositions (formula) of the product. Otherwise, a separate legalized chemical composition is required. It should be issued on the letterheads of the applicant stamped and signed by person in charge and legalized thereafter. C.O.O. may be filed within 3 months from date of request after study of the application that takes about 6 months from filing date.

Collective or Certification Mark – 10 years

1-7 Same as above.

8. Certified copy of byelaw of the association governing use of mark.

Opposition: – Timeframe 6 months

  1. Legalized power of attorney (within 90 days from filing opposition).
  2. Supporting points of view & documents available.

Renewal – 10 years –Timeframe 10 months

1-3 Same as above

As from 13 Dec. 2004, TMO started showing both dates of filing and registration on Registration Certificates.
Accordingly, the ten-year protection period starts from filing date. Renewal starts from original date of filing and penalty will    be imposed for late renewal.

Assignment, License, Merger (amendment or cancellation) – Timeframe 3 months

  1. Legalized power of attorney.
  2. Legalized deed/certificate of Assignment, License or Merger. The date of effectiveness must be mentioned in the certificate.
  3. Details of marks involved, in case of merger.

Change of Name or Address – Timeframe 3 months

  1. Legalized power of attorney.
  2. Legalized Change of Name or Address Certificate showing exact date of change.
  3. Details of the marks concerned.

Cancellation of a mark by owner or certain items from the list of goods after registration

  1. Legalized power of attorney.

Cancellation of a TM identical or similar to a famous TM: – Timeframe 3 months

  1. Legalized power of attorney.
  2. Legalized sample of TM registrations worldwide, court decisions, supporting documents for claims & evidences.
  3. Lists of TM registrations worldwide, with sample photocopies thereof and additional evidences supporting the claims.

Model & Design- 5 years – Timeframe 8 months:

  1. Legalized Power of attorney.
  2. Six copies of the drawings, images and description in Arabic or in any other language; provided that Arabic translation is submitted (translation could be arranged locally).
  3. Undertaking, on the letterhead of the applicant, signed and stamped by applicant, to the effect that the model or design is of his creation or innovation.
  4. Sample of miniature model might be required.
  5. Details of home/foreign registration, if any. The Registrar may ask for the submission of a copy of corresponding application/ registration. The same should be filed within 3 months.
  6. Certified copy of home application if priority is claimed.
  7. 2 Renewals (5 years each).

Patent, Utility Benefit Model – 10 years- and Patent of Addition:
National Patent Application – Paris Convention -(20 years)- Timeframe 36 months

  1. Detailed description of invention or benefit utility model in triplicate in Arabic and likewise in English or French in a clear manner. It contains the prior art, problem that existed, how to solve it with this invention, newness of invention or benefit utility model, the best method inventor is aware of that could be implemented by experienced people, the new elements to be protected specifically and clearly. And to also point out the chemical equations and chemical compositions formulas, drawings, and clarifying charts. Mention of trademarks, as technical terms in the technical description, is not allowed.
  2. Claims to be protected.
  3. Abstract of invention or benefit utility model in both Arabic and English or French, not exceeding 7 lines.
  4. If the application has to do with tiny creatures, hereditary sources, or traditional knowledge, the applicant has to point them out, and he could be requested to file a live farm of these minute creatures at publicly authorized labs, according to condition and specialization, provided that a certificate is presented confirming such filing.
  5. A certified copy of commercial or industrial registration or articles of incorporation for the legal personality.
  6. Original power of attorney especial for comm. & ind. property Protection or a certified copy thereof, with sworn Arabic translation, if prepared in a foreign language.
  7. Documents confirming assignment of invention or benefit utility model from their rightful owner, if any.
  8. Certificate issued for temporary protection of invention or benefit utility model, if any.
  9. Receipt of payment of application and study fees. (prepared locally)
  10. Applicant is committed to submit data, documentss and full information of applications filed abroad of the same invention or benefit utility model or anything relevant, the outcomes and settlement results, all included in the special questionnaire.
  11. Any other documents or data requested by the comm. & ind. property protection directorate.
  12. Submit written statements: inventor identity statement, newness and ownership of invention and the harmless effects statement.
  13. The documents provided, as abovementioned, have to be issued within 3 months from filing date; otherwise, the doc will be considered in violation, as inexistent. An acceptable doc has to be provided, excl. commercial registration considered to be valid for one year.
  14. Applicable scientific references.
  15. Electronic copy of docs.
  16. A post card with full name and address from applicant or his legal agent.
  • Pharmaceutical formulas and compounds are not patentable but not methods for manufacturing them.

PCT Application (20 years) – Timeframe 36 months

1-16. Same as above.
17. A copy of the PCT application with attachments showing Syria as a designated country (Form 101).
18. WIPO IB advice of receipt of priority documents (Form 304)
19. Same as above plus sworn Arabic translations of all other documents filed.
20. A copy of PCT Publication.
21. A copy of search report.
22. A copy of International Preliminary Report on Patentability. P.O. relies much on this Report. Any remark that the same is not new or not patentable will yield in rejecting the application.
23. Priority within 31 months.

  • All missing documents should be sworn translated into Arabic and filed within 3 months from date of filing

Integrated Circuit – 10 years – Timeframe 24 months

  1. Design plan drawing that reflects the 3D design, and parts of the design the applicant wishes to protect are clarified.
  2. Sample of the integrated circuit protection of its design plan is required.
  3. Information that clarifies the electronic function of the integrated circuit protection of its design plan is required.
  4. A certified copy of commercial or industrial registration, or articles of association for the legal personality.
  5. A documented/ authenticated certificate of the 1st exploitation of application in a foreign country, if any.
  6. A documented/ authenticated certificate of the 1st application filed to register the design in a foreign country, if any.
  7. Receipt of payment of application fees.
  8. Documents confirming the applicant’s status.
  9. Documents confirming assignment of design plan, if any.

Annuities & Nominal Working

  1. Legalized power of attorney.
  2. Details of patent concerned.

–         PCT annuity is calculated from Priority date.

Assignment, License, Merger, Change of Name or Address:

Same as for trademark.


  1. Legalized Power of attorney.
  2. Three copies of the work on CD.
  3. Undertaking that the copyright is created by the applicant or a legalized assignment in case the applicant is not the creator.

Domain Name (registration or renewal): – Timeframe 3 months

  1. Legalized Power of attorney.
  2. Legalized extract from the commercial register or articles of association.
  3. Special form set by the directorate.


  1. Legalization is by Syrian Consulate.
  2. General legalized POA can be used for any IP service mentioned here above.
  3. Same address should be used in any new application or recording.
  4. Opposition 90 days from date of publication for trademarks and patents.

Translation charges of list of goods, patent specification, claims etc. are charged once when these cover more than one country.


Source: GEORGE M. SYRIANI Patent, Design and Trademark Agents,

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