Bulgarian school celebrated World Intellectual Property Day

intellectual propertyJordan Yovkov” School in Sofia, Bulgaria celebrated World intellectual property day in cooperation with the portal for intellectual property ipbulgaria.bg.

There was a presentation for the students of class 11a entitled “April 26, World Intellectual Property Day.” The aim was to raise awareness among students – their understanding of intellectual property. To get acquainted with the main objects of intellectual property:

  • patent – issued for inventions to holder of inventive step, applicable in all fields of technology for a specified period of time. It means that no one but the inventor can produce a certain product;
  • trademark – a symbol, name, phrase, sound, which are associated with a particular product. The creator of the product is the owner of trademark;
  • copyrights – refer to literary and artistic works, novels, audio – visual creations. They automatically arise for the author, immediately with the creation of his work;
  • trade secrets – undisclosed information, also known as “know how” or “industrial secret”. In this case, it is about the protection of certain information valuable for one reason or another for an enterprise that is making specific efforts to preserve it as a secret.

There was given a brief explanation, what is the difference between a patent and a utility model and why it is good to register the design of a product.

Specific issue was discussed – what is the role of patents, copyrights, trademarks and industrial design in our daily lives, “how the protection of intellectual property rights helps promote creativity and innovation” and not least “is it important to promote the respect of others’ IP rights. “

On April 26, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) celebrates World IP Day.

On this date in 1970, the Convention establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) enters into force.The date was fixed by the member states of WIPO at a meeting of the General Assembly in October 1999 when the decision to establish this holiday was accepted.

Every year on April 26, governments and organizations around the world celebrate World IP Day together with WIPO. As a member state of WIPO, the Republic of Bulgaria traditionally celebrates the World Intellectual Property Day.

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