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Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property
XVIth Work Sessions and Administration Council Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, 16-19 October 2011 The Academic Program will be in charge of international speakers of the utmost importance, who will deal with current issues: Legal Marketing Dilution of Facto-Anti-IP Sentiment Crafts and Traditional Knowledge Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs Use […]

International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property
Forum and ExCo Meeting – Hyderabad, India 13-18 October 2011 Registration for the forthcoming AIPPI Forum / ExCo meeting is open at www.aippi.net. Register for the AIPPI Forum / ExCo 2011 before 15 June 2011 and take advantage of the reduced registration fees. Attendance at the Forum is open to both members and non-members. The […]

German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property
Annual Conference – Berlin, Germany 14-16 September 2011 GRUR will hold its Annual Meeting 2011 at the Hotel Intercontinental Berlin. For over 50 years GRUR’s Annual Meeting has been the most popular and constant German IP event, bringing together over 700 German and European IP experts every year, including scientists, judges, governmental officials, lawyers, patent […]

FICPI Korea Symposium
Seoul, Korea, 1-2 December 2011 FICPI is pleased to announce its International Symposium to be held in Seoul, Korea, on 1-2 December 2011. FICPI has previously held successful Symposia in Beijing, Yokohama and Delhi, offering attendees opportunities to meet professionals from all over the world, and to debate issues of concern to them today. Working […]

FICPI 13th Open Forum
Rome, Italy, 9-11 November 2011 FICPI’s 13th Open Forum is open to members and non-members of FICPI, intellectual property practitioners, and colleagues from industry and official bodies. Featuring FICPI’s multi-stream working programme, the Forum will deal with topics of interest and relevance to all attendees, including privilege, patent filing and prosecution strategies, new opportunities for […]

Germany decide the sign “Trademarker” is not registrable / OHIM has registered “Trademarkers”
German Federal Patent Court refused to register the mark”Trademarker” for : Class 16: Printed matter, pamphlets, periodicals newspapers, books, brochures, magazines; Class 35: Services of an accountant, services of an auditor Class 42 (according to current classification Class 45): Legal advice and representation, representation of a third party in court and in extrajudicial litigation, […]

Official Journal of the European Union posted List of Natural Mineral Waters Recognised by Member States
Official Journal of the European Union posted on its website on 29 March 2011 an updated List of Natural Mineral Waters Recognised by Member States. It gives a country-by-country breakdown of names of natural mineral waters by: Trade description, Name of source Place of exploitation Germany is the country which recognizes the most number of […]

Internships for graduates in the fields of law
Internships for graduates in the fields of law, international relations, European affairs, economics and communication These internships are open to talented graduates who have recently completed a degree in law, international relations, European affairs, economics or communication. They are available in the following EPO departments: 0.8 – Communication Department and Change Support Team 3.0 – […]

How Long Does it Take to Get a Patent
How Long Does it Take to Get a Patent? Submitted by Team Invntree on Thu, 03/10/2011 – 16:36 How long does it take to get a patent, is one of the most daunting questions every patent applicant has. Irrespective of how simple the question appears to be, the answer to this is anything but straightforward. […]

Training activities in the area professional representatives organized by EPO
Европейското патентно ведомство има ви информира за обучение в областта на професионалните представители, организирано в рамките на 2011 година. Examination Matters 2011 – EPO The Hague – 29-30 September 2011 Този семинар за професионални представители се организира за четвърти път. Както и при предишните семинари, участниците ще имат възможност да дискутират проблеми ден за […]

Scholarships on Music Copyright in the Digital Age, UK
Престижната Lord Kelvin/Adam Smith стипендия е създадена през 2007 година и вече 5 година подкрепя разработването на нови, международни изследвания в Университета в Глазгоу. Изградената схема подкрепя нови партньорства между членовете на екипа и предлага изключителната възможност на студенти да проведат докторска практика в контекста на съвременните интердисциплинарни изследователски практики. Стипендията е с продължителност 4 години и ще […]