Counterfeiting goods of any kind has become a common practice, thousands of people are engaged in the production of imitations. Unfortunately, very few consumers realize how dangerous to their health can be the use of non-original products. Namely for this reason, the documentary „Counterfeit Culture”, was created. The film that will have its TV premierre on CBC Doc Zone, on 10 January 2013, fearlessly enters the dangerous and sometimes deadly world of imitation items.
Here we present to your attention very small part of the dangerous counterfeit goods, showed and analyzed in the documentary:
1.Counterfeit computer chips, mostly from China, are being sold to unsuspecting buyers including airlines.
2. They can brake your car or break your neck. Counterfeit car parts, including brake pads and air bags, are being installed into vehicles with potentially deadly consequences:
3. They can kill you or cure you. Counterfeit pharmaceuticals constitute approximately 15% of all medications sold globally, killing thousands of people each year.
4. Up to 80 percent of pharmaceuticals available over the internet are counterfeit, containing ingredients that can be lethal.
You can see a trailer of the documentary HERE.
More information at the Facebook page of Counterfeit Culture.