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Postgraduate Courses and Research degrees in Bournemouth University
The postgraduate degree courses in Intellectual Property and International Commercial Law are accredited by the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA) and the Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys (ITMA). Within Bournemouth University, CIPPM has been responsible for integrating intellectual property content into the graduate curriculum across the university, including BA/BSc Product Design, BSc Software Engineering, […]

LLM in Intellectual Property Law in Queen Mary, University of London
Students who choose LLM in Intellectual Property Law will be able to study lots and very various disciplines as : IP Transactions, Media Law, Traditional Knowledge and Genetic resources, Intellectual Property. One of the teachers who are contributing to this program are : Professor Michael Blakeney Professor Peter Drahos Laura Edgar 2. MSc […]

Technische Universität München
В Техническият университет в Мюнхен и по-специално Центърът по право на Интелектуална собственост магистратурата “Интелектуална собственост и конкурентно право” обхваща всички области и разглежда проблемите на ИС на международно и европейско ниво. Езикът, на който се преподава е английски, продължителността на програмата е 12 месеца, като началото е октомври месец. Изискванията, които всеки кандидат трябва […]

Cornell University Law School
Cornell Law School’s mission remains that articulated by Cornell President Andrew Dickson White upon the founding of the law school 120 years ago: “Our aim is to keep instruction strong and standards high and so to produce … a fair number of well-trained, large-minded, morally based lawyers in the best sense.”

University of Indiana, Center for Intellectual Property Law and Innovation
The IU School of Law-Indianapolis is well-positioned to have profound influence in the area of intellectual property law. The school’s Center for Intellectual Property Law and Innovation (CIPLI) was created as a dynamic resource for attorneys, business leaders, inventors, and scholars—to assist them as they pursue endeavors related to intellectual property.

University of Torino
Италия и по-специално Торино е също една добра възможност за тези, които имат интерес в областта на ИС. Юни месец 2011 година WIPO съвместно с Университета в Торино и с финансовата подкрепа на италианското правителство ще организират магистърски програми по ИС. Работният език ще е английски, продължителността е девет месеца – от юни 2011 до […]

The University of Manchester
The University of Manchester Intellectual Property Limited (UMIP) is the managing agent of The University of Manchester for intellectual property commercialisation. A limited company with almost 40 employees, UMIP is wholly owned by The University of Manchester. The company consists of faculty oriented business management teams backed up by a central corporate office which provides […]

Master and Bachelor degrees in Intellectual Property in the University of National and World economy
In the University of National and World Economy the students can choose the bachelor or master programs in “Intellectual Property”. The duration of the bachelor program is 4 years full-time and the masters programs are 1 or 2 years, depending on the acquired bachelor degree. Some of the subjects that are studied are: Trademarks, Unfair Competition, […]