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The Patent & Trademark Office has completed the recruitment process for Patenet Examiners

The Patent & Trademark Office has completed the recruitment process for Patenet Examiners

The recruitment process for appointment of 248 new Patent Examiners has been completed by the Patent & Trademark Office. The increase in the number of patent examiners by 248 will help in clearing the backlog of pending patent applications as these examiners are together expected to examine about 30,000 more applications per year.

The recruitment process for appointment of 248 new Patent Examiners has been completed by the Patent & Trademark Office. The increase in the number of patent examiners by 248 will help in clearing the backlog of pending patent applications as these examiners are together expected to examine about 30,000 more applications per year.
Examination Procedure for Italian Patent Applications Finally in Place

Examination Procedure for Italian Patent Applications Finally in Place

The long awaited substantive examination procedure has finally arrived for patent applications filed in Italy, although available only for first national filings. The Italian Patent and Trademark Office (Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi – UIBM) first sends the applicant, or the applicant’s agent, the European Patent Office’s search report and a patentability opinion. Together with […]

Delhi High Court restrained usage of the business name ‘Tata Diamonds’

Delhi High Court restrained usage of the business name ‘Tata Diamonds’

Considering ‘TATA’ a well-known trademark in addition to being registered, Delhi High Court restrained (i) the defendant from using the business name ‘Tata Diamonds’ or any other business name; (ii) the defendant from using the domain name www.tatadiamonds.com or any other web name; which would constitute infringement of the trademark ‘TATA’.

Considering ‘TATA’ a well-known trademark in addition to being registered, Delhi High Court restrained (i) the defendant from using the business name ‘Tata Diamonds’ or any other business name; (ii) the defendant from using the domain name www.tatadiamonds.com or any other web name; which would constitute infringement of the trademark ‘TATA’.
Creativity Key to Executing Toughest IP Survey Projects

Creativity Key to Executing Toughest IP Survey Projects

Focus Group Discussion and Advance Study on the Effect of Madrid Protocol Implementation

Focus Group Discussion and Advance Study on the Effect of Madrid Protocol Implementation

Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights (DGIPR) initiated a focus group discussion and advance study on “the Effect of Madrid Protocol Implementation” held in Hotel Citra Cikopo – Bogor on 9 – 10 September 2011. This event aimed to obtain suggestions and feedback from the participants to have a comprehensive study that can be used […]

Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights (DGIPR) initiated a focus group discussion and advance study on “the Effect of Madrid Protocol Implementation” held in Hotel Citra Cikopo – Bogor on 9 – 10 September 2011. This event aimed to obtain suggestions and feedback from the participants to have a comprehensive study that can be used […]
EU Commission focusses on minor topics instead of approaching the real weaknesses of the CPVR system

EU Commission focusses on minor topics instead of approaching the real weaknesses of the CPVR system

Brussels, October 11, 2011 What was meant as a legal discussion ended in a political debate on agricultural practices and patents at the EU Conference on “EU Plant Variety Rights in the 21st century”. The Conference was very well attended by more than 150 participants from the sector – breeders, farmers, growers, politicians, officials and […]

European Commission report on efforts to combat counterfeiting in 2010

European Commission report on efforts to combat counterfeiting in 2010

The European Commission (Taxation and Customs Union) recently released statistics on the activities carried out within the fights against counterfeiting in 2010. The data published by the Commission show on one hand the effectiveness and efficiency of the control system and on the other hand an increasing number of seizures, evidence of a market that […]

CIOPORA introduces the Vice-Secretary General of UPOV to the world of flowers at the Proflora

CIOPORA introduces the Vice-Secretary General of UPOV to the world of flowers at the Proflora

Bogota, September 28 – 30, 2011 From September 28 to 30 the President and the Secretary General of CIOPORA attended the Proflora, one of the world´s largest cut-flower exhibitions. During the inauguration ceremony, attended by ca. 400 people, the President of ASOCOFLORES, Augusto Solano, expressly welcomed the CIOPORA delegation making emphasis on the importance of […]

Swimming in Shark-Infested Waters

Swimming in Shark-Infested Waters

It is not a “reasonable excuse” of non-use for a trademark by the reason that a trademark has been involving in pending opposition proceedings for years

It is not a “reasonable excuse” of non-use for a trademark by the reason that a trademark has been involving in pending opposition proceedings for years

The following trademark was opposed by a third party during its publication period in 2006 and the final official decision has not yet been issued until now. During the opposition proceedings, the opponent further filed a Cancellation application against the above trademark by the ground of non-use for three years since its publication date according […]

A series of activities planned by the Intellectual Property Organisation of Pakistan for 2012

A series of activities planned by the Intellectual Property Organisation of Pakistan for 2012

ISLAMABAD – Intellectual Property Organisation (IPO) of Pakistan Hameedullah Jan Afridi has said that a series of activities have been planned for implementation during the next year, while the process of developing the infrastructure of IPO is in process and all possible efforts are being made to improve the service delivery mechanism and capacity building […]

Secretary General of CIOPORA asks Colombia to push other countries to join UPOV

Secretary General of CIOPORA asks Colombia to push other countries to join UPOV

Bogota, September 27, 2011 In his speech given at the International Seminar LA PROPIEDAD INTELECTUAL EN VARIEDADES VEGETALES Y SU OBSERVANCIA in Bogota, the Secretary General of CIOPORA asked the government of Colombia to push other countries with established or currently developing horticultural industry to comply with international standards on the protection of plant varieties, […]

Taiwan Legislative Yuan passed the draft amendment to the Patent Act

Taiwan Legislative Yuan passed the draft amendment to the Patent Act

It has been over eight years since the Patent Act was last amended in February 2003. On November 29, 2011, the Legislative Yuan passed the draft amendment to the Patent Act proposed by the Executive Yuan. It is estimated this Act will come into force in one year after its promulgation by the President. The […]

Can We Lose Our Registered Marks?

Can We Lose Our Registered Marks?

The above simple question should not be ignored by those who have registered marks or have filed mark applications, since the mark holders still stand a chance of losing their marks even when those marks have been registered. So, how can a mark holder lose his registered trademark in Indonesia? In Indonesia, a trademark holder […]

The above simple question should not be ignored by those who have registered marks or have filed mark applications, since the mark holders still stand a chance of losing their marks even when those marks have been registered. So, how can a mark holder lose his registered trademark in Indonesia? In Indonesia, a trademark holder […]
A New Survey Protocol for Proving/Disproving Design Patent Infringement

A New Survey Protocol for Proving/Disproving Design Patent Infringement

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