Argentina remains on the Priority Watch List in 2014

special-301USTR reminds that Argentina is on the Priority Watch List since 1996. US notes the “little” progress of Argentina the past year, but gives the following statement for the country’s development in the IP sphere, where US concerns for intellectual property laws enforcement prevail:” high levels of piracy and counterfeiting, including in the digital environment,  lack of political will to address the situation, is the continued growth and expansion of the Notorious Market La Salada, and its owners’ ability to continue operating with impunity,delays in the acquisition of IP rights, and a lack of transparency for patentability criteria, Argentina’s patent application backlog is growing, a problem that could be alleviated by Argentina’s accession to the Patent Cooperation Treaty, a fail to provide effective protection against unfair commercial use or unauthorized disclosure of test and other data generated to obtain marketing approval for pharmaceutical products.”

The entire report can be found here.


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