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7th International Conference on the “Innovation and creativity of women – Design opportunity for SMEs and regions”

7th International Conference on the “Innovation and creativity of women – Design opportunity for SMEs and regions”

On 20-21 March in Warsaw was held a conference on the role of design in the development of regions and enterprises, organized by the Polish Patent Office. During the meeting were discussed issues on the possibility of obtaining financial support to entrepreneurs, co-designers of small and medium-sized enterprises for business innovation in the programs of […]

On 20-21 March in Warsaw was held a conference on the role of design in the development of regions and enterprises, organized by the Polish Patent Office. During the meeting were discussed issues on the possibility of obtaining financial support to entrepreneurs, co-designers of small and medium-sized enterprises for business innovation in the programs of […]
7th International Conference on the “Innovation and creativity of women – Design opportunity for SMEs and regions”

7th International Conference on the “Innovation and creativity of women – Design opportunity for SMEs and regions”

On 20-21 March in Warsaw was held a conference on the role of design in the development of regions and enterprises, organized by the Polish Patent Office. During the meeting were discussed issues on the possibility of obtaining financial support to entrepreneurs, co-designers of small and medium-sized enterprises for business innovation in the programs of […]

On 20-21 March in Warsaw was held a conference on the role of design in the development of regions and enterprises, organized by the Polish Patent Office. During the meeting were discussed issues on the possibility of obtaining financial support to entrepreneurs, co-designers of small and medium-sized enterprises for business innovation in the programs of […]
Dropbox scans for copyright protected content

Dropbox scans for copyright protected content

The majority of the companies handle copyright infringement by deactivating or removing the concerned file. But Dropbox is focused on just deactivating the share feature and keeping the file. That is why, given this information users reconsider the reliability of cloud storage services. Dropbox uses an algorithm creating by cryptographic way a unique id for […]

The majority of the companies handle copyright infringement by deactivating or removing the concerned file. But Dropbox is focused on just deactivating the share feature and keeping the file. That is why, given this information users reconsider the reliability of cloud storage services. Dropbox uses an algorithm creating by cryptographic way a unique id for […]
Dropbox scans for copyright protected content

Dropbox scans for copyright protected content

The majority of the companies handle copyright infringement by deactivating or removing the concerned file. But Dropbox is focused on just deactivating the share feature and keeping the file. That is why, given this information users reconsider the reliability of cloud storage services. Dropbox uses an algorithm creating by cryptographic way a unique id for […]

The majority of the companies handle copyright infringement by deactivating or removing the concerned file. But Dropbox is focused on just deactivating the share feature and keeping the file. That is why, given this information users reconsider the reliability of cloud storage services. Dropbox uses an algorithm creating by cryptographic way a unique id for […]
Dropbox scans for copyright protected content

Dropbox scans for copyright protected content

The majority of the companies handle copyright infringement by deactivating or removing the concerned file. But Dropbox is focused on just deactivating the share feature and keeping the file. That is why, given this information users reconsider the reliability of cloud storage services. Dropbox uses an algorithm creating by cryptographic way a unique id for […]

The majority of the companies handle copyright infringement by deactivating or removing the concerned file. But Dropbox is focused on just deactivating the share feature and keeping the file. That is why, given this information users reconsider the reliability of cloud storage services. Dropbox uses an algorithm creating by cryptographic way a unique id for […]
France joined DesignView

France joined DesignView

The French National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) has been integrated into the DesignView database, making approximately 700 000 French designs, dating from 1910 to the present day, available to its users. The French and Maltese offices are the 14th and 15th offices, respectively, to become part of DesignView, joining Benelux, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, […]

The French National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) has been integrated into the DesignView database, making approximately 700 000 French designs, dating from 1910 to the present day, available to its users. The French and Maltese offices are the 14th and 15th offices, respectively, to become part of DesignView, joining Benelux, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, […]
France joined DesignView

France joined DesignView

The French National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) has been integrated into the DesignView database, making approximately 700 000 French designs, dating from 1910 to the present day, available to its users. The French and Maltese offices are the 14th and 15th offices, respectively, to become part of DesignView, joining Benelux, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, […]

The French National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) has been integrated into the DesignView database, making approximately 700 000 French designs, dating from 1910 to the present day, available to its users. The French and Maltese offices are the 14th and 15th offices, respectively, to become part of DesignView, joining Benelux, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, […]
За търговските марки, децата и модата

За търговските марки, децата и модата

Това, което аз съм учила и с което съм се занимавала е съвсем различно от тази тематика и проблематика, поради което пристъпвам към темата с плахост, но с желание съвсем „аматьорски” и без претенцията на сериозен научен труд да разгледам и поразсъждавам относно търговските марки, модата и влиянието на всички тях, заедно и поотделно, върху […]

Това, което аз съм учила и с което съм се занимавала е съвсем различно от тази тематика и проблематика, поради което пристъпвам към темата с плахост, но с желание съвсем „аматьорски” и без претенцията на сериозен научен труд да разгледам и поразсъждавам относно търговските марки, модата и влиянието на всички тях, заедно и поотделно, върху […]
IP Marketplace available for Polish users

IP Marketplace available for Polish users

The free online platform IP Marketplace exists since 2007 and is managed by the Danish Patent and Trademark Office. IP Marketplace is a free platform for buying or selling intellectual property rights and licenses. IP Marketplace unites people, interested in selling and buying exclusive IP rights and licenses and is a virtual place where potential partners […]

The free online platform IP Marketplace exists since 2007 and is managed by the Danish Patent and Trademark Office. IP Marketplace is a free platform for buying or selling intellectual property rights and licenses. IP Marketplace unites people, interested in selling and buying exclusive IP rights and licenses and is a virtual place where potential partners […]
IP Marketplace available for Polish users

IP Marketplace available for Polish users

The free online platform IP Marketplace exists since 2007 and is managed by the Danish Patent and Trademark Office. IP Marketplace is a free platform for buying or selling intellectual property rights and licenses. IP Marketplace unites people, interested in selling and buying exclusive IP rights and licenses and is a virtual place where potential partners […]

The free online platform IP Marketplace exists since 2007 and is managed by the Danish Patent and Trademark Office. IP Marketplace is a free platform for buying or selling intellectual property rights and licenses. IP Marketplace unites people, interested in selling and buying exclusive IP rights and licenses and is a virtual place where potential partners […]


How will the Bulgarian legislation change after the expected in 2014 amendment of First Directive of the Council to approximate the laws of Member States relating to trademarks (89/104/EEC) In the article „Changes in legislation regarding the protection of trademarks in the European Union“ we discussed the European Commission proposals to amend the FIRST DIRECTIVE […]

Contest for publication in connection with the World Intellectual Property Day April 26, 2014

Contest for publication in connection with the World Intellectual Property Day April 26, 2014

Dear readers, join our Contest for publication in connection with the World Intellectual Property Day April 26, 2014 MOVIES – A GLOBAL PASSION is the motto of this year’s World Intellectual Property Day celebrated by WIPO. Send us your work – article, essay, photo, poster or any other kind of material dealing with film industry […]

Dear readers, join our Contest for publication in connection with the World Intellectual Property Day April 26, 2014 MOVIES – A GLOBAL PASSION is the motto of this year’s World Intellectual Property Day celebrated by WIPO. Send us your work – article, essay, photo, poster or any other kind of material dealing with film industry […]
Contest for publication in connection with the World Intellectual Property Day April 26, 2014

Contest for publication in connection with the World Intellectual Property Day April 26, 2014

Dear readers, join our Contest for publication in connection with the World Intellectual Property Day April 26, 2014 MOVIES – A GLOBAL PASSION is the motto of this year’s World Intellectual Property Day celebrated by WIPO. Send us your work – article, essay, photo, poster or any other kind of material dealing with film industry […]

Annonce de concours « IP Day 2014 »

Annonce de concours « IP Day 2014 »

Chers lecteurs, Participez à notre concours de publications dans le cadre de la Journée mondiale de la propriété intellectuelle 26 avril 2014 Le film – une passion mondiale Est la devise sous laquelle OMPI célèbre La Journée de la propriété intellectuelle de cette année. Envoyez-nous votre conception – article, essai, photo, affiche ou d’autres matériaux […]

Chers lecteurs, Participez à notre concours de publications dans le cadre de la Journée mondiale de la propriété intellectuelle 26 avril 2014 Le film – une passion mondiale Est la devise sous laquelle OMPI célèbre La Journée de la propriété intellectuelle de cette année. Envoyez-nous votre conception – article, essai, photo, affiche ou d’autres matériaux […]
Antitrust: Commission adopts revised competition regime for technology transfer agreements

Antitrust: Commission adopts revised competition regime for technology transfer agreements

The European Commission has adopted new rules for the assessment of technology transfer agreements under EU antitrust rules. The purpose of such agreements is to enable companies to license the use of patents, know-how or software held by another company for the production of goods and services. The revised rules facilitate such sharing of intellectual […]

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